Thursday, March 16, 2006

Carrot dangle.....


I had a meeting with the GM yesterday.  You all might remember my rant post about the bonus structure that was rolled out for 2006 and how unhappy I was.  I do not want to give the impression that my company is bad, they are not.  They are good to us, and have been extremely good to me over the years.  It's a small company in the scheme of things and surely are limited as to what and how.  I just couldn't let things go by without voicing my opinion.  Those of you that know me, know.  Those that don't, let me just say I don't take kindly to sunshine being blown up my ass to make me feel better.  I don't rant and rave, I don't swear, I don't cry.  I state facts in a professional, logical and calm manner.  At work anyway.  LOL 


I went into my meeting prepared with numbers.  I didn't really expect things to change, but I wanted it known that dangling a carrot that can never be reached is not incentive.  I know the bonus is just that, a bonus, not an entitlement but it should be motivational not demoralizing or de-motivating.  The meeting ended as I had expected, same plan in place, but I feel very confident I opened eyes.  I didn't bad mouth my associates that was not my intent.  My numbers, facts and figures showed exactly what I do in comparison and how it would be virtually impossible for me to do anymore by myself.  I felt good walking out of the meeting even though nothing monetarily changed in the plan.  Good news is I have some good things in the pipeline and maybe just be able to double up on the cumulative and get double next quarter.  Keep your fingers crossed that I can catch that carrot!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well done you that told em ...but nicely lol ..........Jan xx

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