Or it would be if there weren't so many clouds in the sky! I went out earlier to grab some cash and pick up stamps so I didn't have to stop on my way in to work. It was already extremely dark out and the streetlight in front was playing its normal game of tag. Sometimes it's on sometimes it's off. It's on when I am in bed and trying to get to sleep, but damn the minute you look out the window or walk outside 'poof' it is out. There was a beautiful crescent moon in the sky. You could see it's glowing rays dance off the moisture in the air and at times it was like it was snowing high in the sky. I didn't have my camera and figured I would grab it when I got back and get some shots. Wrong! As I drove, I cursed myself as I watched the clouds engulf it and leave only a faint misted glow in the sky. When I got home I couldn't even find it for any length of time. Shit! When will I learn just to do it? I think I need to have the Nike' logo plastered to my forehead.
The day was pretty mundane. The weather was sunny and chilly. I was just in a funk and really didn't feel like doing anything. I did what I had to, and pretty much lounged the rest of the day. I did work on a couple of Jeannette's graphics, one which I posted and the other I will post later. Her pictures are magnificent! On the one I will post later I used a different animation program, thank you Chris!! It was sent to me to do animated text which I haven't even tried yet, but I will. I wanted to try and make my own little movie clips like the ones used for the graphics I did awhile back. I need to get smaller ones so the files aren't so huge. It was my first attempt and I will keep plugging away until I get it down. Addicted, yes I am! Yes, Chris I will share it when I figure it out and can give directions without having to try and try again.
I fell in love with this graphic, and I really think it will be one of my favorites. Yes, Dianna, I said 'my favorite' :) The actual graphic had a still of the lighthouse light that I just could not make disappear without messing up the whole thing. Aaahhh new technique I thought, so I tried that and was able to clean it up so you couldn't see the still beacon only that which is moving. I still haven't mastered crashing waves but I will not avoid them. I will continue to play and look. Someday I will find the perfect solution and then, watch out!
I can't believe it's so late and I am wide awake! My body will scream at me tomorrow without a doubt. This is what I get for being so lazy! I do need to force myself though. And yes, I fixed my clock! LOL I shall be up on time tomorrow.
What is it about lighthouses that is so intriguing? Headed to bed with this vision...thank you. ;) C. http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies
I love this graphic, I live on the coast and love to see the moonlight on the sea from my window. I hope you find a way to make your movie clips smaller. Have a good week. Jeannette.
I saw the cresent moon last night too ,amazing to think all these miles apart ,same moon ! The graphic is perfect !..........Jan xx
I like this graphic, very pretty. Linda
Glad got your stamps and stuff. I hate stopping on my way to or from work! I love this graphic also! Linda
wow~Beautiful! Sassy says go to bed! ;-)
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