Sunday, October 23, 2005

Let us Grow


We all do our journals for different reasons, and I will be honest I started mine because I had extra time and thought it would be fun.  Any of you who have read from start to finish will see I started in June and pretty much kept things generic and scratching just the surface of my life.  Saturday was an emotional day for me as I really thought I would remove an entry for the first time ever, but the support I received from readers has been great and I decided to leave it.  It still gets to me when I think about it and I wonder if it was the right thing.  Alas, it's there and it will remain.  

I've been reading a lot of journals lately as I do intend on voting in the VIVI Awards and feel it is necessary to read more than one entry or one page of entries to get a feel for a journal.  Now, there is no way I could read all journals from start to finish, some have been around for years!  I did try to read the first entry and then randomly move forward.  What wonderful reads there are out there, but I did notice that some did start out slow or generic and slowly moved into more personal issues for various reasons.  It was great to see I am not the only one, and wonderful to see people grow.  

I feel I've grown a bit as well.  I cannot promise that every personal issue will be posted, I do not think I can go through another Saturday anytime soon.  LOL  The world did not end because of my post, and surely it never will.  I truly feel I've opened up a bit and it will get easier as time goes on.   

Since most things bloom in spring I may have picked the wrong time to blossom, but hey I'm being me :)  Let us all grow no matter what the season.


Anonymous said...

I agree that you cannot go to every journal and read it from start to finish. It would take us all until the next awards just to get through them.  I started very small.  After three entries I did a fourth saying I was giving up (I had had no readers) then suddenly people came an commented and told me to perserve. I could not post pictures or graphics. I have come a long way and my journal has helped me.  It has also made the bad times easier.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you did not remove that entry, it was good.  No matter what season you choose to blossom, it the right season, believe me!  Yes, you've come a long way in a short amount of time but the path has just opened up and the journey won't be lonely.  You have a whole community traveling with you for support!  I'm very glad I'm a part of that community.