~ It's Damn Cold ~
I want to start by saying thank you for all the nice words, hugs, and support for my entry the other day. I appreciate all of you! *hugs*
I woke up this morning to some blinding snow and wind that rattled the windows. The snow stopped, but the wind did not. It continued to blow and grab any loose snow flakes and throw them around. At points it looked like it was still snowing. BRRRRRRRR All this and I had to go out! The thought sent shivers up my spine, but I really needed to grab some groceries. I know with all the commotion of my Dad falling last week I never did say my sister's surgery was postponed until this Friday. She is doing fine, but the pain meds are just making her sleep. I wanted to get her a few things to make life easy while I'm at work. Right wrist, right handed. They told her nothing heavier then a coffee cup. LOL good thing too as she'd go nuts, and her left hand is not all that coordinated.
After shopping I did my son's taxes. Whuu huuuuu he's excited. He and his girlfriend are planning a trip to New York City and that will surely help. He'll stop by tomorrow so we can finish them up and get them out. I will do mine tomorrow night. I'm hoping for at least a small refund. Would be nice. LOL I want to get some additional lenses for my camera.
I also did some emails to the girls in my niece's wedding. Though it's not until October her shower will be in August. We need to get on the ball. She's planning a brunch and hoping it will be over by 2ish. Yeah, smart girl!! I think since of the girls will be in town the weekend of Feb 22, we will do lunch and try to narrow things down and get started. I did the tag below for her. ::grin:: She has a wedding profile or something or other on the net and it allows her to share some things, but also gives her a private side so they can do a check list. She adored the tag which made me extremely happy.

Speaking of tags. Tricia started up again and has opened her own tag journal. Her work is great and she offers some very nice things. Stop by and say hello, won't you?
K, gonna keep this short ... lol sorta. Thanks again!
PS if you'd like the Wedding Dayz graphic tag leave a note in the comment.
**UPDATE 2/11/08 9:30pm EST: No longer available, sorry **
Burrrrrr ....snagged this tag ....I was not able to view the wedding tag.
Stay worm ...have a great week.
Me again ....may I please have the following name
( Tara Leigh ) Thank you Donna
Stay warm Donna. I know i'm SO missing my home state BAD...Loved California weather BRR here in Oklahoma too.
Thanks for the J linking. You are great! HUGS
... forgive me for bothering you ... but I would like the 'It's Cold Outside' tag, again with Chrissy on it ..! Thanks ..!
I was going to tellyou Carrie is a lucky girl, it;s a lovely tag. Wans't going to request, but I have yet to make my daughter's wedding albumn/site. Could I have one tagged with the name "Nicolle"....thank you.
hugs, Bethe
Awww. I'm not getting married...but I love that tag.
May I have one with Bridgett, please?
Thanks so much!
P.S. I could use that cold tag right about now! It's 6 degrees with a LOW wind chill here. Frigid, I say!
That It's Cold Outside tag is too cute !!!!!! One with Lisa please, Hugs Lisa
I'm divorcing but still love the tag. Can I have one with Chrissie on it plz? That was nice of you to make her that tag. Hope you all can get things worked out.
It's like 18 here don't know the wind chill, but the wind will cut you in two. Son was gonna walk up the street to another subdivision and he didn't make it three houses up said the cold was bitter. I could have told him that, but he had to find out on his own.
Take care, Chrissie
love the Cold Outside graphic.... have a great week ahead.
It is cold here too. No snow til maybe on wed though..and I am fine with that..already seen enough snow this year to last a life time...wishing you a good week! Love all the new graphics..Hugs,TerryAnn
How lovely Donna you made the beautiful tag.It is beautiful too.Thankyou for the link to Tricia.I will pop by and take a look.Have a great day Stay warm.God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I hate doing taxes. I have my tax man do it and each year I owe MORE! Drives me NUTS! I'm totally dreading it this year.
Love the tag...so cute!
Love both sweetie they are beutiful can i have Lorna on both xxxx
of love
lorna xxxx
i LOVE that tag....i HATE this weather.....it has been the worst winter for me healthwise EVER....guess i am getting damn old, huh?
We went to deal with the dog sitting and the cold wind almost did me in, MY GOD, it was like 15 here. Insane weather.
I think you are an awesome mom for doing your sons taxes...so helpful! I hope you get loads back. I hope the govt decides to file mine today....we sent it in efile over 9 days ago and we are one of the millons on hold for God forbid using that college credit. AH's.
Love you
Love the tags! We went from rain, to freezing rain, to snow, to sunshine to snow to winds ... strange weather days, that's for sure!
Sending good wishes for your Dad and sister, hoping for a speedy recovery, well done in getting all your taxes done and I hope you get a refund. We have nice sunny weather at the moment so sypathieis with the cold weather.
Have a good week
Ok......i think i have missed some alerts here...will check back.
Hope that everything goes well for you sister and your dad continues making progress.
Sorry the weather has been horrid, it has been beautiful here.....bit worrying as they flowers don't know whats going on...Hmmmm global warming ??
Love the wedding tag.
hugs Jayne
We have the same weather. 40MPH winds Gusts with -25 to -40 Wind Chill. The high yesterday was -6. Woooooo. Thanks for the link to Tricias journal. She is good. :)
Stay Warm!
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/ Tracy
it's like 10 degrees here today, getting snow tomorrow night!
~~~Make it a Great Day~~~
Oh these are so cute!!
May I have the winter and wedding one Please
Thank You
the wind was crazy here too! We got our taxes done yesterday also, doing a happy dance! Linda
Could I have wedding day tagged with Sunny.
Thank you
Take care in the freezing weather, Donna
Glad your son gets to splurge his tax refund a little bit! Mine is going on credit cards :( Keep warm! -Missy http://journals.aol.com/ma24179/MISSYZSTUFF
May I please have this tag?
Thanks so much! :)
Please make me one with Maria.
Thanks bunches! Stay warm!
Hugs, Maria
Love this graphic at the top of the page... and the wedding one is cute too!!! You are so talented. One of these days I'm gonna really sit down and learn how to do more of this sort of thing. Courtney, my little one is all ready learning to make graphics on her dad's computer and she is only seven!! It really does look like the girl is breathing outside in the cold. Amazing work there!!! That is great you got son's tax return done. Hope you have a nice tax return so you can get the lenses for your camera. The wedding shower will be fun!! Hugs,
Ido hope things go well for your sister ,And how lovely to have a wedding to look forward too ,it will be here before you know it ,hope your Dad is still doing well ..love aJan xx
Still catching up.
Sending best wishes for your Dad, and I hope your Sister is doing OK.
It is 27 here now...no snow YET...they say we will probably get sleet and rain. You all sure get a lot of snow...but it is good if you are used to it. You sure had a busy day. Prayers for your sister when she does have her surgery. Have a great day and thanks for the link. Hugs and love,
Bundle up, Donna......brrrrrrrrrrr!!! We had a pretty nice day here yesterday to recover, but it started snowing this afternoon and we're expecting another 6 inches tonight and it's soooooo cold. Let's just try and remember these days when it's so hot we're melting :) LOLOLOL!
We just went through a wedding for my niece in October, we all flew to AZ for the wedding. My niece did one of those web sites too, her blog was titled "Bride on a Budget" <G>. It was cool though, because she did things like show us different locations for the reception and we would all put our two cents in. Is this Pat's daughter? It will be bittersweet, but a promise fufilled to her......and it will mean so much to you to be part of it so Carrie has a care free day. I look forward to hearing all about it. :)
Pooh Hugs,
the wedding tag is lovely and I really love the breathe animation on the winter tag.
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