Yes, once again the political red tape and bureaucratic bullshit has halted the growth of the city. Now, I'm not saying I am for gambling or not, but I am for progression and for the city to move forward with some type of growth. What seemed like a hundred years ago the Seneca Indians signed a deal to build 3 casino's. One in Niagara Falls, one in Salamanca, and one in the city of Buffalo. Well, Niagara Falls is done, open and getting a lot of traffic (picture above).
The city of Buffalo? Ohhh what a joke. This is what we have, and what we get.
Isn't pretty? In the beginning every site that the Indians wanted to build on, the city fought. 'No, not there.' After years of trying to negotiate a location they selected a spot in the suburbs near the airport. The city? Oh they fought it. 'Can't have it there, you have a contract and it has to be in the city!' A site is finally agreed upon. Old grain mills are torn down. Precautions taken for asbestos and what not. The Indians put up a temporary building and open for business as they start to build in the background. All the while the Falls location was up and running.
Now, well the Indians have halted everything. Recently there was a court hearing and the result was it is illegal to have a casino in the city. WTF!?! Did no one look into it prior to the years of bull shit we went through? The Indians are citing the economy, but I highly doubt it. So now instead of falling down grain elevators we have steel beams stretching to the sky with no estimated time frame for anything to be built. The city of Buffalo's idea of progress I guess.
Over 10 years and they still can't decide on the new bridge to replace the Peace Bridge going into Canada. I have said for years I will not see the bridge, it won't happen in my lifetime. I had hoped I was kidding, but the way our politicians and a good majority of people that live here think, or lack of thinking I'm afraid I am right. Let's all stand by and watch our empty buildings collapse around us, and not replace or move forward. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I love my city and want it to grow, but damn I am so tired of folks wanting to stay in the past. So sick of the numerous politicians arguing and not coming to any type of compromise. Instead lets fight over it and get nothing done.
On a brighter note. I'm good. I took a few days off. YEAH!!! I had planned on going to Presque Isle today. It's about an hour and half drive and located near Erie PA. I took a day off earlier in the summer to make the trip to get pictures and it rained. I woke up this morning and it was raining so I went back to bed. Later in the morning it was cloudy and overcast and looked as though the sky would open up again so I delayed the trip again. I plan to go tomorrow. It's suppose to be sunny and fairly warm. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather cooperates and I get some good pictures.
I don't go back to work until Wednesday afternoon. :::doing happy dance::: I am hoping to spend some time at my parents around the pool. Can you believe that summer is over... or so they say as Labor Day approaches. I'm hoping to squeeze out a few more hot sunny days.
School here starts on Wed and 'bug' will experience her first day. You know I'll be there to get some pictures of her. I can't wait. Kudos' to all the teachers out there, having the patience of a saint to deal with a class full of 'bugs'. OMG!!! I'd be in stitches and unable to perform any teaching.
'Nuff babbling today.. hope everyone is good and enjoying....