Yes, once again the political red tape and bureaucratic bullshit has halted the growth of the city. Now, I'm not saying I am for gambling or not, but I am for progression and for the city to move forward with some type of growth. What seemed like a hundred years ago the Seneca Indians signed a deal to build 3 casino's. One in Niagara Falls, one in Salamanca, and one in the city of Buffalo. Well, Niagara Falls is done, open and getting a lot of traffic (picture above).
The city of Buffalo? Ohhh what a joke. This is what we have, and what we get.

Isn't pretty? In the beginning every site that the Indians wanted to build on, the city fought. 'No, not there.' After years of trying to negotiate a location they selected a spot in the suburbs near the airport. The city? Oh they fought it. 'Can't have it there, you have a contract and it has to be in the city!' A site is finally agreed upon. Old grain mills are torn down. Precautions taken for asbestos and what not. The Indians put up a temporary building and open for business as they start to build in the background. All the while the Falls location was up and running.
Now, well the Indians have halted everything. Recently there was a court hearing and the result was it is illegal to have a casino in the city. WTF!?! Did no one look into it prior to the years of bull shit we went through? The Indians are citing the economy, but I highly doubt it. So now instead of falling down grain elevators we have steel beams stretching to the sky with no estimated time frame for anything to be built. The city of Buffalo's idea of progress I guess.
Over 10 years and they still can't decide on the new bridge to replace the Peace Bridge going into Canada. I have said for years I will not see the bridge, it won't happen in my lifetime. I had hoped I was kidding, but the way our politicians and a good majority of people that live here think, or lack of thinking I'm afraid I am right. Let's all stand by and watch our empty buildings collapse around us, and not replace or move forward. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I love my city and want it to grow, but damn I am so tired of folks wanting to stay in the past. So sick of the numerous politicians arguing and not coming to any type of compromise. Instead lets fight over it and get nothing done.

On a brighter note. I'm good. I took a few days off. YEAH!!! I had planned on going to Presque Isle today. It's about an hour and half drive and located near Erie PA. I took a day off earlier in the summer to make the trip to get pictures and it rained. I woke up this morning and it was raining so I went back to bed. Later in the morning it was cloudy and overcast and looked as though the sky would open up again so I delayed the trip again. I plan to go tomorrow. It's suppose to be sunny and fairly warm. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather cooperates and I get some good pictures.
I don't go back to work until Wednesday afternoon. :::doing happy dance::: I am hoping to spend some time at my parents around the pool. Can you believe that summer is over... or so they say as Labor Day approaches. I'm hoping to squeeze out a few more hot sunny days.
School here starts on Wed and 'bug' will experience her first day. You know I'll be there to get some pictures of her. I can't wait. Kudos' to all the teachers out there, having the patience of a saint to deal with a class full of 'bugs'. OMG!!! I'd be in stitches and unable to perform any teaching.
'Nuff babbling today.. hope everyone is good and enjoying....
Well, I for one am holding out hope. Let me know when opnening night is on and i'll meet ya there for the celebration! Seems no so much of what I'm missing. I MEAN IT. I will meet you three. And we'll walk out with a bundle each.
(oooo boy! I've got a date!)
ps I trust in indians. They've got it goin' on.'
That's so aggravating!!! I had never been in a casino until a few years back. We went into the one in Cherokee, North Carolina. It was absolutely amazing!!!
Going back to bed on a rainy day sounds great! I do hope that you'll be able to go tomorrow. I can't wait to see your pictures. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Be safe!
I'll be looking forward to pictures of Bug on her first day!!
Boy, that's a shame about the building site. :(
The top picture is stunning!
I wouldn't mind having a building like that anywhere.
As for Bug, she'll do fine.
Parker's first day was this past Thursday.
Now, of course, he's sick.....
Want to know how to move a city forward ... progress as it were? Tie it to a sport. I live in Arlington, TX and honey, we know how to "get 'er done!" You know ... I think I am going to post a blog about it. I'm off to get my facts straight.
Kansas is getting a gambling casino .....just announced last week which location took probably 2 years to decided where to build
The kids started back to school here on August 13 ....way toooooo early.
Hope you have a great weekend
The casino in Niagara is really beautiful, maybe it's just your photo! I am so used to Indian casinos in Southern California. I do not gamble but the revenue is great! Bickering and complaining seem to be part of any major change. Hope the view changes soon. Have a fun weekend even if it rains. Dannelle
In my home state of Michigan the City of Pontiac went through the same thing, but at least they didn't start something and have to leave it the way buffalo did.. The politicians and people who fight to preserve the areas that they live in, only make their cities behind in the times, with no monies coming in to compete with the booming cities surrounding them. While I agree that it's nice to live in "small towns", inevitably they HAVE to expand their horizons otherwise they'll just lose all their mom and pop stores cause people eventually go to the bigger cities to do their shopping and entertaining where there's more to offer...
Hope Buffalo gets with it and can resolve the mess that is there!
Hope you have a fantastic labor day weekend, where the heck did summer go, it flew by for me!
xo Darlene
I am sorry that the gambling deal fell through - when I left college there were several buildings downtown I remember being would think that the government would want big business to come in to pay taxes and improve the area - pour money into the economy...but sometimes change is hard for people!
Enjoy your days off and good luck to bugs on her first day of school - that is so exciting!!!
hope you enjoy your three days off!
Hope BUG has a good day on her first day!
Yes, kudos to all the teachers. A lot of people say they get too much money. I say tey don't get ENOUGH. They are forming our young people's minds, and even character, b/c they have them so many hours of the day. That's such an important job. Why should some jobs pay millions of dollars and teachers get $20 to $40 thousand. I think they deserve more. But it is all about demand, and what people are willing to pay. Okay, enough said. But I am proud of the teachers who take care of and teach Bug and lots of little Bugs!
Glad you have some time off!
Wow, as far as your city growing, it sure is growing where I live. And where I used to live. No problem with that here! While it is still pretty small, it's growing! Maybe it will change for your town soon.
Krissy :)
I love whenever anyone is "citiing the economy" because I find people cite it, for good or bad, to prove the point they held anyway. If the economy is doing great, they cite it & attribute it to something they back or believe in & if it is doing poorly, they blame it on someone/thing they disagree with. Not everyone does this, but enough do that it gets snnnnnooooozzzzzze to me. ~Mary
How I hope Bug has a wonderful first exciting.
Our community is so small and there are so many people that do not want growth or new's a shame that the majority of people in our county have to travel MILES to another to find work because ours won't commit to new companies coming in.
That is so exciting about Bugs first day of school---It is such a special day and yes so hard on mom--cant wait to see the pictures! glad your taking a few days off.
LOL That's called progress Donna! We pass propositions out here and then they get held up in the courts for years. I used to be for the Indians getting the casinos so they could support their tribes but now they've become huge business and the tribes still get money from the government for simply being native American. To me that is having their cake and eating it too. I hope you have a very happy Labor Day weekend. Luv ya!
Don't you just it. What an eyesore. The MS casino's that I visit on occation (just south of Memphis) have to be on the water (some state law) and so they tunneled in canals from the MS river and brought in barges. They build the casino's on the barges and the hotel's on the land (connected mind you). Craziest thing I ever heard of. Anyway, enjoy your weekend GF.
Hugs, Joyce
the governor of Ohio loves casino's as a way to make $$ and the people vote them down over and over. Now they have allowed KENO, whatever that is, into sports bars. I think whoever said the Indians can have a casino in Buffalo better let them have it seeing that everyone stole the land from the Indians in the 1st place.
I have missed you D....everyday...always thinking of you.....i hope you DO enjoy these well deserved days off....and i hope it didn't rain and you got to go today and take lots of pics....and i also hope you go to your parents and swim, swim, swim.
Hi Donna ,doesnt it anoy you when the powers that be wont get off their asses and 'just get on with it ,have a lovely few days off ,give my love to your Mum and Dad ,and ohhh Bug at school ,,she'll sort em out lol Jan xx
How much are you prepared to gamble on that casino being finished anytime soon? Sorry, bad joke
Ain't politics fun?
My baby, Becki, started two weeks ago. This year is her last year of going to regular school. She starts college in 2009.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend and yes, Bug is going to really enjoy starts here tomorrow!! Hugs and love,
It's the same thing over here with Casino's we were going to have 4 huge super casino's. A big hullabuloo about it and it's gone as flat as a fart!
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