Beautiful day... beautiful place. The weather was magnificent and a trip to Presque Isle was definitely in order. I picked up my younger sister and we headed out. The drive was uneventful, and took about an hour and a half.

Upon arriving we entered the park. At the entrance there is a water park and amusement park. We didn't go to either, but it was interesting to see a roller coaster go over the road. We made our way around the park finding so many interesting things. I really wanted to take the pontoon ride through the marshy area located in the center, but when we arrived all rides had already been booked for the day. ::sigh:: maybe another time. It is suppose to be an awesome tour with the an abundance of nature. I was able to find other things to take pictures of. LOL Did you doubt that?
We stopped at the numerous beaches and explored. On the outer side of there are stone break walls. They were put in place to help stop the erosion. It really didn't take away from the beauty, but rather added to it. I had to take the picture of the camera and umbrella... tho it might look out of place to you, I saw what was really happening. A man had set it up and put the timer on to get his family portrait at the beach.

Picnic tables dot the entire area. You can bet I will to back with every intention of spending more time and maybe having the entire family. It was perfect! So perfect in fact we witnessed a wedding on the beach near the Presque Isle Lighthouse. I have pictures but didn't think it appropriate to post them here. The lighthouse is set back off the shore and since it was built many a trees grew in front of it. The trees are much higher then the 'light tower' and from some angles you can't even see it. It is operating though, we noticed that as we walked the beach and around to the other side.

The day was wonderful and relaxing. On the way home we stopped off at the Outback for dinner and then to my parents. Well, my sister still lives at home so I had no choice but to go there ::grin:: My niece and her family were there for a swim and dinner. Of course the temps are soaring now that they have to go back to school. It's 77 here as I type. The sun is out and the sky is blue. You can rest assured I will be lounging near the pool.... today.... tomorrow... and Tuesday... they are calling for temps in the 80's. Yeah baby... I think I finally got it right with taking days off and not having it rain.

I hope everyone has a marvelous holiday.........

I am glad you had such a good time and you are quite right, it is a very beautiful place. I am sure you will go back and do your ride and get more great shots.
What a perfect day Donna. Your photo's are great and made me jealous. Next time, swing by and pick me up here in TN and I'll go with you. Have a perfect holiday and enjoy your time off GF.
Hugs, Joyce
Ohh Donna those were such beautiful photos and it looked so calm,peaceful and inviting! Sounds like a wonderful place. *Re the weather, a little hint is to buy that Farmers Almanac each year and look at your weather for your area by Month-that is how I would schedule my days off/vacations--normally its pretty accurate but this year has been so crazy for everyone--esp here in WA- I think were the only area in this neck of the woods that is having cooler weather- Im hoping next week we will at least hit 70....I want a recall on Summer, esp since its my favorite Season. Im also curious, have you seen very many bees this year?Ive seen just a few but more little bubblebees. Glad you have some time off to enjoy that Sun and can cool off in a pool-thats the only way to go. Dont forget to buy that Yellow Farmers Almanac book-its usually with the magazines. I would highlight the snow and hot days and schedule time off---then afterwards post it at work so everyone would know what the weather was expected to be and I know it was closely accurate which was kinda amazing. Everyone would get mad cuz I always took time off during the hottest weather lol! Have a great weekend and Happy Labor Day to you and your family and readers-hugs!
What a beautiful day! The pictures are awesome! The place looks magical.
Wish I could visit Presque Isle. I am so happy for you. Hugs, Maria
Beautiful day, beautiful pics! I've always fantasized about living in a lighthouse, seems like it would be so romantic living that way, like out of a historical romance book, watching the endless water while waiting for your love, the captain, to come sailing into port..ha! listen to me..hehehe..
Glad you enjoyed the day and have awesome weather for your time off from work Donna!
Oh Donna your pictures are just beautiful , I am pleased you had such a good time ,enjoy the pool with your family Jan xx
Donna, such wonderful pics, as always!!! That last one reminds me of those lovely picture postcards they have for sale at those little boardwalk shops. (I thought that first one w/the umbrella was you setting up for one of your shots)
have a great Labor Day!!!
You truly have an eye so the right shot. Are you or have you been a professional photographer? These are just right! dannelle
Awwwwww great pictures as always Donna !!!!!!!!, Hugs Lisa
Hi Donna hun. Im so glad ur having an awesome long weekend. Off till Wed thats sweet :) I love the pictures. Thats a gorgeous place for sure. I can honestly say the beaches here anyway where i live arent as beautiful as this place. This is gorgeous. so much stuff to do too. Ty for sharing all the pics as always hun. Glad u got to spend time with ur sis, ur family. Ooo and go to Outback yum. I love the pic of the lighthouse beautiful. I love lighthouses. Sounds like u guys up there are going to have nice temps for sure for the holiday weekend. Us not so much here, rain and wind here thnaks to that monster hurricane out there. Im praying so hard for the ppl and city of New Orleans. Its a scary and awful storm. Oh and as for the last entry hmm i would say thats a pic of you dear, lol. Cant wait to find out more about that pic lol. take care hun. Have a great rest of your long holiday. ttys
xo, Leslie
Your pictures are beautiful!! I'm glad that you both had a wonderful day together! I love lighthouses!
GREAT PICS!!!! I look forward to seeing more - what a perfect day!!!
Thanks for sharing it
Great pictures Donna .....enjoy your time off from work.
What an amazing place! And amazing pictures!
Looks like you had a magnificent day.
Enjoy your time off!
Your pictures are beautiful.l That looks like a place I'd be visiting a lot.
Isn't Presque Isle just gorgeous? We go quite a bit. Did you happen to see the houses sitting out on the lagoon? There are quite a few of them on stilt things. You need to get to them by boat. They've been there for year. It's probably 1 1/2 hrs from my place also. We tried to do the pontoon tour today also with no luck. We couldn't even rent bikes. I've never seen it so crowded. I didn't get many pictures. Becky is pasty white and got super burnt. We ate and headed home. Love ya, Chris
Well, Presque Isle is simply delightful.....what a wonderful place to spend the day. I'm so glad you & your baby sis had such beautiful weather for your visit, and that there weren't a lack of fabulous things for you to take pictures of! Lucky us, too, that you decided to share I said, simply delightful :)
Love & Pooh Hugs,
That is beautiful Donna wish I was there lol.
Beautiful pictures of the sun and the beach. Wish I was there, Donna. Please send some warm weather out West. We've been having lots of rain and the temps are on the coolish side, but I refuse to give in and start the furnace up just yet.
Always, Rose~*
There is nothing as pretty as water, beach, grass and boats. Really, really pretty.
I love lighthouses and Outback..haven't been there in yrs. GLORIOUS, perfect photos you took.....what a piece of heaven on earth that place looks like!!!! LOVE the beach!
Lovely Pictures. It looks like a place I would like to visit...
lol Joohnmichael
Beautiful photos..of a lovely place for time away...happy you enjoyed it!!!
What beautiful pictures!!! Linda
I loved all your wonderful pictures. I wish I could have played that game, but I probably wouldn't have guessed the answer. You have to do some more guess the blogger!! Hope you have had a wonderful Labor Day. Luv ya!
Looks like a great place... next time I have a day to take a road trip I might just have to travel south and check it out...
Lovely photos.......... sounds like you had a great day
hugs Jayne
hi donna, looks and sounds wonderful, stunning photos!! take care mrs t xx
What a peacefull looking place............ Wonderful.
Gaz xxxx
Great pix....great day, too, it sounds like.
Beautiful pics...looks like a great time!
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