Been awhile, eh? You may or may not know, this is my favorite time of year, and I just couldn't resist doing a couple. Just want to remind you, please don't alter them. I've noticed so many out there being resized and distorted. I've also been informed and seen for myself some of my tag requests being used for profit. I will no longer do tags for those that have done that. Sorry, this is fun for me, not so someone can use them to make $$. I don't necessarily mean selling them, but to profit from the use for whatever reason.

Today was a pretty relaxing, boring day. Back to work tomorrow after a nice long weekend. I should be happy for the time off, but damn it is never long enough. Lazy sod I am, eh? LOL Only a few more weeks before my vacation at Christmas. I will no doubt use a couple of 2 hour passes as well as use the one other day I have. Use or lose it is the policy. Probably use it during the middle of the week when my son is off and do more shopping. I've often bought him gift cards for the local malls, but they have now instituted a fee to buy one. A fee??? You've got to be kidding me! Talk about total greediness. It's not enough that I am spending a couple of hundred dollars to use at your stores, but you want to charge me for the privilege? Bite me! Rest assured I won't even be going to that mall. My son agrees. He also needs to help with a few items for his girlfriend.

Hope everyone had a great day... and a wonderful weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow.
PS.... have you signed my guest book yet? LOL Link on sidebar ::evil grin::