Yeap, I went. I left my house about 2:30 to take the 30 minute ride to the community college. The rain had stopped at my house, but I passed through a few sprinkles on my ride. Nothing major and the sky looked pretty good in the direction I was going. The balloons were to lift off about 6, and since there wasn't much else there I wanted to see, I figured I'd get there and walk around a bit first. I mean, since I was going. There were quite a few folks there, no doubt locals. Tent after tent lined the walk ways. Or did the tents define the walks? Anyway, crafts, jewelry, knick knacks, and local merchants. A combination between a craft show and flea market. It was interesting, but nothing yelled out at me to purchase it. Every few tents there was a little food trailer set up. Sugar waffles, hot dogs, pizza, some of the local Amish making homemade ice cream. You name it, it was there. Just like you'd see at a fair. I had better plans for dinner. LOL My sister had called and invited me back to her house for streak and crab legs. :)

I walked around a bit and then heard rumblings of the parade. Ok, that sounded cool. LMAO!! Uhhh huh... so I headed over to the path. I passed a petty 'farm' on the way. Most animals were behind a fence and to be honest they stunk! Hay and grass stuck in their fur, they looked matted, and I was not impressed at all. I'm sure they were well kept but they didn't look like it. I wonder if PITA has ever looked into them? The onlycreature not behind the fence was the turkey. He strutted his stuff and walked among the nearby crowd. He constantly sucked in air to make his chest puff out, and what a weird sound that is! Ever hear it?
It wasn't long before the roadway was lined with people. Sitting in bleachers provided, on blankets, or in their own chairs. The parade began around then bend and I found a spot near the end (or beginning ) so I could be one of the first and not have to worry about strangers in the shots. I thought for sure there'd be at least a couple floats to get pictures of. So off they come... well... I wish I had ear plugs. I swear every fire dept in a 35 mile radius was there with multiple trucks and/or vehicles. You know each one had to set off the sirens, blow their horns. Make some noise. Not one was driven by some young hunk. They were all old, I mean really old. Like the brought back the retired guys to drive. The passengers were mostly woman or children throwing candy out the windows as they passed by. Hmmmm where were those calendar guys????? Some marchers went by, but you could tell they didn't care. No straight backs or crisp steps. Instead they almost danced to the 'left, left, left, right, left' that was hollered out. Politicians looking for votes. And of course some clowns, and a silly band. A long parade of virtually nothing. The locals seemed to love it, and the kids had bags of candy when it was over.

When the parade was over everyone headed towards the open field. On the way I found many kites in the air. I decided to grab a couple shots. They were very pretty in the sky and bounced and spun around. As I stood there, I started thinking about how windy it really was. The breeze was a savior in the heat and humidity. The longer I stood there the more I knew the balloons would not go up. Conditions have to be perfect, and winds over 10 MPH prove to be unsafe with the flame. Not one was pulled out into the field. Nothing looked to be happening. It was about 6:15 or so when the crowd started to break up. Leaving with many a grumble. I've been a bit sarcastic in my entry here, but it was ok. I was outside and enjoying.......... Yeap, I was disappointed. Extremely!! I went to see hot air balloons and I got turkeys, clowns, and kites.
Sorry you were disappointed but be glad you saw something because we have nothing like that over here anymore. Used to years ago but health and safety got it all stopped.
Sorry for your disappointment. However, your pictures are great!
Have fun at your sisters house. Hugs, Maria
Sounds like a pretty interesting day. I just got hungry for a good Turkey dinner imagine that. : ) Balloons are ok, but tukeys, clowns and kites are just fine with me! Have a happy Sunday. Luv ya!
Wow Donna, you took some great pictures, love the turkeys, hope you are having a great weekend, Hugs Lisa
LOL -That first picture looks like the Mardi Gras.
Great Photos!!!
Okay, I'm totally cracking up about the band. Sooo funny! LOL
I'm sorry it was disappointing...but you got some great pictures. made me giggle.
So it had to be worth it, right? ;)
Im laughing at you-you are soo funny! that was fun, felt like I got to see it too! Great pics! Enjoy your day!
gorgeous parade so colorful! I wish the sky was like that today its raining thunderstorming and HAILIN!
OMG!!! Are you sure you weren't in my town? LOL. That sounds just like our Oktoberfest parade. No, I've never heard the sound a turkey makes when he huffs in air. The only turkeys around here are wild turkeys and I don't get too close to them. BTW, nice clowns though.
Hugs, Joyce
I would rather have hot, hunky firefighters. Just be comforted that if your house burned down, they be there and not at the parade. Still, I go to a parade and it's led off by the fire trucks, screeching and wailing, and I get goosebumps.
Beautiul pictures .....I would be disappointed that the hot air balloons were not able to be flown
Hope you had a great Sunday
Next time! Hey, your pictures are great and let's face it, we'd all like to march around puffing out our chests. Problem is, they are so old now .... well, you get my drift. LOL
I loved those photo's but had to turn dow the colour on the screen ;-)
Gaz xxxx
Sorry it didn't turn out quiet like you had hoped. I would have been disappointed too. I have heard the sound the turkey makes when it does that. it does sound really weird. Beautiful pictures though. Your steak & crab legs sound great!!! I would have wanted to see the calendar guys too..
Sorry -- I couldn't get past the STEAK and CRAB LEGS!! LOL Those are two of my most favorite things -- enjoy! (I'm jealous)
Aww man, I would have been bummed too wanting to see the hot air balloons....but you did get some great colorful pics!
Yum Steak and crab legs!
sorry there were no hot air balloons......but that parade would have had me laughing on the colorful!!!!
I love watching kites....but I am sure that hot air balloons would have been so much more fun~~~
Thanks for sharing it all!!
ROFL...I'd have been cranky also. At least the kites were pretty. We see and hear turkeys all the time. I'm in a rural area, and they come in droves out of the woods. Not real swift and can't fly. They usually end up on the hoods and roofs of cars. Bet your dinner made up for it. Love ya, Chris
LMAO. Those turkeys, the food and the parade are totally my style but i love your humor....i wish you had gotten to see what you went to see. You took some REALLY amazing shots of things!! LOVE YOU so
Aewsome!! Glad you went....loved the pics.
Awwww love the pictures.......they look like fun....... especially the clowns Sounds like they had lots going on and yes i guess the 'hunky' guys were out putting out fires somewhere.
hugs Jayne
Steak and crab legs sound soooo good. Linda
Loved the colors, the excitement, the food...oh that sounded good...happy you went...hugs and love,
Sounds like great fun! That's disappointing the balloons didn't go up : / Love the pics. hugs, Bethe
Looks like you had a nice time :) The pictures are certainly colourful xx I expect the pin up hunks were off making the next calendar ;)
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