.... and I am not referring to the talk show :) As I said last night, it was pretty hazy at the lake yesterday. That, however, did not stop my nieces from sitting on the ledge and looking out at the water. Listening to the waves lap the shore, see some folks swimming and playing, watching the boats and jet ski's go by. Deep in thought, in conversation. I wonder what those whispers would reveal. The view is beautiful and the smell fabulous.......

Talking about beautiful.... my sisters girls. Still sitting on the ledge but me at a different angle. A huge water float behind them. The one on the left will be the beautiful bride come October and her sister the 'Maid of Honor'.... what an honor it will be.

Before dinner some went swimming, some took a walk on the beach. The most interesting.... and the one that I have permission to post... this little guy playing... running and trying to beat the waves as they crashed.

I found these gorgeous flowers off at the edge of the beach. I have no idea what they are, but it's a perfect backdrop for those bonfires on the beach. I played around a bit and added texture for a different effect.
Dinner was served and eaten under two huge trees. Out of the little sun we had and a nice breeze. It was perfect... for without that breeze we'd have all been in the water! Our host made the biggest pot of chicken cacciatore and pasta. I brought a huge chef salad and bread to accompany... As we ate the rain came. It was a light drizzle that could only be felt if you walked away from the tables. The massive limbs of the trees adorned with huge leaves protected us. We finished eating and cleared the tables. Just in the nick of time too! As the rain came a bit harder we packed up our outdoor chairs and bags and headed to her back room. The entire back of the house is an enclosed porch with windows on all three sides. We sat and had desserts, yes plural, and coffee. The rain splashed the windows and rolled endlessly down the glass. Safe inside we could see the waves get a little larger and the horizon turn dark.

The rain did not last to long and when it stopped I went out to get sunset pictures. In the middle of the yard, and the edge sits a covered gazebo. Two sides holding benches and the center is large enough for a table if needed. To the left, the chairs, looking out at the water. The cushions were safe inside out of the rain. I just couldn't resist. How many nights are friends and/or lovers sitting watching the sun go down?

I happened to be in the gazebo at one point, and noticed the sunset reflecting on the railing, the water drops left on the buds, and the painted sky. What a day..... what a view!
Today will be spent doing nothing! LOL it was raining this morning when I got up but the sun has since come out. It's still overcast but the breeze is wonderful coming in the open windows. The rain brought in cooler air and it is about 78 degrees. Perfect for a lazy day of being alone, nothing but quiet.... aaaahhhhhh Hoping everyone had a great weekend and a restful Sunday...
Your nieces have your smile.
Love the pictures! Especially the sea gull!
You really need to quit your job and get you a copy of the Photographers Market Guide.
I totally love the picture with the chairs!!! Any picture that has those chairs by water does something for me! Not sure why but I just love that pic!! Linda
Very relaxing. Lovely photos. the rain come down to cool you down. I wouldnt
have minded
Glad you had a great time.. Have a good week...............Johnmichael
Your nieces are very beautiful, what lovely smiles they both have too! We have those flowers here, I think they must like being near water! I'm glad the day was good and you didn't let the rain ruin it! Enjoy your Sunday! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
That looks like a place I need to go for a week after all my divorce crap is over just to recover from the stress.
Loved all the pictures and the picture of the girls sitting together is priceless. I love to take pictures like that of my kids.
Take care, Chrissie
Your nieces are beautiful!
Sounds like you had quite the feast.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday
Purple Loosetrife would be that flower. These gorgeous perennial herbs thrive in sunny wetlands, in ditches, around ponds, in fields and prairies…well, just about anywhere there's light and water.
I had to look it up, as I have wondered myself about these.
Love the pictures......
I have died and gone to heaven.................. the pictures are absolutley outstanding, beautiful, amazing what more can i say i love them.......... just wish i were able to see such beauties myself......but with my agoaphobia not much hope of that :o(
Thank you so much for sharing them and bringing a little light into my life.
Your neices are beautiful
WOW...stunning pictures babes.
Your sisters daughters look SO ALIKE. I thought I was seeing double!! Wish I had a view like that! stunning!!
Lve ya
beautiful shots Donna, and your nieces are beauties!!! the Sunset was stunning!
Wonderful pictures D and sounds like a great time was had by all. The neices are beauties and look so much alike they look like twins??? It will be a beautiful wedding for sure. Enjoy your restful Sunday.
Hugs, Joyce
That picture with the flowers and the beach looks like a tag offer in the making. : ) Your nieces are very beautiful! I hope you have had a relaxing day and that your week ahead will be a happy one. Luv ya!
The photos are just wonderful! Linda
Really beautiful.
Wish I was there now! :)
Beautiful photos!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the time at the beach!
I find it's pretty hard to discuss trivial things when looking out on a view like that...you kinda feel obligated to talk about life and the universe and stuff. Maybe it's just me. ??
Sounds and looks like it was a wonderful time.
Gorgeous girls and gorgeous views!!
Your nieces are gorgeous! I would love to have a gazebo there is something about them that is so inviting. I'm glad you all had a wonderful time. Hope you have a great week.
The girls are beautiful! Hazy days of summer I guess. gladyo had sucha wonderful wkend. hugs, Bethe
I am honest to God speechless at these photos. My GOD, girl, you have a gift. The sunset, that bird, those waves, your two beautiful nieces...WOWOWOWOWOWOW. I love your journal and your talent and YOU.
amazing photos, donna. your neices are lovely! take care mrs t xx
Well i caught up, lol. I enjoyed all the entries as always. Especially the ones with the kiddos in the pool. They looked like they had a blast for sure. Cant blame u all for hangin at ur parents alot, lol. Thats where its at with the nice pool haa, lol. It sounds like great times indeed. The pics are beautiful as always hun. U got a gorgeous pic of the sunset. I love sunset pics. Your sisters daughters are gorgeous. Great shots of them :) Thats wonderful you got to walk on the beach and enjoy the peacefulness that the beach and the sounds bring. Mmm dinner sounded delish too and what a neat spot to have dinner at. very cool. I couldnt do that where we live, lol. too many bugs out, mosquitos yuck, lol. Shame it rained on u all too :( However thats great u all found good places to sit and got to watch the beautiful view of the sun setting. Well take care dear. Hope you have a good day. ttyl xo, Leslie
As usual, brilliant photos.
Gaz xx
Your nieces are just beautiful Donna!!!
Your photos are so soothing...It almost
feels as though I was right there by looking
at them....wow can you imagine living there and
seeing that view everyday....what a blessing!
Sounds like a wonderful day indeed....
Never thought I would say this, but please send some rain
our way...it has been miserably HOT with a heat index of 105 today...with a heat advisory....maybe a little rain would cool it down some....we have a chance for some rain/storms off and on this week....
Have a good week
Once again you have snapped some beautiful pics...and boy do those girls look a like! Lovely!
Beautiful summer shots!
Sounds like a perfect day, Love Pat x
your nieces are beautiful girls. i know how proud you are of them. i really like your photos, too...the textured flowers and sand are great...love the gull and chairs too. :)
Wow sounds like such an idilyic place (can't spell sorry) Your neices are gorgeous :o)
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