....... and windy! Today was definitely a winter day. It had warmed up yesterday and over night, but this morning the temperatures dropped and some snow started. The wind was fierce. Tree branches did the tango, red lights looked as though they were going to spin around their own wires. It was scary.
I had arrangements to go to an office building just out of the city. They have balconies that have a beautiful view of the sky line. The guy who was going to give me access canceled, he was afraid I would blow off. I will meet him on Thursday.
It's still bitter cold, and the snow that has been falling has blown all over the place. Further south of here they are getting accumulation, but we are currently not in the direct line of fire. It's still falling and hopefully tomorrow I won't wake up to my driveway being buried.

Hope everyone had a good day.
It's bitterly cold here too, with quite a wind blowing as well.
Ummm...is it time for summer yet? My feet have been numb all day from the cold....even with our furnace running constantly! LOL
Hi Donna,
Would love to be tagged with
Thank you so very much.
It's very windy and cold here too, but no signs of snowflakes anywhere. I'm bummed.
Take care, Chrissie
I hope you got some good pics... yes it is too windy here too. Hopefully, tomorrow it won't be... I have to leave the house! LOL
be well,
It's just wet, cold and brown here in Hooterville. SIGH
It was a sunshiny day her but the wind would cut right through a person. Helen
stay safe and warm!!!!
Donna, stay warm, Hugs to you Lisa
Burr Donna .....lets have a snowball fight!
Hi Donna, lots of snow here too, was shovelling for hours on Sunday.
Hope you are managaing to keep warm Donna...and safe!
I'm glad you didn't go up oon that building in high wind. It was nice of the guy to reschedule. We do't have the snow here, but we are having the high wind and it dropped to 36 here last night. The good news is that it is one night only and we will be back to moderate temperature within two days. I hope you don't have to dig out this morning!
(((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))IT is freezing here to,but,no snow,yet.LOL.It is very windy.Have a nice day.
Hope the snow isn't deep this morning, Donna. Heard of a winterstorm warning in Maine.
Hope the weather doesn't get any worse for you.
Be careful if you have to go out.
Have a nice warm Tuesday.
It's too early to be this cold. Stay safe and warm! Take care and enjoy your Today!
It's really cold and blustery here today but no snow thank goodness!
It is cold here too, but I am QUITE sure not as cold as by you!!!!
Try to stay warm. Hugs, Maria
The wind has been amazingly bad here the last two days, finally seems to be dieing down today. Linda
Aww... this is me feeding the birdies! Thank you for making it a snag. =.)
Glad that bloke wouldn't let you see the skyline coz I wouldn't want you to fall off either ;o) Hope your driveway wasn't too covered xx
Dont go to the fellas balcony till its safe Juliet ,no picture is worth losing you ,stay safe and warm love Jan xx
I have chills just thinking about your day!
We had lots of wind over the weekend..Brrrrr!
Stay warm and cozy when ya can
Well i just got back in from the kitchen and my wind chimes are blowing a gale inside the window............lololol.
D as much as i love you ......please keep the snow..... the winds bad enough...... hugs Jayne
Brrrrrr, I'm freezing just reading about it, lol. No snow please, lol. (((((hugs))))))
Love ya,
it is awfully cold here too....beyond depressing.....i think its going to snow tonight.....who knows..i would give anything to be able to stay home with the dog but i am leaving....i hope you get that access. Guess what?
There is this HUGE tree that was cut down by private landowners that they donated to the city to decorate the downtown area...i took a crappy pic of it to show you sometime soon.....well the damn tree fell twice! This tree was HUGE...so the city workers took it down today so i can not get a night pic of it with the lights on.
Love ya
Snow, Snow. Give me snow! LOL -- I know, I'm nuts! :)
you bet your life on it..it's cold alright.Snagged the girl graphic
It can't make up it's mind if it wants to be winter here or not..i think it is coming back! Have a good rest of the week! TerryAnn
I love that "Santa Swinging" and the old-fashioned one. They're both adorable. It was so cold here on Tues. and Wed. it was awful. Too bad we can't turn it on and off with the flip of a switch, huh?
You guys are suffering with the snow at the moment, we are just getting horendous storms with floods
Gaz xx
I liked this one so much I had to snag it as I am doing lots of Xmas stuff and it will be beautiful among the rest. It was strange but just before your sister died, a day or two, the heavens opened up, and my sister laRae came in from the other side and Richard Ireland, the famous Phoenix medium came with her. It was like the heavens opened up, and my sister said that she was reading journals, taking note of who was ill, and she would be happy to act as a guardian angel to J-land connected to me. So when I got the news your sister died, I felt she was here for her as much as for me. And her tie to you and J-land. My sister LaRae was an artist as well, so she would love your graphic art. Both of my sisters, LaRae and Linda, took great photos because they sculpted their heads from photos. My sister LaRae was so good, I mistook a photo of her sculpture of a friend as a photo of him! When she said it was her sculpture I felt cold chills. Forgive such a long comment. I will let you know when I post. Thanks. Gerry
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