Marie announced the winners for her first AOL Community Photo Challenge. All the entries were awesome.. congrats to everyone! If you haven't checked out the entries, do so, they are worth it! There was a tie in most votes for both first and second so she has 4 winners this time. Thanks to everyone who voted, I am shocked but it is much appreciated. Keep your eyes open for her next 'theme.' She has some new ideas and a few changes on how it will work.
Today was your typical Monday..... back to work. Oh the joy! Back to winter too! Temps are well below 30 and the snow was flying earlier. Nothing like the New England area, but I have no doubt we'll get our share.
Hope everyone had a great day, and thanks again!

Wow Donna ....congrats to you!!!!
Have a great evening
Congrats! I had fun with it, can't wait until the next one. :) -Missy
Congratulations Donna! You done good, my friend. I am SO honored myself, so I know how ya feel! ; )
Hugs and a pat on the back,
PS... I love that graphic
Congrats on a well deserved win, Donna!! I'm looking forward to the next challenge as well.
We had a snowday today in NH... It was wonderful! Have a peaceful night!
Is it just me or has Winter lasted over six months already??? Keep warm.
Donna, I am glad Monday is almost over, Hugs Lisa
COngrats! I knew you would win!! Yay!
be well,
Congrats.. I can believe there were ties because people shared some great photos. I just like looking. Glad you won.
Take care, Chrissie
Hi Donna!
congratulations on being one of the winners in AOL community photo challenge. It was an awesome picture!
Gem :-)
CONGRATS girlfriend - you so deserve it!!!
Donna I have always been a fan of work and to share this honor with you is great. All the entries were wonderful.
Congrats, well deserved. You had an awesome photo...as usual. ; )
Congrats my friend! Congrats!
You won an award? Good for you. You are such a GREAT talent at tags and pics and graphics. Love the tag in this entry. Snowing here too.
LOVE, lisa
(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))Congrats on winning,I saw the graffics and they were great.I wanted to play,but,I will try and play this time.have a good day.
That is wonderful congratulations to you!
Your tag at the top of today's posting is absolutely beautiful as well =)
Wow congrats on your award!! Good job!
congrats again...and i love the graphic! isn't it cool!!
Yayyyyyy fisrt place! You so deserve it hun. Congrats :)
Congratulations on 1st place. Amazing photo. :)
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/ Tracy
I had 4 pics picked actually on who I thought could have won....Congrats to you D, you surely do deserve it - it was an awesome picture.
Congratulations. All pictures were good!
I said it was good didnt I? lol ..love Jan xx
Congratulations! I voted for you! I really love your photography.
Congratulations. Beautiful pic. Love Pam xx
Congrats...you did have a great pic.
Congratulations on your win Donna! Sorry I didn't comment sooner, I never got this alert.
Krissy :)
Congrats, Donna. Enjoyed all the winning photos that everyone contributed. I hope to visit over there quite often. Amazing photo talent that we have in J-land. (((HUGS)))
Sincerely, Rose~*
Congrats Donna!!!!
It's been cold as I don't know what here in
Kentucky too...tomorrow night we are suppose
to get some freezing rain and snow...so far all winter
all we have had is a couple dustings...we shall see.
Mind if I snag the fall in love graphic...I love it...
(like i said I always like to ask =) just common courtesy)
If so, thanks so much
Tues. the snow was slightly comming down but not sticking to the road! Tha was a good thing! Temps. the high in the 30's about 36. We will take that temp. Just as long it isn't below O! Have a great night. Got ot get up eairly tomarrow , not liking it !
Wow congrats hun! All though i didnt doubt for a sec you would win. I will definetly have to enter the next contest i love taking pics ;) Great job agina hun and to all who entered. Those were great pics all submitted. Hope ur having a good night and staying warm. It sounds very very cold there blurr. Fl is getting some cool weather nothing compaired to where u are but cool. I am loving it though. Take care hun and ttys! xo, Leslie
Congratulations, Donna, well deserved :-)
Love the waterfall...I snagged. thank you, Bethe
Congratulatiuons on winning the first Photo Challenge. I wanted to enter, but could get it together for this one. I hope to participate in the future, though. Big snows are all around you according to the TV today. How much snow did Y'all end up with in Buffalo?
Congrats Donna
hugs Jayne
Hi Donna,
I wanted to congratulate you on your win for the first contest! Your picture was amazing and I'm sure this will be the first of many wins for you! Hope you're doing well.
Take Care,
Congratualtions Donna. You deserved it.
Just stopped by to say hello and a big Congratulations is in order! Hope your staying warm - Take care and enjoy your Today,
Win =.)
New you would win something lol.
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