Yeap, it's time for that super duper tracker to come out once again. LOL The conference finals start on Thursday. Detroit has been sitting around waiting for their opponent to be decided. After 4 overtimes last night, yes that is 4 and no I did NOT stay up to watch, Dallas beat out San Jose. Both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia won over the weekend moving them into the finals. I wonder if it will become 'The Turnpike Series'.
Now I've been trashed and raked over the coals because of these polls. Trying to have some interactive fun with the community. Each time you've all responded well, and I thank you. Apparently my troll has not paid attention to how many of you played along. Let's out do the past few, show the troll we ARE a community whether THEY want to partake or not. Stand tall against these critters who pester so many here in JLand. Good Gawd we need to develop a repellant for them.
So here you have it. Pick one from each poll. I know so many no nothing about the game, but pick a color, a city, which guy you think is cute. LOL Just pick and have some fun that is what it's about. Feel free to leave your picks in the comment section... or not.. it's up to you.

I've voted - so that's the X of Death for those teams! LOL
Its insane...both philly teams (nhl&ahl) are playing both pittsburgh moving outta the state til the insanity is over!!!
Its call the battle of the "keystone" rivals since pa is the keystone!!! Its really all what u wanna call it..;D
Voted for Dallas and Philly.
Let's see.... the game is on :)
Hugs, Maria
I left my vote!
I voted I have no idea about hockey!!
We have a team here in Spokane the chiefs
Guess they have been doing good,
Don't think this is the same league.
Like I said I know nothing about hockey except they skate and fight!! LOL
I picked Dallas cause I am from close to there and Philadelphia just because
Looks like I voted on both favorites.
I'm in and I gotta stick with my Penguins. Hope your having a great day! Jean
OK...I polled & my picks are Detroit & Philly
I voted babe Detroit & Pittsburgh Love ya!
I voted. Do I get a pin to wear?
Your animations are going too fast....I can't decide on which uniform I like best!!!!
Ü I'm not votng till you slow up the animations!
Looks like i picked the losers I picked the ones with the lowest %...wouldn't ya know it...haha Never know they just might win =)
I voted for Detroit and Pittsburgh. ;)
Wooohoooo!!!! I voted for Detroit ( Go Wings!!!!) and the Pens.... Don't know what I will do if they end up in the final together.... LOL.....
I'm shocked that the Canadiens got the boot!!!! IF ONLY we had won Game 7 DAMMIT
Voted here! And Im laughing cuz I just picked roflmao!
It's going to be Detroit versus that Hot guy Crosby on Pittsbugh! Yeah baby! : )
i voted so i hope your troll gets all mad and it ruins the trolls whole night.
I voted .....hopefully canceled the trolls votes out!!!
i voted hope the troll crawls back into its hole.
Wow, I was wrong on both...LOL happy tracking!!
Voted but probably too late lol
Since hubby is from Texas we are Stars fans!
Umm, I stayed up and watched the entire 5 and a half hours of that final game between Dallas and San Jose. After all, it was only 11:30pm when it finished over here. Now I think I'm going through hockey withdrawl, lol. My picks for this round? I'll go with Detroit and Philly.
Always, Rose~*
Donna, I voted, Hugs Lisa
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