Tuesday night my niece called about 6:30 to tell me Gage had his first soccer game at 7:30. I had pretty much just walked in the door and was exhausted. There was no way I was going to get dinner and be out the door in time to make it. 'When's his next game?' Turns out it was Thursday, so I told her I'd go to that one. She called me Wednesday morning to let me know he scored a goal. GRRRR and I missed it. With any luck he'd be on the score sheet Thursday too.
I get to the field on Thursday just before them. I call her to verify I'm at the correct field and she answers her phone, 'I see you.' They were heading in and Gage ran directly to the field to join his team and warm ups. I stood where I was and attempted to get some shots of him as the coach tossed the ball and the kids and they returned it using their head. I wasn't quick enough to get the ball making contact, but I did try.
We all know lately 'bug' has no interest in getting her picture taken. Hmmmm or so we thought. As I snapped away at Gage I hear in the sweetest, softest voice, 'Aunt Donna I'm smiling pretty.' When I turned she was leaning up again a tree with the shy look. How does one resist? Of course I snapped the picture.
The game started and we made our way to our chairs. Steve and his girlfriend showed up and I sat looking through the pictures from their trip. All 200+ LOL They got some great shots and we laughed at some of them. It was nice hearing about the trip and the good time they had. Smiles all around. Only thing, I was missing Gage's game. Well, the first half anyway. The second half started and Gage was in goal. OMG!!! He's asked his coach several times to play goal, and this was his chance. Play goal he did.... or is it more like playing with the goal? LOL At that age the ball doesn't get into the zone a whole lot and you could tell he was a bit bored. Playing with the netting. Weaving his arms through the holes, forcing his head through the hole, catching the bugs that flew by. He was a hoot!!! While I put my extra lens on and made an attempt to grab some shots 'bug', once again, wanted to be the subject of the photo's. She put her face square at the end of my lens. I had to pull back the zoom just to see her, and as you see you can actually see the sides of the lens. Normally I wouldn't take shots like that, but we had to laugh. Funny faces and all. I grabbed some of the nicer ones and added it to the collage of her.

The 'Killer Bees' won the game. They scored some on Gage, he made some saves. After the game when he was asked if he would play goal again, 'No way! My hands were all sweaty.' I don't think he'll ask his coach anymore. LOL
My week was long for being a short one. Lots of work to catch up on. Near the end of the day yesterday my head started to pound. I could tell the pressure in the air was changing and it was going to rain. My sinuses hated it! The rains came in the middle of the night and relieved that pressure. With any luck today won't bring the same effects. I have a graduation party to go to and I don't want to feel as though my head is going to blow off my shoulders! I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend and that your week was good.
He likes scoring goals, He must stay with the forwards. Its difficult keeping the goals out being a goalkeeper, nice shots...................Johnmichael
I love reading about kids and soccer...such a great sport for kids...Gage looks like a pro!!
Hope your head stopped hurting...and you can rest up this weekend. Bug looks so cute...love your little candid shot of both...hugs and love,
I love the name of the team! LOL
Busy, busy! GORGEOUS pics of both Bug and Gage. That yellow in the collage is perfect. Chad played soccer for yrs and i sat thru so many and it sounds like you had a good time. Glad your son was there and you saw all of his pics. I bet he takes good pics like his mama. Enjoy that grad party today.
Awwwwww love the pictures Donna :) Hugs Lisa
Hi hun, *hugs* So glad u had a great start to the weekend so far. Gages game sounded fun and thats soo great his team won. Yeah im
sure at their age its hard for them to stay really focused on the game, lol and they get bored wuick. But he had fun, played good though. U got some great shots of him dear. Hes so handsome, cute boy hun :) Glad u got to go see. Bug aww shes a cutey. I loved the pics of her. She should model for sure. Shes adorable beyond words. Great pics hun. I looked at the silly ones too they were soo funny. Really cute. Glad u got to see Steve and his gf and u got to see pics of their trip. sounded like a great time. sorry ur work week was a bit crazy and u werent feeling well. I hope ur better hun. Our week was good. Just settling back still from our long weekend to Orlando. Really need to post the pics and an entry soon, lol. Danielle had her K graduation yesterday. it was soo sweet we are just so proud of our baby girl. Shes growing up too fast. I will post pics of that was well soon. Take care hun, have a good weekend :) Leslie
Gage and Bug are adorable...
Way to go Gage!
Thanks for sharing
Soccer anyone ? !! ....,was the title ,but oh what lovely surprise those lovely children Donna ,and your Steve and his young lady as well what a great evening ..love Jan xx
Donna, thanks for the Bug pictures. I need a fix with her pictures every so often. The ball over Gage head looked to me as if it was just coming off of his head. Great shots, Bill
What adorable pics---kids are just the best!
great shots as always......have a great weekend.
I think she is cute! Funny how when we are little girls we go through phases of wanting to be a ham to times when we are adults when we don't want our picture taken, she is a little early on that don't you think? LOL Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Luv ya!
These are great pictures ......I can tell Bug is camera shy!
Bug...what a little character. LOL
What a good auntie you are!
Beautiful pics!
Nice entry D. Love the discription of the boy playing goalie. Kids are great aren't they? Nice photo's of both kids.
Hugs, Joyce
"Killer Bees"....what a great team name!
Everyone loves their pictures taken, don't they?? LOL!!! These are adorable of course!!! Good Job, Gage!! LOL!!!
What cute photos! Linda
Sounds like it was alot of fun at the game! The pictures are cute! Linda
thats great they won lovely photos!
I love the way you do your personal photo ~ You can tell fun was had by all. Take care and enjoy whats left of you weekend,
wonderful photos!! i guess all you had to do to get bug's attention was to start shooting others?? lol i love the way you've scrapbooked your images.
Your work is getting amazing! I'm so glad I'm back.
Am way behind as AOHell done a job on me and i was unable to get online........ great pics
Great pics :) Glad Gage's game went well even if he had been put in goal.
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