Evenin'! I hope everyone is doing good. Earlier today I was reading an entry by Betty over at My Day My Interests. If you've not visited her, do so, you will not be disappointed in her photo's. Today she gave some direction on color isolation on black and white. As I read, I thought, I can do that. LOL So this evening I tried. I picked fairly easy photo's and gave it a whirl. Not bad for my first two attempts. Or so I think. LMAO! I will have to search for better shots to attempt it on.

Today was a pretty good day. Then I heard the news about Ted Kennedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. This family has endured so much over the years, it saddens me to think once again they've been hit with such sad tragic news.
I had American Idol on this evening. No hockey, not until Saturday. LOL I was home alone and wanted background noise. I think it's going to be a close one this year. Did you watch? Did you vote? Do tell us......... LOL
Plans are being made, and yes I will get away this weekend as it stands now. Hopefully the weather forecast will be good. I can't get excited about sitting at the St. Lawrence with temps in the 40's. BRRRR If I do go alerts will be turned off and I will catch up when I get back.
Did you take the hockey poll? Hmmmm? Did you? I think with the amount of visitors here the total should be a bit higher. LMAO Right now it's split equally. 'Cmon folks, make a choice and just do it! ::giggle:: It's for fun :)~
Bored yet? I know I'm just writing for the sake of writing..... so I will end it here. HEY! Stop cheering ...... hope everyone has a great hump day.
I just love those pictures. They are great. I watched Idol too. They were both great, I thought the little David did a little better.
Hey, I think your color isolation looks fabulous. Especially the flower. I love that bead of water on the flower.
I'm upset about Senator Kennedy too. That family has had the most tragic history. :(
Have a great Wednesday!
Yellow roses are my fav. Thanks for your Post today. It gave me a much needed lift. I also have felt very saddened by the news of Ted Kennedy. I have a lot of respect and admiration for him. Thanks again for your Post today Donna, I needed it.
this kind of photo coloring is outstanding. You did such a great job. I cant wait to see more like it.
Have a great week!
You did great!!!! It is easy isn't it :)
Those are some beautiful pictures.....
i haven't tried the color isolation bit yet...but you did a great job!!
Your photo's turned out great. I'm an American Idol fan. I've been on the fence between the two David's but tonight I voted for David A. His voice is just so amazing. David C. is quite a performer but doesn't have the voice that David A. does. We will see tomorrow night.
Hugs, Joyce
What Wonderful Talent U Have *D!!!
Please......I want to see what U do with a Butterfly!
Well....If U can find one not fluttering about :)
Enjoy Ur Getaway!
Smiles :)
OOOOOOOhhhhh, Ahhhhhh, me likes your work! I especially like the birdfeeder and bird, it looks like the bird is finding something to eat on a grey foodless day. I love the contrast. Then again that is true for the first pic also. A beautiful yellow daffodil poking out early in a cold damp spring. Sounds like this summer, huh, LOL?
Krissy :)
LMOA! Yep, I voted~I'm a Hockey dunce, but I voted : ) Hugs, Bethe
Great Photos. Love how you made the one tulip and the bird stand out. Great job!
Hugs, Maria
These photps are great!!!! You have so much talent.
I voted ....I think for Detroit
You did great. I love the pale yellow tulip. Helen
Not bad at all Donna. Actually, quite nice!
I voted. I voted. I voted.
Great job on the pictures....my niece does that stuff to the pictures she takes, I do like that.
I voted already...geez...put the super duper tracker off me...hehe
I like the pictures with just alittle color like that! Linda
i watch EVERY AI but i am sick of this year.....the best ones were voted off LONG ago.
I am so glad you are getting away.....i hope it warms up all over the U.S....these half chilly temps suck.
I love love the color on black and white pics...WOW...you did an amazing job.
Love you 4ever.
I still think David Archiletta is soooo good. So mature and sweet and innocent too. It's refreshing. Didin't vote, so I can't complain about who wins. :)
Love the color isolation. :)
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/ Tracy
I love that effect! It really brings that extra something to a photo, great job Donna!
Beautiful job on the color/black and white. Hope you have a very nice gettaway this weekend...hugs,
Very pretty on both photos but the Color Isolation was really neat.
Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock. I can't bring myself to watch American Idol! LOL
Donna, great job on the color isolation. Pictures are great. Hope you get into the 70s for the weekend. We are supposed to hit 80 on Sunday in the Philly area. Good luck, Bill
The colour isolation is really good Donna I might give it a try.
Take care
Fantastic Donna! I've been wanting to try that for a while and doubt I'll be successful. Great job!
... the reason it is split equally, is that Sidney Crosby is a great player ... the Wings are a great team ... it is the dynamic of the two that makes it a toss up ..!
Hi Donna, long time no see lol, don't know where the time goes just lately. Love the effect on the photos really pretty. Hope you are well and will try to get back soon. Love the tag in your next post too lol.
Love the pics..thats awesome!
I think it's gonna be close on AI too...
I love the black and white with color. But it will look great with a red wings jersey on the bird feeder LOL
Love the black & white one......... I have got this thing recently about black & white prints........LOVE THEM.
Maybe you could make a tag offer along those lines..... hint hint......lol
Enjoy your trip...... hope the weather stays good. Its brightened up here the last couple of days....... sun is shining.... but..... the sky looks kinda grey...... Ho Hum
Good old English weather :o(
I love these kinds of photos, they are my favorite. Yours turned out beautiful!
Wow! I love them both! You did a great job.
I like how you did this... the yellow flower and the rest black n white!!!!
Hey d
These pictures look great. Kinda of late with comment. One of my kiddos spilled coffee on my keyboard so the a key did not work.
Love the bird feeder one.
Have A great Week
Those pictures are so effective Donna ,love them ...love Jan xx
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