Soooooo it's been a bit since I wrote anything... just nothing to say really. Tid bits here and there.... All is well.. work is work.. the house is the house.... except for maybe my bathroom sink. GRRRR it started draining a bit slow so we plunged last night. Big mistake. HUGE mistake!!! Completely clogged now. LOL I think we plunged everything for blocks around into our pipes. This morning my sister took the trap off and we emptied what we could. OMG freaking gross!! The plumbing in this house sucks as it is. Everything has to go up hill to the main sewer. Well, now it's not completely clogged but it is slow. Will have my landlord/cousin snake when he gets home from Texas. In the meantime it will be the kitchen sink for any extended running of water. Could be worse, could be the toilet.
Tomorrow will be a family thing. Going to my sisters for Mother's Day dinner. Not sure what her husband has in store. He did the shopping. We thought, keep it quick and easy... do burgers and dogs on the grill. If you knew my brother-in-law you'd know that isn't gonna happen. He is going to buy way too much and it will be steaks or something of that nature. I'll let you know. LOL My son will be working 7am-7pm so he will be over when he is done, if we are still hanging out. Otherwise we will do dinner during the week. I already know part of my gift. I mentioned weeks ago I wanted a set of frames to put my pictures in the hallway. He called last weekend to verify. LOL He keeps asking what else I want, 'time with you.' We'll see. My nieces and brother-in-law are thinking they will stay at home. Can't say I blame them. It's going to be a very tough day. The month of May is tough. Wedding anniversary on the 1st and then Mother's Day. If you think about it, could you send them some good vibes?
Wednesday evening we went to Roswell Cancer Institute. They had a remembrance/memorial. It was so emotional. So many folks touched by cancer. So many deaths. They started out with a picture slide show of all those being honored. I looked at my brother-in-law and he shook his head yes. Without a word he knew I was asking if he sent in a picture. Tears immediately flowed. The service was beautiful and covered so many religions. The songs, tear jerker's. It was so hard. Yes, there was a peace, but I miss my sister. When all was said and done we stood to leave. As I looked down I could see wet spots on my shirt. The tears missed by the Kleenex. Oh I could only imagine what my eyes and face looked like. Looking at the other folks there gave me an idea. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house.
Not much planned for today. I have to run to the store for a few things and get my laundry done. I thought about taking a ride to get pictures but with the price of gas these days I wonder..... Not that I'm so poor I can't afford it. It just seems so wasteful in a time when so many can't. Gas here is almost $4 dollars a gallon. I've seen stations with prices as high as $3.94 and that is for regular. OUCH!!!
::giggle:: I've been so addicted to the bird feeder I went and bought another. So far the squirrels have stayed away. Maybe it's because it's a little harder to get to so they are taking the easy route. LOL Just like us humans most of the time. I had to laugh when I saw what appeared to be some what of a family at the feeder this morning, perfect for my 'family thing' entry. :)
Are you a mother? LMAO!! Sorry couldn't resist. Just want to wish all the Mother's out there a very happy day. May the sun shine for you and may love fill the air. For those who have left us to soon I send a prayer and strength to your families. Enjoy my friends, you WILL be thought about.

Donna, Happy Mother's Day to you, Bill
Happy Mothers Day Donna!
I couldn't help but tear up when reading
about the memorial...big hugs!
Sending good vibes....
I hope your family has a wonderful day tomorrow
Gas is just outrageous!
A Very Happy Mothers day to you dear Donna ,and yes I will keep Dear Pat's family in my prayers ,Your new feeder is great, as Im sure the birds in your neighbour hood agree ,I hope all your pipes run freely now ,(hows that for a greeting? lol) Jan xx
Clogged drains can be a pain for sure. Sounded like a lovely, but emotional time at the remembrance/memorial nice you all got to go. The family gathering sounds so good to me! The food is right up my it. I am sure it will be specal...make sure you take photos...hugs and love...enjoy tomorrow!
Happy Mothers Day tomorrow D, hope it's a wonderful one for you!
Sounds like a nice Memorial service. And yes, will send good vibes to your BIL and nieces.
And you didn't know if the birds would find the feeder! Nice photo D
hugs, Bethe
It sounds like a beautiful memorial service. Good vibes are being sent. Feeding the birds are addicting. I love watching them.
love those birdies pics, I snagged the Mother's Day pix .TX Nancy
Donna, I hope you and your family have a wonderful Mother's Day. I could almost feel myself at the Memorial Service. I had to have two tumors biopisied last week and am a bit anxious awaiting the results. Thinking of you. (((Huggs))).
Happy Mothers Day Donna.
Sending good wishes for tomorrow.
What pretty little gold finches you are feeding now. I love them. The memorial sounded lovely (and very emotional I'm sure). Will remember you sister's family tomorrow. Enjoy your day.
Hugs, Joyce
Have a great Mother's Day!
Donna, wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day, Hugs Lisa
happy mothers day i gave my mom an I.O.U im broke right now lol.
Nah, I am not a mother. :( Anyway, so glad that you got to go to the remembrance/memorial even though it was hard. And btw, the steak thing sounds good!
Krissy :)
Happy Mothers Day Donna, enjoy being with the family tommorrow.
Take care
You have the prettiest birds on your property!
I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day. And you can count on me sending strong, good, positive vibes to your BIL and his children.
p.s. My upstairs bathroom sink never wants to drain well either. We've tried Drano I don't know how many times.
My mom swears by mixing a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda together. Maybe I'll try that next. lol
hope you have a wonderful family time tomorrow...and a happy mothers day! love the goldfinch. you are getting such wonderful pix of all your winged visitors. :)
((hugs))........Happy Mother's Day to you also.
Happy Mother's Day to you ....tomorrow will be a difficult day for me
Sounds like you will have quite the celebration.
Hugs Mari
If I could attract all the lovely birds that you attract, I would have bird houses all over. I am even trying to raise a butterfly and hummingbird garden, but as yet, haven't seen any of them, either. We do have mourning doves, robins, cardinals sparrows, red breasted thrushes and sterlings--but that is about the extent of our bird life so far. During the winter we had three bird feeders out, and now have two bird baths, so they do know they are welcome here. A pair of robins just had their nest with three little ones in our magnolia tree, so we did get to watch that. So nice to have nature in your backyard. LaVern
Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day also!! So nice to have birds in the yard!! We have a lot of birds that come here too but I really should attract more by doing a bird feeder. What a great idea!! And yes I hear ya on the price of gas. We're trying to be really careful with every penny too. Hugs,
I sure hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
Pam xoxox
A very Happy Mom's Day to you also, Donna! I'll be thinking of your sister's family and send some vibes their way. Getting together with my Mom and Mother-n-law tomorrow, so I can share some. (((HUGS)))
Always, Rose~*
i hope your Mothers day is very special and you get that time you want with your son. I wish i could send a huge hug to you for your sister...i will keep her and you both close in my thoughts today. Can you use Drano on your pipes or is it a bigger job than that?
Much love for always to you
Sorry to hear about your pipes Donna, I use soda crystals and boiling water in mine to clear them and keep them clear. It's a pain when the sink doesn't empty as fast as usual. Sending my thoughts and prayers to your brother in law and nieces on this Mothers' Day. It must be tough for them. All your photos of your birds are so pretty! Don't you get any little drab coloured birds on your feeder? Lol!
Have a great Mothers' Day. Jeannette xx
Happy Mother's Day, D! I've been reading about your birdfeeder. I was laughing at the woodpecker. We have one in the woods that drives my son crazy. I have a brass light fixture outside my back door that a mama sparrow built a nest in. We hear little peeps coming from it. Anyway, I have to laugh because it is all work and home. My powder room sink got plugged. Joey poured draino down and it sprung a leak. I was shocked. He took the pipes to the hardware store, and they told him how to fix it. He did. Wow....anyway, enough of my book. I've been reading but falling short on commenting. Love, love all your tags....Love ya, Chris
Hi dear, *hugs* First of all i wanted to wish you a very Happy Mothers day! I hope you have a wonderful day you deserve it ;) 2nd oh sorry about your sinik your bathroom that sounds horrible yuck. I really hope all gets fixed and soon ear. That really stinks hun what happened ;( Thats cool your going to your sisters for Moms day dinner. a cookout sounds nice. I think thats what we will be having at my inlaws house today too. Something simple but good ;) I hope your son will make it in time so you get to see him. i bet he has a wonderful gift in store for you, lol. he sounds great hun. I will definetly send your nieces and brother in laws good vibes. I dont blame them either for wanting to stay at home. Its a tough month for them as you said. My heart goes out to them Oh hunny about the service, *hugs* I can just imagine how emotional it was for all of you. it sounded beautiful though, beautiful tributes and peacefully. I am praying for you all, my heart goes out. Yeah the gas prices are unreal. I mean we barely take any unnecessary trips. Its awful. I just go tot the store, take little one to school, hubby goes to work. Go to friends and fam how live close by thats it. Its really insane how much its going up. Thats cute your addicted to the bird feeder glad ur enjoying it. Ty for the beautiful words for us moms. Same to you hun your an amazing woman and mom. Glad i know you. Enjoy ur day! xo, Leslie
Thanks for all your entries whether they are tag offers or happenings in your life. We all love the Roses in life but boy those thorns can really hurt so when a beautiful bird or flower blooms we celebrate as it helps us get through it all. Thanks for sharing! We love it. We all can relate even though our situations may be a little different. Thanks for being so real. Your creativity inspires many of us and we say thanks again for sharing.
Hope you had a good time with your family and you got to see your son xx The cancer memorial sounds like a lovely thing, I'm not surprised you were crying ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
hello donna, hope your "family thing" went well and the sink gets fixed soon, take care mrs t xx
Hi Donna, I'm just now being able to read this entry. How touching that must have been to attend the memorial at the Cancer Institute. I think it's wonderful that you're there for your brother in law, If it's hard on you I can only imagine how it must be for him and his children! I'll be sending vibes full of love, hope and strength for them as well as my prayers!
June is the hard month for me, my dad will be gone 2 years on the 9th and then fathers day..a time of sadness for my family, so I know all too well, how the effects of death can be during holidays or any day for that matter.
Ok, so as for the bird feeders, those dang squirrells! We had to buy one of those guards that look like an upside down bowl to stop them from getting the bird seed..
Keep up the good work!
Have a wonderful week hon..
I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day.....the above graphics is very pretty, were those birds in your back yard?? you get such beautiful birds up there...Ü
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