Ok, so these stairs are actually the way down to the camp. I think I remember the kids counting them years ago and there are 72. I wanted to grab this picture to give you, as well as friends in real life an idea of them. It's hard to describe and even harder to imagine. There was a time that it was the only way down to the camp and back up. Now, well they are much luckier. There is a new neighbor who redid the property next door (to the right of the stairs). He is still working on it. He built a gorgeous home on the top of the hill and tore down the existing camp and built a new one. In so doing he also put a road down to the river. He is a good guy and lets us pull down to load and unload the car. On Friday when we arrived we did it the old fashion way by stairs, but I never had to walk back up them. With my Achilles and calf muscle issues I would never have been able to do it. Down is rarely an issue, but up 5 stairs can make them both act up. They would have needed to borrow a crane to get me back to the top. So forgive me for not fessing up immediately :)

This is a house on the way up. It's along Black Lake. My sister uses it as a landmark for her ride in. I rarely take that route if I'm driving. I like the easier, less turns, no way to get lost route. She thinks it looks like something out of psycho. LOL A little smaller, but I see why. I imagine the house was gorgeous in it's day. It's so sad to see it just stand there like that. Actually, there are so many just left, empty to fall apart.

Ahhhh... my nephew. Don't let the subtle smile fool you, he is in heaven. He is a fishermen through and through. As we arrived and brought our things down to the camp he was on the dock out front removing a Northern from his hook and line. He was afraid it would die, and he was going to throw it back and did so before I could get the camera. I dropped my bags and immediately went out to try and beat him but it was to late. Or so I thought, he was reeling in another. It was overcast, the skies a bit dark and the river a bit rough. The fish were feeling good.. safe one might say. No one had fished off that dock in months, and who would be out in that weather. HA! They don't know E. This was the second, and actually smaller then the first. He's not real fond of Northern's, they are hard to clean with lots of bones, and I don't think he likes the taste. Maybe it's because they have teeth!?! Sharp nasty teeth! Whatever the reason he throws them back. Didn't much matter, on Friday I bet he caught 10 in a matter of an hour or so. Believe me when I say he was happy.

A bit later in the day he caught another. I happened to be sitting nearby and attempted to get a shot of the teeth. LMAO Doesn't look bad here as you can only see a few, but trust me. They are the ugliest fish and those teeth are nasty. Don't ever let anyone tell you only sharks have teeth :)~

Looking to the left or south of the camp is the Ogdensburg/Prescott bridge. By water it's probably a little over a mile away, by road I think it's close to 3. This is the same bridge from my previous entry, but they were on the boat and just about under it. I'm taking this from the dock out front. You can see by the clouds the weather was weird.
Friday and Saturday it was a bit cloudy, windy, and chilly. I am sure away from the river it was much warmer, but we were getting the wind off the cold water. Saturday the guys did some work around the camp. Cleaning the grounds if you will, getting rid of what winter had washed up on shore. Cutting grass and cutting back weeds. They started a fire to burn things away as it's a pain to haul it out of there. Me? I was lazy and laid around relaxing, reading, sleeping, eating, sleeping some more, eating more. Ohhhh I did help clean up after dinner. LOL It's easy carrying paper plates to the huge pot belly stove in the living room to burn later. Again hauling it out of there.......
By no means is it the Ritz, tho I think E may argue :) It is a wonderful place. They have running water, but it is pumped in from the river so you can't drink it. The hose is taken out each winter and put back the next year. They never got the water set up until Saturday so lets just say Friday night was interesting. They did it a bit different this year for now. The water was way to rough to put the removable dock portion in (which is what the hose is connected to), and the water was to damn cold to get into the water. There was a time the connection to the house was actually under the house so someone had to go in and submerge themselves if they wanted water. Now, they have the connection on the side of the house so it isn't as bad. Easy for me to say, I didn't have to do it. BRRRR Saturday morning when the water was hooked up we cheered. They have a hot water tank so there is hot and cold to shower, flush toilets, etc. Bottled water is brought in for cooking and drinking. Hmmmm well that is when you need something to drink besides a beer, wine, or mixed drinks.

Later in the day on Saturday we did take a boat ride. I took my camera hoping to get some pictures. Funny thing. I swear the captain had a rearview mirror. Every time I had my camera up and focused he would speed up and turn the direction we were going. I was lucky enough to sneak a few. The St. Lawrence has 1000's of islands, hence the name The 1000 Island region. As we past this island I thought the view was interesting. Green grass, wild weeds, purple wild flowers, and the bare tree. The captain held the boat pretty steady at the perfect time. I will bet he was bending over getting a beer out of the cooler.
I have so many pictures and I couldn't decide which to use and which to just hold on to. This is getting to be a pretty long entry, and I'd hate to bore those that read to tears so I will pick up tomorrow with more pictures and a little bit more about my weekend. It's not earth shattering, it's about fun and relaxing on a long weekend away from the hustle and bustle of work and home life.
I really enjoyed all of those pictures. That one house does look like something out of a scary movie. I'm shivering just looking at it. You could tag that picture with ghosts and goblins and Halloween time. : ) Hope you have a very happy tomorrow. Luv ya!
aw man if i woulda seen those steps i would of turned around left and said screw the trip.
It sounds like you had a great time Donna. Can't wait to hear more and see more photo's. I'm glad you clarified about the stairs. I was wondering if you were Olympic material???? LOL.
Hugs, Joyce
good posting..do write more..
Love the pics Donna, Hugs Lisa
Oh wow, what gorgeous photos, you must have had a really good time.
Krissy :)
Killer teeth and killer stairs, lol. (and that abandoned house does look like something out of a "psycho" movie) - Loved the pictures, and so glad to hear that you all had a great time.
Sincerely, Rose~*
Geez..thanks for fessing up about those stairs. I was huffing and puffing just thinking about them. Your trip sounds relaxing can't wait to hear more and see more pics. Thanks for sharing
Great picturies!!!
Not boring at all Donna. Have thoroughly enjoyed the pictures and the narrative to go with them.
My niece and her husband go to an island in that area every summer for their vacation. It's a long drive from northern Maine!
the pictures are great. thanks for sharing. Linda
Looks like you had a great time,pics are gorgeous
Awesome D!!! I'm glad you had a great time. Love the pics. Love, Shelly
great pictures looks like everyone is having a great time
Great photos...and so happy you had a good time...those steps still freak me out...I got dizzy just looking at them...LOL Have a great day...hugs,
When we still had our boat, along the river we ran in, there are houses like that. We tried to buy one for a summer and weekend house, and we couldn't get a mortgage because no one would insure the house because it was along the river like that. You had to buy cash. They has electricity, but like the one you were at, there was running water, but you couldn't drink it. It was for the bathroom water really. It was pumped from the river. I have pictures of the house we wanted to buy. I should post it sometime.
Sounds like a good time was had by all. Great pictures. I would have never been able to make those stairs. That was nice of the neighbors to offer an easier way out. Helen
Thanks for sharing your wonderful time. Take care and continue to enjoy your everyday,
The pic of your nephew with the fish is amazing with that sky in the background. Those stairs are SO steep....and that house looks wicked/haunted and interesting! I am glad you got away and enjoyed yourself. Glad to hear no one had to go in that cold water to hook up the water too.
Hey dear, *hugs* Oh yeah ur entry bored me, lol, jk jk. It didnt at all. We love hearing from u and reading ur great stories :) I loved the pics too as always. Ur nephew definetly looked happy and so proud of what he caught. Its beautiful up there where u were at. Im so glad u had a great trip. U need all that good food, sleep, relaxation. Sounds perfect. Our weekend was spent in Orlando taking little one to Disney and Universal. it was fun we had a blast but wow it was so hot, then it rained alot grr, lol. Plus standing and waiting in line for rides uggh a pain for sure. But got some great pics. I will post an entry soon. Take care hun. Agian so glad u had a great long weekend :) ttys. Look fwd to seeing more pics, xo, Leslie
Never ever boring Donna ,great pictures ,though I did get abit out of breath looking at the one of the steps ,Maurice would be like your nephew 'in heaven' in a place like that ,what a lovely break ...love Jan xx
The pictures are great and I remember catching fish like that. I was in heaven also, LOL. Love that old house. I would love to see it restored.
thanks ~D for all your great weekend pics on the river. I took a mini trip reading and viewing the pics. Guess what I never got out of breath climbing THOSE steps!
oh!! i'm glad you didn't have to go back via those steep stairs! lol some great pix as usual. now...that's the kind of fishing i like...reeling in 10 in an hour woould not be boring!! :) i thought gar were the only fish with teeth?? anyways...sounds like you all had a fun day.
I can't get over those stairs. I'd die. I'd just die. LOL
And that fish! Egads! What a scary looking thing! That's exactly why I don't swim in rivers, lakes, oceans...anything that isn't a pool. I'm SCARED TO DEATH of what's lurking in the water with me.
BTW, I didn't think this entry was boring at all.
I've heard stories about how nasty those teeth are. It's a good thing your nephew knows what he's doing.
What a neat camp, D! Does it ever get flooded. LOL...me thinking of floods but it is cute. Boy, I would die doing those stairs constantly. Glad you only had to do them once. I've been MIA for quite a while. I came down with shingles on my head and face and was a miserable old broad. Finally, almost back to normal but behind on journals. Glad you had a relaxing trip. Love ya, Chris
Ohh so much fun!!
Loving all of the pics...and wow at that fish...those
teeth scare me...lol It looks cool though =)
Can't wait to read more and see more pics...
Sounds like you had a blast. Glad you didn't have to climb those stairs! (That poor fish!) Love all the pics.
I saw that you went camping this weekend on the blog plugs and had to stop by your journal to see what you did. I've been camping since April and enjoying very much. Not fishing, but resting for sure. 'On Ya' - ma (from Good Morning Sunshine journal.)
Great pics............. wow thats a great looking fish
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