..... more. The pictures pretty much tell the story of Sunday. In the morning my brother-in-law and his son E went out fishing. As they were out in front of the camp the boat turned slightly and I grabbed a shot. Busy at work. Intense. Thinking of the good and bad of the world, trying to solve all the problems. Bull shit, they were thinking about getting back to camp to get a beer. It was hard work! LOL
We pretty much hung out on the dock the entire day. The sun was out but there was a chill in the air. That breeze off the water, ya know? We all ended up with slight sunburns. Odd sunburns. Farmer tans if you know what is. I had a t-shirt and Capri's on. I sat crossed legged and one pant leg was higher then the other. Can you guess? I had a burn on one leg almost to my knee, the other leg just about my ankle. How pretty!!! My arms got sun from just above the elbows down. My face... well my nose. It always seems to attract the sun. Others had flip flops on and the tops of the feet were as red as a tomato. Oh the fun!!

As it got later it cooled off a bit. Fishing off the dock. Like father like sons. E and Dad posing with the fish they caught. My nephew J casting right off the dock. I zoomed into the dock at the camp next door. Just thought it interesting. Maybe it's just me.

At one point the seagulls were dive bombing the water for the food left over from feeding the ducks. I happened to catch one on the way out. It's not the clearest as he moved pretty damn fast. A 'poser' he is not.

Not much more to say about the actual weekend but I still have tons of pictures. I think I will put a little slide show together to show off the rest. We'll see what happens.
Hope everyone is having a good week so far.
Beautiful pictures. The lake looks awesome. I am so glad yo had such a good time.
Hugs, Maria
Wow, good picures, Hugs Lisa
You just keep getting better and better all the time!
Great photo's D. I'm so glad everyone had fun (especially you). Sounds like a good family trip.
Hugs, Joyce
im jealous im gonna go crawl under my rock now :(
Looks like such a great time. Really nice photos and the one of the seagull is a great shot. hugs, Bethe
Great pictures .....looks like everyone had a great time
Have a great Friday
Your pictures make me want to go out fishing!
Will I ? wont I ?..... Will I ? show Maurice this entry hmmm if I do ,will he high tail it out of here and go fishing instead of doing stuff in the garden as he planned Hmm ...me, Im just envious love Jan xx
Great shots Donna. Oh, the zoom of the other dock? If you look at the 'cross beam' you'll note the coloring and pattern on it is very similar to the fish your nephew is holding. LOL
Is that what attracts the fish to the dock area? hehehe
Great shots. Makes me want to go fishing.
I got your sunburn too...my nose is peeling today.....thank God that awful sunburn ache has gone away....you take the MOST amazing pics of things....i love these pics!!
I sure enjoy seeing all the pics-looks so nice there and Id be on the dock too. That picture of the bird was cool! Glad you got to get away! Look forward to seeing more pics-thanks Donna!
I love seeing your pics they are so beautiful. Would love to see a slid show.
ps..im imagining myself there enjoying my morning coffee....
This just looks like the perfect place to chill out for a few days especially if the weather is good, look forward to the slide show.
Take care
That reminds me of going to the cottage my grandparents owned. I so loved going anytime of the year!!!
Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
Your eye is amazing as the pictures you've shared show that. Happy to hear your weekend was good to you - Hope this one is just as good. Take care of you,
All wonderful shots, giving us a glimpse of your weekend...I do like the shot with "J", something about the warm colors of sunset....:::::sigh::::::
Your shots were wonderful. I love the one of J with the sun setting. Helen
Loved the pictures, Donna - looks like everyone had a great time. Ouchies about the sunburn. Do people still put Noxema on to help? Have a wonderful week-end!
Always, Rose~*
Donna...you can make the most 'normal' events pretty with that camera of yours.
you did a great job catching the gull in motion! :) i love the sunset pic where your nephew is casting from the dock... i think you did a wonderful job in recording the fun had by all that day. :)
If didn't know you were a Yankee, I'd think you were right here in the Shoals...with all that water and fishing going on. You'll have to get in some shorts and even out that sunburn-soon-to-be-tan you got going on there. Love the entry!
I got some wonderful pix of seagulls a month or so ago....and they did pose! lol I'll have to fix a few up for my "G" entry....
Loving all these pics from camp...it's making me wanna go..hehe Can't wait to see more!
What a great area to fish...enjoyed all the photos...so pretty there...
Hugs and love,
Photos are great! I especially like the one of the son casting and the seagull! Just beautiful! Linda
That's the coolest gull shot I've ever seen.
Love the one where the sky is just turning pink...... great shots
Love the bird.
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