Yes, yes I am both physically and mentally exhausted. The past week is like a blur. Running here and there, working, trying to keep my head on straight. Today was the first time in what seems like an eternity that I left work and came home. So much was calling my name but instead I crawled in bed and took a nap. LOL I did wake up feeling better. All the other things can wait... ya know?
My sister did come home today. YEAH!!!! The events of the day took a toll but she is home resting in her house. That in itself will make her feel better. I know being home with just her family was a good thing. No poking and prodding, or constant interruptions. A nice restful night at home. Continued prayers, good thoughts, and candles being lit are so appreciated. I do thank you for all you've done. The good words, prayers, thoughts, private emails, being there for me, and most of all understanding my sporadic comments and/or visits. I've tried to keep up, but I failed miserably and I'm sorry. I will get back on track soon.
Going to cut this short, but wanted to give you just a little update. I can't believe it's Friday already!! Hope you're all good and enjoying your week.

Thanks Emmi for this tag.. it reminded me so much of my sister I had to have it!
I keep thinking tonight is Friday day ahead of myself.
I am sooooo glad your sister is out of the hospital .....prayers are being said for her.
Good news! It HAS been a long week, hasn't it?
I am glad you got some rest... you can only run ragged on that stress high for so long before you need to crash. {{{{ hugs and prayers }}}} Glad your sis is home with her loved ones...
be well,
I need to play catch up but I do know what's going on. I am so glad she's home now D, everyone can rest for a bit now.
Hugs, Gaz xxxx
Its not surprising you are exhausted ,please dont apologise ,we do understand ,Iam so pleased your sister is home again ,nothing like your own bed and all the familiar things around you ,I am praying for her and you and all the family ,with love Jan xxxxx
I'm so happy your sister is back home Donna. Hospital is a horrible place to be when you're sick. You're being a great sister, I know it's appreciated. Try to get some rest now, housework can wait. Just have a restful, easy weekend, TGIF! Jeannette xx
Just dropped by to say 'Hello'....have a good, and restful weekend
I'm glad your sister is back home now. I hope she continues to improve. Take care of yourself right now. You don't want to run yourself down and get sick. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers.
happy to hear your sister is home. now you get some rest. ((((((hugs)))))))
I am happy to hear your sister is home. Great news. Hope you catch up on your rest.
Glad she's home.
Hi Donna,
I'm so happy to hear your dear sister got to go back home. I'm sure that did her heart good to just be able to sleep in her own bed, and not have the constant interruptions one has in a hospital. I hope her pain is under control and that she's feeling much better. You need to try to get more rest too, lady! I hope you have a wonderful, quiet weekend.
Take Care,
Hi Donna,
I'm so happy to hear your dear sister got to go back home. I'm sure that did her heart good to just be able to sleep in her own bed, and not have the constant interruptions one has in a hospital. I hope her pain is under control and that she's feeling much better. You need to try to get more rest too, lady! I hope you have a wonderful, quiet weekend.
Take Care,
Very pleased your sister is now back home, always so much better.
Good news your sister is home! You take care now so you don't end up sick. :)
GOOD NEWS about your sister!!! Don't worry about any 'stuff' here, we'll be here when you get back to it and feel up to it! MORE IMPORTANT things to take care of right now!
Wishing all the BEST for all of you ~ HANG IN THERE!
Lois B
Praise God for the fact your sister is home. I hate hospitals and i know a part of her just wanted her own home and bed and family. I am so relieved for her! I love take it easy and keep YOURSELF on track, sweet D.
XO lj
very nice to see your sister is home. Sometimes being home with family gives u much more energy and peace.
So glad your sister got home! :)
The great thing is, it's the can get some R & R then.
I am so glad your sister is home...I am sure that relieved alot of stress from her and her family. So did the doctors find out what is really going on with her...I hope that her recovery is quick and things get back to her feeling good all the time...continued prayers and positive thoughts ALWAYS being sent her way.
take care of you!
Donna .......please do not apologise........ anyone with any compassion would understand............ those who do not ,do not deserve to be part of your blogging audience.
I am so very happy that your sister is home, there is nothing like the comfort of your own home when you do not feel well..... so hopefully she is feeling better already.
Off to give thanks ...take care, have a wonderful weekend
hugs Jayne
Yes! I love that your sister has made it home ~ there is no place like home and your family nearby! Just getting out of the hospital will make her feel tons better! Donna, please try and get some rest!!! Am sure it has taken a bigger toll on you than you're aware! Hugs, Carla
It seems these past couple of weeks have taken their toll on many. Wonderful news that your sister is home and resting comfortably. Take care of you and enjoy the days ahead.
(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))Dont even worry about saying your sorry about not keeping up.You have your family to think about and thats all that matters.Just know,I am always praying for your Sister and the whole family.Have a nice weekend.
You took a nap? Good for you. Maybe thats what I need. Seems all of J-land could use a NAP! We're all overwhelmed. I'm blaming it on the change of weather. :) Tracy
Donna, glad your sister is home and resting, continuing to pray for her, Hugs Lisa
Dear Donna
I was so happy to read that your sister came home at last. Everybody feels 100% better at home.
Don't apologise for not beng around as much. For goodness sake! You're only human!
You are exhausting yourself and needed the rest. My prayers will always be said for her and her family. You rest up and enjoy your weekend.
Take care!
Jeanie xx
prayers for sis coming right up love v
I'm glad your sister is doing better and is home. Linda
Donna, My heart lit up for you to hear that your sister is home. She must be so very glad to be there. I hope you enjoy a restful, relaxing weekend.
I'm so glad that your sister could go home..It does make a person feel better to be in their own house...
I took a nap this afternoon, you do what your body needs you to do..I hope you can get some extra rest this week-end..
Prayers to all,
Hugs, Sheri
I'm glad your sister is home. I know this is hard on everyone. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I feel the same as you, physically and mentally tired that is. I'm not feeling like a woman :o)
Although sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to have boobs.
he he
Hang in there, D. Put AOL on hold. No one should blame you for taking a much needed break. Life can be so damn exhausting at times. I'm sure your stress level runs high daily. I love your two latest creations...too cute. Love the frog! Try and relax some this weekend. Love ya, Chris
yes being at home is so much better i hate going to the hospital because you can never get a real rest good that she is home and hope she gets better.
Hi Donna
I am not sure if this has expired or not. If it hasn't. I would like this tag please.
with the name Linda
Thanke a bunch
I am so very pleased your sister came home yesterday. I understand the week being a blur, but the homecoming, I am sure, is worth it. ~Mary
Aww hun so sorry i wasnt here sooner. But soo glad to read that ur sister came home the other day. Yes its definetly better and more comforting for her to be home with her family. I was happy to have read this. How is she doing? Hoep well. i am praying so hard for her each and every day. u poor woman i can imagine u have been so drained from the week u had. I hope ur weekend was well and u got some r&r. Take care of urself ok? ttys hun, xoxo, Leslie
The most important thing in life is your family there are no needs of sorry, we are here for you unconditionaly. I hope things improve for sis real soon. And then you can all meet up and have party time. You take care of your self you sound so tired.
love and hugs
So glad your sister is back home!!!!!
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