Evenin folks! I hope this finds everyone well. I'm doing ok. I think I've recovered from the weekend. Mostly anyway. LOL Still a bit tired, but I will bounce back. Maybe tomorrow I will take a nap at work. :)~
For the past few weeks all was clear on the troll front. That was until today. Apparently no sense of humor when it came to my birthday entry for Ste. Think I care? Nope! Go away. Being tired made me be silly, that is now a crime and offensive? Or just offensive to you? Maybe you need to lighten up and laugh more. Chill out, life is way too short.
I did this tag while in a mood. I will put a disclaimer on it now and say it is not meant to be offensive or insensitive to any woman who has already been stricken. It is for awareness. A little girl asking for a cure before she grows up. I trust you all will see it that way, I hope you don't think I'm making light of the dreaded decease. My troll, well that is a different story.
I did make a smaller one just in case.

I'm off to bed... hope everyone is well.
i am lost. who the hell is the troll?
take care
Snagged both ~ Thank you! Those that matter will GET IT! Isn't it a shame that some can't find the bridge the THEY built and get over it! Hoping someday all will find it's way......hopefully in the other direction (sorry). Thank you d for your thoughts and kindness - keeping the candle lit always. Take care and have a happy tomorrow,
I snagged them both! AND... TROLLS SUCK!!! I hope it reads this too. Loser.
be well,
I think it's perfect! Ditto what Dawn said about trolls. F*ck 'em!!
That tag is adorable!
This is a lovely tag Donna. I have snagged it.
Thank yo so much for your hard work and time spent on it.
Jeanie xx
Sorry I missed Steves day.I was so busy decorating and when I had time to come online,I was busy sending out condolances to so many people in J/Land about poor Penny.I missed out quite a few alerts.Sounds you had the Trolls visiting again did you? I too had one last week Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Lovely graphic Donna thanx for sharing.Take Care God Bless Kath.astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/atoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Thank you Donna ...you do go to a lot of work making tags and I do appreaciate all your great work
Snagged the tags too!
Have a great Wednesday
The tag is perfect and a sentiment we can all connect with. Shame your troll is back again, still I suppose she needs something to do must have run out of friends to talk to being so bitter.
Beauitful tag D! Very creative...I just love it. Trolls are such a pest.
Nice work on the tag, I thinkit does just fine getting the right message across.
I think the tag is adorable! Linda
I snagged both, and found neither offensive! I'm sure my granddaughters would agree...especially, those too young to be worried about having "boobs", yet.
Bless you Donna, for all the hard work you do...and in the other aspects of your life.
Perhaps, you should make a troll warning tag, or some such??? LOL
Thanks D! Eh ... Troll - be gone! Pouf!
I'm gonna snag the smaller version. It's cute -- and just what a little girl might think.
to hell with the troll. Such a meaningless existance if you ask me.
i love all your tags, always. Tag away my D.
I hope Ste has or had a wonderful bday.
I love the tag. No offense taken here! My 3 year old was sitting next to me as we looked at it. She loved the picture and I was thinking, "yeah, find a cure before she grows up, please."
I think it's a wonderful tag. Anyone with a small female child in their life would only hope for a cure before they get boobs,,,,,
You have a great day.
I think this snag is adorable. I'm going to put it on Parker and Autumn's myspace page. :)
Thanks for making it.
As for trolls, eh...who cares? Life's way too short to put any thought at all into completely selfish egotistical bitches. Just my philosophy anyway. :)
I snagged the smaller one
I think it is a very nice idea-bet no ONE else ever thought of it!!!I'm gonna put it on my sidebar at
Thanks sooo much
I saw it just that way, great idea. Sorry about your troll, some people need to GET A LIFE! ttyl.
- Jessica Lynn
I love this one! Is it ok if I snag it and put it on my side bar?
PS.... how could anybody be offended by a birthday request for Stevie????
Now how could someone take that wrong? These paople are just pathetic!
I have snagged both versions even before I read what you wrote I thought how apt ,yes please find a cure soon ,your birthday entry was excellent he will love it ,so did all of us that know Steve did too ,so dont worry about anyone else ,they just aint in our gang lol ....love Jan xx
I don't see how anybody could misconstrue any of the messages conveyed in your work Donna! Well, maybe if you were extremely dumb you could, no offence meant to dumb people! The graphic is beautiful and says exactly what we all want ~ an end to breast cancer. Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels
I snagged both graphics...
What a wonderful message!
Find a cure and soon! =)
Thanks bunches Donna
Trolls suck. Period.
Too busy minding everyone else's business...
Have a great evening.
I love the tag, D, and knew exactly what you meant by the words on it. I can't see how it would be taken offensively. Love ya, Chris
I love these sweet tags...I snagged both. They remind me of my daughter when she was little.....and a funny "boobie story". I think I write about it in my journal tomorrow....and use the graphic. Thank you! Hope Sis is feeling better.
You make so many people happy, Donna, & have too many friends to let one turkey troll get you down. Take that Turkey Troll : P
Hi dear, *hugs* Sorry it took me so long to get over here. I had to go make a visit to the Er the other night ;( Im not doing too well health wise right now. Its a long story but basically the docs did testing, ultrasounds to be exact and found out i have an ovarian cyst. This is something i have had before while preggie with my little one. That one at the time got so bad i had to have emergency surgery and lost an ovary. So right now im pretty scared i dont want to lose the one ovary i have left if so i wont be able to have any more children. Anyhow im on bedrest for a few days, trying my hardest to get better. i have a doc appt Monday, so i will find out more then. Im just so scared, tired and really in pain. Its better today then it was that night thats for sure. Anyhow sorry about the troll mess agian. I swear this person had nothing better or meaningful to do with their life. I mean that bday entry for ur friend was all in good fun. I thought it was great :) I loved the tag too, i took no offense to it. Im sure others didnt either it was beautiful. Take care hun. Hope ur having a good week. Sending prayers ur way and ur sisters. Off to light a candle for her, *hugs, Leslie
hello there ~D,
I'm taking the pink tags with me to my page and using it. Thanks
hugs, me<-:P
I LOVED, LOVED the tag and if it were possible to be a cure before any child grew up then I think that would be even better! This tag should be used in campaigns for Breast Cancer. Have a great weekend Donna
luv bella xx
D-that's a good one.
Hi Donna,
I love this tag!! What a great way to look at it....and have hope a cure will be found.
Take Care,
Trolls are little creatures. STEP ON THEM!
P.S.: If they don't like what i write, then I invite them not to read my stuff. Feel better!
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