Where have I been? LOL now don't I wish I was in paradise! Of course I do, but not today... nor have I been there over the last few days. I've been here, in cold and snowy Western New York. I think I've been in and out of consciousness. I've been going thru the motions of day to day life. Working everyday and doing what had to be done. To be honest when the work day was over I had no desire to be here and write. I had no ambition to do graphics. I'd get home, change into sweats or something equally as comfy and veg. I'd log on, read mail, try to read journals, but I just couldn't keep my focus or concentrate on many of the reads. Sorry. It was me not you. I thought it unfair to pretend so a lot of the times I didn't comment. But I swear to you I did try. I've missed you all and hope this entire funk is on it's way out.
We've had some changes at work. On Friday we started an internal move. Changing cubicles, area's in the office each department held. I started packing my desk and belongings around 3 when my phone was messed up, died, or reconfigured. Holy shit, do you know how much stuff I've gathered in the 15 years I was there?!?! Can you say garbage bags galore? Can you say dust?? The movement of walls, desks, wires, after laying dormant for so several years stirred up all kinds of dust and who knows what else. The cleaning company does not move items, and let me tell you it was obvious!! I left for the day and couldn't wait to get in the shower. I felt gross! The crap I inhaled, OMG!!
Monday was a trip. When I arrived at work my phone was still not operating. Oh the joy! All I could think was, thank God I was leaving early. I'd had a dull headache for days and sitting pretending to work while things were being changed around me was not helping. I set up my desk, put things in the proper place and watched the clock. YEAH! It was time to go. I got out in the fresh air and felt a bit better. I picked up my son and we went shopping. We so lucked out. He found what he wanted at the first store we stopped at. A couple pair of shorts, t-shirts, and new socks. He was a happy camper and so was I. At this point my headache had come back and my throat felt like sandpaper. I dropped him off and went home to bed.
Tuesday I forced myself to work. It was a long day and the later it got the worse I felt. (WARNING: gross part of story, you may want to skip it) Wednesday the same thing. I stopped at the store and bought tea bags and some water to help sooth my throat while at work. I was driving along minding my own business when all of a sudden my mouth was full of puke. No warning, just there. I scrambled to empty the bag, quickly searched for holes or breaks in the plastic. Then I help it up to my mouth as I drove, spitting and finish the job in the bag. Why didn't I pull over? I couldn't I was in the wrong lane and no time. I thought about turning around and just going home but at that point I felt better. So there I am, driving to work holding a bag of puke. Feeling better did not last long and I left a bit early. I pretty much slept away the day. Today I decided to stay home. Throat burns and feels raw. My sinuses causing my head to pound. So far all is clear so I don't think it's an infection, I actually think it might have something to do with the move. A day without talking will no doubt do me good, or I am hoping so. I still have some nasal drip, but I was able to eat some soup. I feel pretty good except for the throat. Let's hope this goes away, like NOW!
Oh, Happy Spring!!! Yeah... that's right it is the first day of spring. Can someone tell Mother Nature? It snowed here last night. Nothing major and the roads are just wet, but it was snow none the less. What had melted or the rain had washed away is back. I actually got excited when I started to see grass. So much for that!!! The one good thing about it. The dirty soot covered piles along the side of the road are now covered in a fresh white blanket.
What I thought was going to be a quick update turned into a short story, sorry. I do hope you all are doing well. I hope that spring really arrived in your neck of the woods. Thanks for the good wishes, mails and comments of concern. I will try to be better. I swear.
PS On a real happy note congrats to Gaz and Phil on their big day!!!