This week's challenge is AGED. So find something that shows age or take an image & make it vintage or aged.
Post your challenge entry on your blog, come back here & leave your link in the comment area on either the FUN or JUDGED category.
Post your challenge entry on your blog, come back here & leave your link in the comment area on either the FUN or JUDGED category.
Click on the banner to join in the fun.
I had this picture from when I visited Niagara Falls over the summer. Definitely something aged in my opinion. I added the sepia toning to add to the feel. Had the topic been old, I'd have done a snow scene. LOL at this stage of the game ... snow is old!! I'm ready for spring.

I am doing this one in the 'fun category' but may come back and do another for the judging category. I've had my eye on a few scenes nearby but I'm waiting on the lens I ordered to arrive. If it comes in time........ ::evil grin:: I looked at other cameras but holy shit I can't swing it at this time. Not for a hobby! I will stick with my cheapo camera and add to it.
How pretty!!
Great choice!
Linda :)
Beautiful. Simply breathtaking!
So pretty! Great job!
Martha :-)
I had no idea how beautiful Niagra Falls is. Marilyn Monroe was there... Breath-taking! So does this have to be a photo that you take yourself or can it be from the net? Please reply.
Win =.)
i really like your photo!
XO lj
This is a beautifil picture. I love the look of it. Helen
that is something I would frame and hang in my home...very beautiful
have a great weekend
that is very nice. i want to go see the falls maybe someday
That is gorgeous-ty for sharing--hope you will send more (hint hint) so pretty-never been there, but always wanted to go, so gonna go back and look at the picture------so pretty--great job and have fun with the challenge.
Great picture ....thank you for sharing this ..good luck Donna
Hugs Mari
very nice....I like this challenge, there have been quite a few pictures that were great.
I know what you mean about looking at photography stuff and wanting it, but deciding it is too expensive for a hobby... but I do keep asking for stuff for birthdays, etc ;p
But, what I wanted to say is that it is the photographer, not the camera, that makes the shot! You show us awesome pictures all of the time! Yes, it's fun to have the 'bells and whistles', but it is -more- important to have 'the eye'!!
That photo is amazing!
Thanks for sharing...
Have a great weekend Donna
Fabulous photo (as usual). Do you realize what a talented photographer you are?
Hugs, Joyce
You're taking these pictures with a cheapo camera????
Girl, you must tell me what kind of camera you use. LOL
I wanna know what camera ,too!!
I remember(barely) being at Niagra Falls when I was little.
This photo is good enough for a picture post card
I don't think I'll enter this as I'm 50 in two weeks time :-( Gaz xx
girl...with the success you have, don't worry about the camera!! this is fantastic. i love it.
That's beautiful Donna, so very good! If you can do this with a cheap camera I'd love to see what you could achieve with an expensive one. I don't think photography is all about the price of equipment, it's also about spotting a great shot before you shoot it. You'#ve definitely got the knack! Jeannette xx
Nice twist! You can't get much older than something the Ice Age created!!!
Niagara Falls is a phenomenal place to visit... and you've captured it's age and beauty splendidly! Well done!
Fantastic photo.............. if you get pics like that with a cheap camera.......... God help us when you get a 'posh'
There will be no stopping you :o))
Beautiful picture... I was hoping to go to N.F. soon, but with everything happening here I doubt it.
Take care, Chrissie
Perfect idea (and shot!) for aged. You done good. ; )
This is fantastic, I just went by the Falls today on the way to McKinley Mall. My son took us over that way and then to Easter Hills. I always love to see pics of the Falls, an this was is absolutely beautiful, Donna.
I've never been to Niagra falls. It looks like quite a place.
I love it in sepia.
Donna, this is perfect. Love the idea of changing to sepia and the framing you added. Beautiful image.
Ooohhhhhh....awesome, and I love the tint on it!
Pooh Hugs,
Yes, Niagra Falls is eternal. You have caught that idea with the sepia tones I think, so the photo looks old as well as new. Gerry
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