I got up this morning and it was snowing. Oh the joy of winters in Buffalo. Actually it was a pretty snow. As pretty as it can be in mid March. The sky was a vibrant blue with clouds scattered. The flakes were the size of quarters and reminded me of the first sign of winter and how we all ewww and ahhh at the first flakes. It didn't stick but it fell gracefully from the sky.

I thought for a split second about going downtown for the parade, but my heart wasn't in it. I didn't feel like dealing with the drunken crowds. I decided I would take a ride and look for green. Yes, I said green even though I still have snow on the ground. I took a ride to the Botanical Garden's and thought I would walk around inside with the color and warmth. I took the drive but never once thought about it being Palm Sunday and that the crowds there would be sober, but crowds just the same. Parking was a joke so I just drove through the park. I pulled over a few times and grabbed some shots. I found the contrast of the snow, bare trees, shadows, clouds, and the blue sky interesting. Maybe you won't, but I figured I would post anyway.

When I left the park I was only a block or two from the cemetery. I stopped at local store and bought a green carnation. My sister was a lover of St. Patrick's Day and on more then one occasion we made the trip to the parade. Standing in the wind and cold to celebrate. I wanted her to know I remembered. I found the spot and sat in my car in tears. It took a few minutes to get out. Was I ready? I walked over and sobbed. I took my glove and wiped down the stone. I don't think it was dirty, I think it was more I wanted to touch her. Maybe I was looking for comfort. I prayed, I talked to her. I broke the stem of the flower and inserted in the crack. As I stood there with tears in my eyes the trees and shrubs behind me reflected. I went back to my car to get my camera. The shot does not do the reflection justice, not one bit, but I think you can see some of what I saw. It's in no way meant to be morbid. A sign of life in the distance I guess. I miss her terribly but know she is happy, healthy, and looking down on us. Miss you so much Pat!!

The end of the week and weekend were good. Busy and laid back at the same time. Dinner with my son on Saturday was a joy. After we ate I went back to their place and hung out for a few hours. It was nice relaxing and talking of plans and just everyday events. I talk to him on the phone regularly but this was so much nicer. I miss hanging out with him. Tomorrow we will go shopping for birthday gifts. That should be fun. LOL He so loves to shop with his mother, NOT!
Hope everyone is doing good. The weekend flew by and it's off to bed for me. Hugs to all of you.
your pix are beautiful. i'm glad you made the trip for your sis. hugs.
I love the pic of the green carnation the shadow in the stone is great. Take care.
Aww Donna, I know its so hard having your sister gone, but Im sure she is looking down from Heaven with love. The pictures were gorgeous and I was glad you got to spend some time with your son. Shopping together should be like old times and fun for you--get some rest my sweet friend and know you are loved-hugs & God Bless You-Carolina
((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))Beatiful pics,that is the mosy beatiful snow I have sen since I was little,really little.We dont get that much snoow like we use to.Knock on wood.LOL.I know it still has to be hard missing your Sister.I wish I knew the right words to say.But your right,She is looking down at you,She is healthy and not in pain.I know you are remembering the all the times you had with Her.
Fantastic photo's just like postcards the snow looks so pretty, you caught the Green Carnation on your sisters stone just right, the way the sun shone on her stone was her smiling at you. Glad you had a nice evening with your son, and have a good time shopping tommorrow.
Take care
I thought it was beautiful. I visit John's granny and grandad's graves often and if I was in the same state as my mom would be there too. My oldest daughter has carried on the tradition of decorating the graves as those were her great-grandparents and although she was young when they died she remembers every year on the dates that they passed which tells me she was affected more than we knew or she let on. Loved all the pictures they were just beautiful.
Take care, Chrissie
Awwwwwww beautiful pictures, I'm so sorry you are missing your sister, Big Hugs Lisa
I love the photo's Donna. I especially love the one with the green carnation and don't find that morbid at all. I think it's precious. Happy St. Paddy's Day.
Hugs, Joyce
Beyond telling you how pretty the pictures are, I am not lost on how touching what you did was. You did something that was hard to do but you were determined and I know your sister was there looking down on you smiling when she saw you visiting. I hope you have a happy week Donna. Luv ya!
Wonderful Winter pictures. And an amazing way to visit Pat!
WIshing you a nice beginning of the new working week.
Hugs, Maria
The photos are beautiful Donna, especially the one for your sister.
We had tornados here this week-end. Will trade for snow anyday! I was too scared to try and make pics !
I see what you mean about the headstone. The photo of the headstone/reflection tells it all ~ grief, life, death, hope. Thank you for sharing.
(hugs) Bethe
I see the reflections in the stone very well. All your photos are good. Glad that you spent some time with your son. Hugs, Helen
The headstone photo was perfect.
Spring is coming...it really, really is!
Beautiful pictures Donna especially the last one. ;-) I love the emotion of it. Take care & ttyl.
- Jessica
Beautiful pictures Donna ....thanks for sharing all the pictures with everyone.
Have a great week
i am so glad you got to see your son!! It always seems to add happiness and a spring to your step to see your baby. I love the pics and i just wish your area would warm up...we have had lots of rain and cold but no snow.....i am glad you went to your sisters gravesite....i hope it helped you....it is a beautiful headstone. HUGE hugs to you and all my love,
Donna, thankyou for sharing your beautiful photos! The reflection is sooo very touching, such a wonderful symbol of your love. It's good that you are able to visit the cemetery as often as you feel up to it ... I'm sure it will help heal your pain a bit, eventually. Hoping you are able to have many happy visits with your son, too! Enjoy the birthday shopping!
I see nothing morbid about it at all, of course I've buried a child and know how sacred in ways the cemetary is, I think it's actually one of the most peaceful places there is. The picture is beautiful.
God Bless
Very pretty photos Donna....they are beautiful, especially the headstone.
Have a wonderful Monday....
I thought that was so moving the carnation on the stone and the reflection on the marble ,and as Lyn before me said a moment btween two sisters ..love Jan xx,not only a great graphic maker your photography is clever too ,
Your pictures are beautiful. I think you have a hidden talent as a photographer. Enjoy your week.
I think the picture is beautiful Donna, not morbid at all! Linda
I thought you were going to say you were in search of the sunshine. What you found is beautiful. Thanks for sharing a part of your day. Take care,
I didn't find the picture morbid at all, I found that it said that the love between you two will never be broken, even in death. I think it said that someday, you will both stand together again, victorious, strong, and healthy.....I think the picture was quite comforting.
I'm so sorry that Pat isn't here to go to the parade with, I can only imagine how much that hurt. But I'm so glad that you have the memories of parades past, memories filled with laughter and smiles to help fill the void that her death has left you with.
You are in my thoughts, friend.
Love & Pooh Hugs,
... I really enjoyed your pictures and your entry of the day ... and it is agreed that sharing your loved one is by in no way morbid ... I take it as a gift that you give to us, to share in your love and for us to help you celebrate it ..!
Your photos are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your time at the cemetery with us. I am so sorry you are missing your sister so. She is with you always, but you know that... Love, Val xox
Absolutely Stunning photos. :)
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/ Tracy
Love the photos but truly enjoying by 70-80 degree weather. Emmi
These are great pics! Like you, I really like the contrast between the blue sky, bare trees, and white snow. The carnation was a very nice thing to do for your sister and I'm glad you took a shot of it for us. Over all, it sounds like you had a nice weekend. I know you enjoyed your time with your son.
Donna I thought your pictures are beautiful ~ and I loved the one of the green carnation ~ felt so sad for you knowing how much you are missisng your Sister ~ Ally x
Your photos are stunning Donna. I love the intensity of the azure blue sky against the snow and the trees.
The one of your sister's carnation speaks volumes.
Thinking of you
Jeanie xxx
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos....you take some of he prettiest pictures. The sky, the trees...so pretty. You live in a beautiful area, for sure. Enjoy your week...hugs and love,
you are a very very special person. Diffently tough going there but well needed I'm sure. God Bless you
Great snow pics, Donna. It's an on-going journey, coming to terms with the loss of your sister. Have a great week!
Your photos are great donna i love the contrast of blue, white and grey and the trees. The photo of the carnation touched my heart. It must have been very hard for you to go to see your sister's grave but I always found that when I went to see my parents, I always felt better for going. God bless you my friend.
That is not morbid at all but I think it's a lovely tribute to your sister :o) Great pics as per usual. Glad you had a good time with your son ~ hope you both survived the shopping trip.
As always, Donna, your pictures are lovely.
There's nothing morbid about talking to your sister.
And the carnation picture really touched me.
Glad you were able to spend some quality time with your son.
As always, Donna, your pictures are lovely.
There's nothing morbid about talking to your sister.
And the carnation picture really touched me.
Glad you were able to spend some quality time with your son.
I love the picture... not morbid at all. Just a little salute to Pat. Sending you gentle hugs and prayers.... been lurking, but always praying for you.
be well,
Not morbid Donna. Thoughtful and caring and a demonstration of love and tribute to your sister. {{{huhgs}}}
The pictures in the park are lovely ... nice color contrasts.
Your snow pics are lovely.
Have A Great Easter Donna.
Your Sis is so pleased you remembered St Patricks day for her.
Hugs to you my dera friend and have a great Easter.
Gaz xx
Beautiful pics...thanks for sharing....
I know your sister was so glad you remembered
her on St. Patricks day...and always...i think the reflection on the stone is beautiful in it's own way... Big Hugs!!!
Hope you have a good week
Awwww Donna,no words here can help fill your void........
many hugs
Stopping by to say hello, miss you, and wish you a early Happy Easter-hugs!
very sweet! Belatedly Happy Saint Pats Day!
I think it was a beautiful gesture D.............. she would have loved it. :o))
Great pics as usual.......... hugs Jayne
Donna, I know you still miss your sister. I enjoyed your photos and the one of your sisters stone is very moving. Linda
That is so tender and touching about Pat. I am sure she was proud to have you for a sister too. I saw the beautiful reflections of the trees on the headstone.
I must go this summer to put flowers on my father's grave. It will be a road trip for he is buried in KY and I am down in GA. The pictures of the snow that day was so pretty. You really captured the blues in it. Makes you feel kinda cold to look at it. Hopefully that'll work in July. lol It is very pretty though.
Have a happy Easter weekend.
I know how much you miss Pat, after thirty years I still miss my sisters. The photo in the cemetery is beautiful, I can see the trees and a building in the reflection. Jeannette xx
Nothing morbid about the photo... I would have wanted to reach out in the same way. My sister is buried three thousand miles away in a California cemetary. Someday I hope to visit the grave, but I feel her with me (even after 11 years she's been gone). Doing things like this, remembering your sister, keeps her alive for you and your family. bea
(((D))) Not morbid at all...loving. Greatpictures...I love that sharp/crisp blur that only happens that way in a sunny Winter sky. ;) C.
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