And now it's over. We all got to my sisters about 11 and it wasn't long before the food was displayed and we ate. Egg dishes, polish sausage, coffee cake, fruit salad, baked ham, cinnamon raisin strata it seemed like the choices were endless. I will tell you they were delicious!! Family gathered with stories and laughs. The kids enjoyed their treats a great deal.

The day was relaxing and fun. We spent hours and hours over the coffee table in the living room putting a puzzle together. On more then one occasion I had to walk away as my head began to hurt. My eyes were blurred. It wasn't done when I left but there isn't much left to do. If I can get there when it's finished and before it comes down I will snap a shot. LOL It was a bit intense.
We never got the snow they called for. It was chilly but the sky was blue and the sun was out. YEAH! I am hoping this means we are done. Could it be? For real? I'm hoping tomorrow is just as nice. I will be taking the day off. Work gives us a day off for our birthday and I decided to use mine a couple days early to make a long weekend. My car needs to be inspected and I will make the jaunt to do so. I have plans of taking my camera and seeing if I can get some shots. We'll see. Oh Lisa, as I was leaving the house this morning my neighbor handed me my mail. Thank you so very much for the birthday card. You are a gem and I love ya!!
I do hope everyone had a grand day however you spent it.
Glad that you had a good Easter. Your pictures are great, you did a beautiful job on framing them. Hugs, Helen
Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter Donna, love the family picture too!!
So your birthday is coming up, well Happy Early Birthday wishes in case I don't get to say it on the day, since I don't know when it
Have a wonderful relaxing day off tomorrow Donna..
Darlene :)
Love the pictures! :)
Sounds like a lovely day.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that winter is OVER!
I'm so very glad that you had such a nice day. You deserve and need them! Hope you have a fantastic week. Luv ya!
Sounds like a perfect Easter Sunday. I love the photo's Donna and your hair looks great. I like the length a lot. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.
Hugs, Joyce
Donna, What wonderful pics!!! I am so glad you had such a good day. Linda
Beautiful! Happy Birthday, Donna!
Sounds like you had a great Easter ...thank you for sharing the pictures.
Hope you have a great birthday.
... sounds like y'all had a good holiday ... there was an article in the freep about y'all goalie, Ryan Miller ... pretty good, I didn't know y'all played him so much ...
...jealous of the pic's ... gave me an idea though ...
You all look so happy. Expecially you. You are beautiful. Glad you had a great day. We had the same weather you had. COLD, but sunshine and that is what we need most. :) Tracy
Thanks for sharing your Easter day with us in photos. Very sweet. Building Memories!
Your photos look great, you look happy, and happy early birthday wishes! Have a great day tomorrow!! bea
I'm happy to hear your day spent with family was a special one! The photos are precious! Thank you for sharing!
And have a WONDERFUL birthday!!!
That truly sounds fabulous! The pictures are beyond joyful!!!
i love you too....guess it was mailed a bit too early...i am known to do that because you never know with the US mail. I love and i mean LOVE your hair..OMG...the length and color and those curls. I wish so much i had curl! You look so VERY pretty in the pics. I love seeing you so happy...Bug is a doll.....i am glad you got to be with family and had a good day!
It sounds as though your day was great and the pics bear that out! Look at those smiles!!!! Yours included!!! So nice to see!!! Happy Easter... enjoy your day off!
be well,
sounds like a wonderful day! happy Easter to you and yours. great pix.
Glad you had a great day with your family.
Hugs Sunny
Hi d
Great picture tags
So Cute!
Glad you had a Happy Easter.
We had fun with the kids, Had a nice dinner. was raining so we were stuck inside
all day. Enjoy your day off and Happy Birthday!!
Love the pictures. Happy Easter
Loved your adorable pictures, Donna. Fabulous indeed. And your hair looks positively divine - really suits you to a "T". Hope the weather holds up for you. We had a mixed bag of rain and clouds, with some sunshine poking through, but now there are a few snowflakes falling around. Hope they'll be gone by morning . . .
Always, Rose~*
Those photos were great! It looked like everyone had a good time.
Gaz xx
I am happy to hear about your great Easter. The pictures are so beautiful
and speak more than a thousand words.
Enjoy your day off. Hugs, Maria
Sounds like you had a wonderful day!! Beautiful pictures of your day!
What a treat ,some gorgeous pictures of some very special people Jan xx
Love the photos D! The three of you look like you were having a wonderful day together. Happy Birthday, just a tad early. Be good to yourself today .... and may the weather cooperate for picture taking. ;)
Great photos! Looks like everyone had a great time! Linda
Great the Hair!
Pleased you had a good time.....Aileen....X
sounds like a wonderful day. pictures are lovely. enjoy your extra day off and happy birthday! mrs t xx
Great shots of you and Bug together! The family celebration sounds like a very nice way to spend and Easter Sunday. That is what Holidays are for, falmily and close friends. Oh, and good food, LOL! Glad you guys were able to get together. Good luck with your car today. I hope it goes soothly and that it passes inspection.
Oh, sounds like you had a nice Easter. Wonderful. I love these pictures!! My Easter was so nice, spent with family as well. We got your snow. Just a couple of inches, but I do hope it is gone for good, too!! Come warm weather!! LOL Have a lovely week, Donna! Hugs, Val xox
Sounds like you had a wonderful time w/ your family Donna. I had all my family here at my home on both mine & my husbands side. I was busy all day cooking & cleaning & entertaining. It was quit a nice Easter for us too. It was 75 degrees, so it was a beautiful day.
- Jessica Lynn
Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful Easter!
I hope you have a great day off in honor of your upcoming birthday.Oh and you know this entry made me hungry LOL The kids are adorable and you my dear are gorgeous!! Love the smile. Well I'm off to make a cake, today is my and lil Stan's birthday yeay!
Big Hugs to you!!!
~ Reeney
Your photos say it lovely. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead...hugs and love,
glad you had such a good time belated easter wishes from the UK i am in awe of your graphics wish i had the skill did i hear patience? lol take care mort xxx
man did Gage get big. Great pics. Huh, you look the same from the pic of you and Klae as you do today. NOT FAIR Gonna wish you a Happy Birthday now cause who knows we'll I'll be by wed.
hugs, Me <-:P
Love the pictures...the kids are getting so big.
Hope you had a great Easter....
Glad to hear you had a nice Easter with your family.
Take care
You get a day off for your birthday? Your company has that so right!! I never work on my birthday if I can help it lol...........Love the pics and looks like you had a good time x
Hope you'll have had a great day, Donna
Loved the pics Donna. Hope you had a great Easter and also enjoy your day off to have a magic Birthday. Love Pam xx
Pics are great D, looks like everyone had a great time.
Happy birthday in advance :o))
Have a wonderful day
hugs Jayne
((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))))))I am glad you had a nice Easter dinner with your familyI hope you have a special Happy Birthday tomrmow.
I can see by the pics that you all had a great time! Bug's growing up into a beautiful young lady too! I'm glad you never got the snow you were expecting. We've had it today and all over the weekend but it hasn't laid. I'm hanging on in there for spring! Have a wonderul birthday on Wednesday. Jeannette xx
enjoyed the pictures :)
i think i may have to do a puzzle now. havent done one in awhile! LOL
take care and have a great night
Donna, glad you had a good Easter, Awwwww how nice of Lisa to send you a card, if I knew your address I would send you one too, Hugs Lisa
Lovely photos as usual of your family gathering on Easter. Loved seeing you with the kids. Sounds like such a good time. Glad you are going to get a little more time off and I hope for spring. Gerry
Donna the pictures are adorable! Im glad you had a great Easter. Thanks for sharing...great pics! Hugs Tammy
That Bug is as cute as a lil bug. She adores you-you can tell!!!
Yes-spring-it 'can't' be too far now.Sick of this cold nasty,dreary weather...
have a nice time off and "~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~~"
I love how you put your pictures together. It looks just like a scrap book page. It is quite lovely! Everyone looks perfectly spring like.
fab pics! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Donna hun, *hugs* I loved the pics first of all. Like every1 says it looks so beautiful all together and scrapbook like. U look great hun! the kids are adorable. It sounded like u and the family had a wonderful day filled with love and good food, yumm! We had a nice Eatser as well with lots of love and good food too. Danielle made out with lots of goodies as well. Thats great ur going to take a couple of extra days off for ur Birthday. Oh and Happy Bday to u! I hope u have a wonderful, happy one. U deserve it hun :) Hope all goes well with the car. Also while u get out u get some great pics. Hopefully will be warmer for u as well. Oh and have fun at the game too. saw that on ur latest tag entry.
take care dear have a great day! xo, Leslie
I am so glad to hear you had a great Easter! What beautiful pictures ! I was thinking of you on Easter and so hoped you would have a great Day-hugs and love-Carolina
Great pictures, glad your Easter was a happy one.
I love the pictures look so happy, and so do the kids. It's so nice to have such a wonderful day with family isn't it? The food sounds very yummy :)
Pooh Hugs,
beautiful pictures! I've missed you, I've been away too long.
Sorry i was not able to wish you it on the day, but hope that you had a wonderful time. May the next year bring you all you wish for and more.
hugs Jayne
Happy Birthday! Those pictures of Bug are the best! She is one pretty little girl!
Loveeee all the pics....
Memories to cherish forever!
Happy Easter (late)
Yikes, I missed your birthday I see from the first entry :( I'm finally feeling better but this week has been a nightmare back at work and getting home so tired. Your Easter sounds so lovely and the food out of this world. You get the day off from work? Whoo great is that? Love the Mandy tag with the Love ya, Chris
Happy belated Easter!! I'm way behind on alerts but just dropping in to say hello and what a lovely album picture with happy memories and family!!!
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