Evening! It's hard to believe it's been 3 years since I started this journal. Ok, 3 years and one day. So much has changed from that day, and so much has stayed the same. I never thought I'd keep with it. I figured I would write a bit and then stop. Who'd be interested in what I had to say or share?
Back in the day it was bit different and there didn't seem to be so much hate, so much trouble, so much jealousy (if that's what you can call it), but the community grew and just like life, like the world, it takes all kinds to make things go around. I've had my share of the bad and ugly, and in a round about way it was good. It brought me closer to some, weeded out some, and showed true colors of many.
So many of you have been around a very long time. Some are new comers. I appreciate you all. My life has not been an open book per say but I've shared many a things and you all stood by me. Sent words of hope and friendship, hugs and strength, smiles and yes some tears. You've given good advise and again, I appreciate all of it. There were rocky times with a few, but we worked through the difficult times and our friendship grew stronger. Some walked away, and yes, I walked away too. It's what life is about. It's unrealistic to think we will get along with everyone, to build foundations to grow on. Reality is we know when to walk away and when to work to fix it. I've heard many a times that people on the Internet are fake. Well, not always. Yes, there are some that want you to believe only to turn and show those true colors and they are colors we'd rather not see, but I've found true friendship too. Friendship that will stay with me forever. I won't name names because I'd forget someone... but you know who you are. If you're still reading this you're probably one that would be on my list :) I say probably only because I know my 'bad and ugly' still visits. That, I fear, will never change, but so be it. A good friend told me they visit because their life is so miserable and so sad they live through me. I laughed and thought how funny, but there is something to that. Why else would someone spend so much time reading and storing my words?
I've changed over the three years. Life taught some valuable lessons. Showed me love, showed me sadness, and you stayed with me. Thank you. My journal has changed to. I may not write the inner secrets of my being, but I think a lot of time my pictures and graphics do the talking for me. Never in a million years did I think I would become so addicted to the graphics, then my picture taking. Your input over the course of these past few years helped me improve, grow, and enjoy it more and more. Thank you!

I took the picture of the table just to do it. My initial thought was to show the weather, the numerous days of rain of late. But today, I looked at that table and thought how lonely and sad. Just sitting there empty, much like some folks life. I looked at it again and thought how cool would it be to sit at that table and share a laugh, a smile, a story. Out of the rain of course ::grin:: So to all my friends I want you to know there is a spot at that table for you, and I thank you so very much for joining me.
Congrats on your 3 year anniversary!!!!
I appreciate all the tag offers you make.
a very sweet entry....especially that last paragraph. i would love and be honored to sit at that table with you sharing a few laughs and stories. :)
Big congratulations to your 3 year journal. Way to go!
Looking forward to many more. Hugs, Maria
Wow, has it been 3 years already?? In some form I have been journaling for a while here and elsewhere. I have been lucky with my journal and have not had many issues. Congrats on the anniversary!! I have met some great people ( you included) and made some really great frinds here as well.... I look forward to the next 3 years....
Three years and I've learned so much from you. You have grown and you have been through many changes, but I think change is good. Thank you making me smile and making me understand that all of us go through things good and bad. You really have touched me and I appreciate you for that. Here's to many more years. :)
Happy Anny and many more to come.
I'm thankful that I found my way to this journal and to you and not just because of the wonderful tags. You are genuine, sweet, caring and fun. Four great qualities and I hope you are around for us for a very long time to come. Luv ya!
Immediately I thought of the second thing, D. That the table was so open and welcoming. I think I will join you there and sit awhile, my friend. :) Happy anniversary!
Krissy :)
Congrats on your journal anniversary! I love the way you describe that picnic table, I think it needs to be alot bigger than that, to hold all of us who consider you our friend. Donna, thanks for being my friend!
Happy 3 years and one day. I know how much I have changed in 3 years.
Happy Happy Anniversary!! I think my 4 year mark comes next week. Or maybe 5. Can't remember. Glad you're here and have decided to stick around!!! :)
Happy Anniversary, Donna - you most certainly have written from your heart and that is what keeps me returning to read your journal. Of course your graphics are wonderful, also. And, true to my word, I haven't been too greedy and only snagged a few. Of course, I would love to have them all, but I think that would use up all of my hard drive space, lol. Take care, and I think that the toothpaste on the seat thingie was absolutely disgusting. Whoever did such a thing should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, for sure. (((HUGS)))
Always, Rose~*
CONGRATULATIONS on THREE YEARS, Donna!! You do a GREAT job with your journal and I thoroughly enjoy it!!! THANKS FOR SHARING ... as well as all the neat tag offers!
I thought you put things in really good perspective ~ sadly, life is full of the 'good' and 'bad' ~ hard to deal with at times, but keep focusing on the GOOD!
Thanks again for sharing ~ I'm glad I found you!
Lois B
"Congratulations" Donna on your Three yrs in J/Land.Such a lot of hard work you have put into it too.You have pleased so many with your wonderful graphics ( I know you have me) ,until problems came along and I now find it difficult AOL Grrr.The pictures you take and transform are fantastic..You are the best.I hope you enjoy your day well done .You deserve all the praise you get.I for one one would love to join you with a few more J/landers around that table for a good laugh and chat it's the best medicine of the day,without being a gatecrasher heeeeee..Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Congrats, my friend!
Happy anniverssary to your journal Donna. I've really enjoyed reading these last three years ~ is it really that long?! I'm making a promise to myself that one day I'll be at that table with you! Journals reflect real life ~ the good, the bad and the sad. I think there are more good out there though. It's been fun watching you progress and get so good at your graphics. Gotta run to work now! Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx
I would love to come join you at the table!! Linda
Happy Annisvesary Donna ... and thank YOU for inviting me to the table. I love to visit with you.
That was so sweet Donna! Happy 3yr Anniversary! Im so glad I met you! Count me in on that" friends list " hugs and love,Carolina
Congrats on the 3 year mark Donna! Love the puppy too!! I've often thought of doing a journal but just don't have the time to commit to it like you do. You really have a wonderful talent for writing and should think about writing a book of some kind, your ignorant haters would really have something to hate, seeing you getting paid for something you love to do!!
I'll take a spot at the picnic table, better hurry cause it's filling up fast..lol..
Much respect and admiration,
Darlene :)
Congratulations Donna on three years! As you know I am coming up to four next month. A lot of things have happened to me too since I started, some wonderful, some awful, most I have shared, some I have not. This is a wonderful community. xxxx
I'll be with you always...you are the REAL thing and have proven that.....congrats on 3 yrs writing....your journal is the first one i read when i come online.....and when you don't update, i worry.
Happy 3 year anniversary! I'm so glad your blogging. You've become a special person in my life!
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
HAPPY Anniversary
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary
I'd sing the second verse, but it's exactly the same as the first and doesn't quite have the same effect written out, does it?
Good Work, My Friend. Glad you've been here
Happy Anniversary my friend....I know I am glad to have come to meet you through jland.....
Happy "3 Year" Anniversary, Donna!!!!
Thank YOU....for sharing your beautiful photos, graphics & tags!!!!
Congratulations on your 3years!
... first, Happy Anniversary ..! Above all, AOL appreciates your patronage ..!
... and to be sure, people are going to be jealous and envious ... they are like that in the real world as well ... my thing is, what is the difference ..? If they want to be that way on line, 'screw 'em, if they can't take a joke ..!'
... again, congragulations ..!
Well Said, Happy Anniversary :)
Congrats Donna. Three years huh? You can tell by the number of comments, how you have affected the lives of so many of us here in J-Land. We love your photo's and your graphics and that is probably what lead us to you in the first place, but mostly we love your humor and your willingness to share your life with us. Keep on keepin' on girlfriend.
Hugs and Luv, Joyce
Happy 3 years journaling. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. (((((((hugs))))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxo
not read many journals lately so catching up. great entry and so true, i often think people pay a lot of money to aol just to be mean and nasty. says a lot lol take care great journal and heres to next 3 years mort xx
Donna, I have been recalling the old CL days. How I miss my chat and message boards. Still brings a tear to my eye.
You will need to get a couple of more picnic tables to handle all the friends that you have or run the picnics for a full month.
Love, Bill
Right budge up ,make room for me on the table beside you ,as we have all been this last few years together, I think I have as many of your graphics as you have lol I celebrate my three years in September ,heres to many more ..love Jan xx
Aww dear *hugs* That was so sweet :) That teared me up. Im soo glad to have known you for, wow i think i have been reading your journal a yr now. You have always been so kind to me and i thank you for that. I have learned so much about you thru this. You are not only a great photographer, tag maker, hee. Your an awesome, beautiful, down to earth, strong woman. You truly are. That strength and kindness will reward you tenfold :) Im just glad i know you. You know i really should do a simliar entry. I think my blog has been up the same time as yours wow unreal. I just dont write in it as much as i used to. Too busy. I miss it though. I really agreed with you too on all that you said about internet friendships. Some friendhips turn out to be great. Then some you come across someone who well, have let you down or you find out their not what you thought. Live and learn. I met so many awesome ppl thru aol journals, myspace, etc. Im so greatful for that. I still have an amazing beautiful friendship with some1 i met yrs ago thru aol js. Even though i never have met her in person yet, its still such a real and good friendship as any in person. Congrats on your 3 yrs. Yes got to keep your head up with those trolls, lol. You have many more who come on here who love yah. Take care hun, xo, Leslie
Donna - I too started my journal almost three years ago but I went away and have now come back. I was thrilled to see that you have remained a constant. And your talent has continued to grow. Thank you for all you do to brighten our little part of the world.
Dust Bunny Protector
Hi Donna,
Congrats to you on your anniversary! This was an awesome entry, full of a lot of wisdom and many smiles. You've always been so sweet to me and so generous with your knowledge if I've ever had questions. Of course your graphics and photography and absolutely amazing. I got my very first tag from you, the lady in the rain and it had lights on in the windows in the buildings...so pretty! You're a very popular lady, and so very well deserved!
Take Care,
Happy Journal Anniversary!
This coming October will be my 5 year anniversary! Crazy, crazy.
I must confess though, I miss the early days.
Still, I've met some wonderful people here...including you!
Have a great weekend.
Congrats on you 3rd anniversary.............................
Congratulations on your third anniversary.
Awwww poor table......looks a bit like the weather here in London this morning.... wet and miserable...... hoepfully tomorrow will be brighter
hugs Jayne
Congrats on three years...loved the table photo....have a wonderful weekend...hugs,
Three years? Where did the time go???? I love the table pic, looks like we need to throw down some hotdogs, potato salad, cokes, chips, pickles, apple pie, beer...oh I think I am hungry.
Hmm, I'm thinking about what you said....I suppose I started visiting your journal last summer because I miss not being in upstate NY. The lakes, the trees, mountians. And thru you I grew intersted in the grahics also. So I think you sweetie and I hope the "Uglies" retreat down their mole holes and leave us alone.
My wish for you is all good thngs, peace of mind, & nurturng friendships. Hugs, Bethe
((((((((((((((((HUGSTOUOU)))))))))))))))))Congrats on 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!Going stronger.
I like your point of view!! ;o)
Beautiful entry!!!
I've been journaling 3 years as well...cute graphic...
Taking my seat at the table with you ::cheers:: =)
congratulations on 3 years. Mine is coming up also. Who would have thought. Love the picnic table shot.
Congrats on three years of journaling!!! You do such lovely work and contribute so many nice graphics to our community!!!! Hugs,
Lisa : )
Donna, congrats on your 3 year mark, you are a great friend and I am glad to know you !!!!!!! Hugs Lisa
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