Yeap, I never thought it would happen. They say when you aren't looking......... I laid eyes on Jay for the first time several weeks ago. He appeared out of no where but was pretty shy. He'd lower his head or hide when I would come around. I thought it was me. That I wasn't good enough. It didn't take long for me to realize it wasn't me, it was him. Shy beyond belief, maybe nervous, afraid. He did it to everyone. No one could coax him out of that shell. It's said he is mean and nasty. That he scares everyone else off. I had to wonder. It seemed he was always the one to remove himself from the situation.
Today was different. He let me in. He allowed me to get close without scurrying off to some hiding place. He perched himself high on the new feeder and watched as others ate. Never did he attack, push himself on them, or scare them off. Nor did he get scared off. I was able to open the window and shoot away. So handsome............... In such a short time we've become close.

Ok, what did you think I was talking about?? ::giggle::

omg donna, what a beautiful shot!!
LOL. I like the way those chest feathers curl around the wings. Great shots. Helen
LOL these are great!
Catching up on reading you journal. I love the pictures they are great. I love the birds and the fish.
These are great shots! But you have to admit, ole Jay does look mean.
Oh yes, we have a few "Jays" like your buddy there. I've yet to get any shots as good as yours. Well done~
I was thinking yard sales would do it for me...LOL.
Hooray. Great pix Donna. The first two could be in the mag 'Birds and Blooms' or Geographic. Excellent work. He is beautiful isn't he?
Hugs, Joyce
LMAO..I read that and swooned as if it was a romance novel at first..then lo and's a frickin bird!! lol!!!
But awwwwwwwwwww, so cuute!
what beautiful, beautiful shots of jay!!! and your!!
These shots of Jay are mangificent in my opinion I still believe you should have your work published.
Wow Donna absolutely amazing beautiful!!!!
HAHA...I have to admit you had me going there for a bit....i thought Donna's done found herself a man...uhhmmm! hehehe
He's a looker *giggle*
He really is a gorgeous little fellow.
And yes, I knew what you were talking about immediately. LMAO
Jay is beautiful Donna !!!!!!!!!!!, Hugs Lisa
What a beautiful bird. Linda
Wow, he's beautiful!!
Beautiful. He posed for you just like a Pro!
Congrats to such awesome pictures. Hugs, Maria
Wow beautiful pictures .....okay I will admit that you found a guy named "Jay"
yeah yeah yeah....he doesn't fool me!
Yes, you got a few nice shots....but he's still mean & nasty to me...Ü
I'll never trust Jay your back!
You didn't fool me a bit. I have read enough of your entries to know exactly what you were talking about. I'm glad he is letting you in. Have a happy week. : )
you are a You could write a book.
Jay is a total hottie, sexy feathers!!
Beautiful pictures! LOL Of course, I thought Jay was a man....
gorgeous he doesnt mind you being around him now :) More close ups please.
He's gorgeous!!
Awwww he is beautiful. I'm glad you have a new friend. We use to have a cardinal (Big Red) that would follow me around the yard and when I would get in the car to back out of the driveway he would attach himself to the side mirror of my car, but he would never leave my yard. I use to laugh at him he loved to look at himself and would dance in the mirrors of my car. Birds are so cute.
Take care, Chrissie
He beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful pictures. Cute story, too!
HAHAHA! Too cute and Jay is just dreamy!
quite noble for a jay! Your fellow is unusal for the species- a shy jay- must have had a trauma in his life! Your pictures are great, like always.
wow what beautiful pic--look at those feathers--gorgeous....send him my way to Washington pulease!
Very pretty shots of Jay...hugs and love,
Oh Donna what a handsome chap Jan xx
He's gorgeous, Donna, his colourings are just beautiful.
Oh, he is gorgeous ... but he was hiding his dark secret that day.
A bird of course...... cough cough...... he is beautiful. Are they related to the kingfisher at all........... dont know why but he kind of resembles one to me
Thanks for sharing the great pics
a man, cough cough, yea thats it a man lmao. beautiful pic though. (((((hugs))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxo
He's beautiful. Okay, so you led us to believe that Jay was a man. Now let me set this straight right here and now. You're better off with the bird.
He is truely a thing of beauty I love your knack with photos wish mine came out as good lol. Hope all is well with you.
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