Sunday, September 11, 2005

on a Sunday morning...........



I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and trying to wake up.  The house is quiet with only a low hum of the news on TV in the background.  I can hear the birds chirping, almost as though they are having a conversation.  Maybe it's Momma bird waking her babies for breakfast.  It really does fit if you listen close.  Momma chirping a bit loudly, 'get up it's time to eat and start our day.'  Baby, in a more muffled agitated chirp, 'I don't want to get up let me sleep 30 more minutes.'  A flock of geese or ducks flew over head and their squawking ended as quickly as it started.  It's a little chilly, a perfect September morning.  The sun has peaked over the houses across the street and is throwing beams out in a beautiful pattern across the grass, drying the dew that has formed there.  The click of my keyboard seems to be extremely loud and rings in my head, but I think it's only because it so quiet, wonderfully quiet.  The smell and taste of my coffee is slowly working its magic.   

For having a Holiday last week, it seemed as though I worked more hours and more days!  Why is it that always seems to be the case?  Why is it when you're tired and want to just relax it seems you have the most to do?  I really didn't work any more hours than I normally do, but each night after work something was going on.  After hours meeting, grocery shopping, a wake, and then on Friday night I was absolutely worn out.  I'm sure some of the mood is a direct result of the constant sounds of devastation down south, but we are all drawn to the stories in some way, shape, or form.  It takes a toll on ones mental state without a doubt.  Saturday morning I was able to get a bit of the domestic chores done, cleaning and laundry.  The sun was hot and the breeze was cool.  I couldn't resist hanging some of my clothes outside for drying.  I love that smell on clothes.  I can't describe it, but putting a sweatshirt or T-shirt on after it hung on line always feels good.  That is,when you pull them off the line before your neighbors start a little fire in their backyard.  Nothing worse then going to grab and them and you smell smoke, mixed wood types lingering in the air and on what you thought were clean clothes, only to have to wash them again so you don't smell as though you sat out at a campfire for hours before going to your next appointment or event.  Argh!  Like I felt like doing another load after I thought I was done!  

I did make it out to the stadium last night, but the pictures didn't happen like I thought.  They wanted me to pay to get into the lot, 'security reasons' they said.  Sorry folks, but I wasn't going to pay $15 to snap a few shots.  I might have thought differently had there been lots of folks tailgating and having the time of their life, but it was still a bit early and I think the locals went and set up camp with intentions of coming back after dark to start the celebrating.  Rows and rows of RVs, and very few people.  Breakfast there this morning will no doubt be a site, a site for sore eyes to those who have been waiting for football season to start.  A little later today I will pull what pictures I got off the camera and post if they are worthy of it :)  Dinner was a blast, and we all ate like pigs.  Italian seems to fill you up rather quickly but we found room to put that one last bite before we got our doggy bags.   

Well, my cup is about empty and I definitely need a 'fix.'  No idea what my day holds for me.  Usually we end up at someone's house to watch and cheer the team on, maybe today I will sit on my own couch cheering in a low key mode and just catch up on being lazy!!  LOL  Time will tell.                                                                                         


Anonymous said...

Is it because you shirts smell fresh?  I have never tried hanging my clothes outside to dry before, maybe thats why most of my shirts shrink, because I put them in the dryer.

Anonymous said...

I got home from church this morning to find my brother's friend in the driveway and them loading a cooler and munchies into the truck for a road trip to Detroit to watch the Lions (anybody want to take odds....) LOSE to the Packers.  Of course football isn't really football until you have to play the Packers at home in the snow!  I know, being from Michigan, I should be cheering on the Lions; but come on!  

Anonymous said...

The Lions don't bother me... just don't bring up the Wings :)  ::grin::  But I hear you, I'd have a hard time cheering against Brett!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a nice slow start to a perfect Sunday.  No rush, no schedule, and plenty of football and friends!  Enjoy!