Wednesday, September 14, 2005

September's anniversary edition of the Artsy Essay Contest

When I saw the topic for this months essay, I thought to myself this is easy, real easy.  I didn't even have to think about which animal I'd pick.  The hard part was relaying my thoughts of why. 


Put aside all the fear you have of these animals and consider what I have to say.  I believe it will be perfectly clear to you too.  If I could be any animal on Earth I would definitely be a Wolf.   

The beauty and grace of these animals is equaled by few.  Their fur can be a mixture of so many colors of the spectrum.  Grays and blacks seem to be my favorite.  The softness as the fur extending from the tip of their nose, over the head between the ears and down the back is almost entrancing.  Your heart wants to reach out and touch, your head knows better.  The chiseled characteristics of the face and deepness of the eyes.  Ever notice the icy color of the eyes?  That is the window of all creatures soul.  Not to say the soul is like ice, but it is like a mirror letting you see in them, see yourself, or see a bit of yourself in them, which ever happens to be appropriate at the moment.   

Wolves are cunning, intelligent, courageous and have exceptional physical toughness-born fighters.  These are qualities which have enabled them to survive.  Wolves flee from the presence of man, not from fear but from a desire to live quietly in the wild undisturbed by human activities.  They are so guarded in their behavior that their presence of a particular locality may pass completely unnoticed.  Sociable animals living with families or collecting into small groups or packs consisting of a few couples and their offspring.  A well organized hierarchy exists within each pack, with each animal playing a clearly defined role.  The pack is also a hunting unit, where teamwork and concerted strategy are vital.  

Being a single Mom for so many years I have found many wolf characteristics in myself.  If we look within ourselves we all can find these characteristics.  We carry ourselves according to our personalities whether it be bold, proud, or meek.  Body types differ from one to another, but we all carry beauty.  Look into your partners eyes, a friends eyes, a child's eyes.  You can see their soul, see yours, or see you in them.  When things get tough we pull strength from deep within, we lean on our 'pack' for additional power to make it through.  We don't fear human activity but on many occasions we flee it as we would rather live our life in a somewhat simple manner without intrusion of outside forces.  We are sociable, but we do live in what can be called an organized hierarchy.  Social status, standing is in everything we do even if we do not like or agree it with it.  

Even with finding some of these traits in myself, it is often stifled because that is what society dictates.  So many thoughts are kept inside because it may not be politically correct, strength is not always looked upon as a good trait.  I don't always howl at the right time.  I remember hearing/reading something like, within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing and wisdom.  She is an endangered species.  Being a wolf, I could reconnect with this inner self.


Anonymous said...

    Very well written. Makes me feel as if I understand wolves just a little bit more. I really enjoyed your graphic as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.  My son actually drew that picture some 10 years ago using the paint program on our first computer.  We added the animation this evening.  Still need some practice on it, but I appreciate your comments :)

Anonymous said...

I liked your essay, I wonder what kind of wolf characteristics I have in me?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you 'got' it! Very nicely done indeed. My children and I were at Cassadaga spiritualist camp for a day of sight-seeing and shopping, so that I could see the place before a one woman show I was having there. We were in a shop filled with treasures, and through the front door walked a man and his companion wolf. Untethered.

My son was two, my daughter six...... and I knew without a doubt that they were safe when I saw the wolf's eyes. I am sure he also saw my protective eyes as well.

My son pLayed and romped with that wolf, laying his head against the wolf's side.... and it was a sight to behold.

The creatures are so little understood by us.... we who think we are the master race. The creatures will be here when we are gone.

Great essay.

Anonymous said...

oh! And I love LOVE the graphic, tell your child that it is wonderful. judi

Anonymous said...

Very well done.  ~Sie

Anonymous said...

An unusual choice, but you explained it really well!  Good job!  I enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

The wolf, often misunderstood.  You have explained their being nicely!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this. The wolf is my daughter's favorite animal, and what you said about them is so very true. It was interesting to see how you were able to make comparisons between yourself and wolves. I, too, love your graphic and the fact your son had drawn it. ::smile::