Thursday, July 21, 2005

To hell with half over, it's over!!

Well, the NHLPA voted in favor of the new CBA.  It's been reported that 90% of the players voting said yes.  The numbers will change a bit, but there is not enough players that haven't voted left to change the outcome.  Many news sources are saying "it's half way done."  Well, that is bull!  It's done.  The only thing left is for the Board of Governors to vote. They locked out for a year and now folks won't report it's a done deal in case 'they' vote no?  Who in their right mind would think they would vote no??  I've heard some bits and pieces reported out of the players meetings.  Apparently some of the older guys really got on the younger guys who spoke out against the union.  Well, of course they did.  They aren't making millions and they are the ones that have been told all along don't take the cap, and after a year the union takes the cap.  They have a right to be angry.  They lost money.  Sure, I agree there is probably over paid younger guys, but all in all they gave up a year for something that could have been agreed to 300 days ago!   

Friday after the Board of Governors meeting there will be a news conference to discuss the rule changes.  There is speculation about the changes.  No red line, touch up offsides, smaller goalie equipment.  This fan would just like to see the rules enforced.  Not for the first 30 days, but the whole season.  If the clutching and grabbing doesn't stop it really doesn't matter what rules are, the game will still be 'broken' I truly hope after a year off they've learned a lesson and will do all they can to get all fans back, and possibly grow the game.  What a concept!?!  

The lottery draft will be held at 4pm.  The one thing I don't like is it will be done behind close doors.  No media or select 'outsiders' to view the event.  With everything that has happened and all the finger pointing I don't think it will matter who wins, someone will feel it is rigged.  If Crosby goes to the Rangers or any other big market team every small market team will wonder, so on so forth.  Why not just have some media there to witness?  To say nothing about a great PR move.  Ok, so folks only care about the first ball pulled.  Make it a little later in the day so folks can watch and do it.  Who cares if it takes a few minutes.  With all that is going on you can't tell me ESPN, CBC, or anything other station could not find broadcasters to discuss the rules, the lottery, the draft, as well as the time lines.  The off season has to move fast and there are small windows for things to be done.  A half hour, and hour, it's too much?  'Cmon Gary and Bob you should be doing better!  

I have to work until 4:30 tomorrow, but rest assured I will be looking on the net to see who gets the first pick!  

On another note, my sympathies go out to Jeff O'Neill of the Carolina Hurricanes and his family.  Jeff's brother Donny was killed in a car accident early today on a highway just north of Toronto. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the middle of summer! Come on I get enough of hockey in this house....LOL. Really, I'm just kidding. I'm sure hubby will be by tomorrow to leave a comment.
Have a great night.