Create your own post card, Front & Back, or you may use my template for the back of your postcard. But you will have to address it & create your own greeting. Your front card will be your own photo . It must be posted at the top of the entry, the template/ postcard will be posted on the bottom, under the Photo you are submitting in the challenge. You can be creative, funny, or serious.....Shoot anything you want, that you think would be good for a postcard. Address it to whoever, & add your own greeting.

Obviously I'm being extremely silly.. but hey it said anything goes! :)
Click the link above to join the fun.
Too cute. :)
now, this IS postcard!
I enjoyed looking at this, I've never been there..makes me want to go there now.
Gem :-)
ummm....believe i'll pass on this one. lol great job!!
That was great! Now I am not creative like that but sure enjoy looking at your pics-great work!
Glad you joined in, as always~
Love it....there should be a law against being so creative & talented :)
Pooh Hugs,
Cute idea! hugs, Bethe
Very nice Donna. Such an imagination you have.
Hugs, Joyce
I love it!!
Donna, beautiful shot of the falls...makes a perfect postcard!
Wow ....awesome photo that you used to make this postcard!!
Beautiful. And the writing on the back is hilarious!
Krissy :)
This is really great Donna. We are having a get togther at the Falls for about 20 in May, your memorial weekend. They keep talking about going over the Falls in a barrel what a great post card for all of them, lol. Trying to figure out how to put this altogether would take me forever, so I will just admire your excellent work and be amazed at how talented you are.
Fun and clever :) Love the shot.
Breathtaking ,I am sitting my turn out ,Thankyou so much for your kind words on my entry ,such a comfort Jan xx
Glorious pic! Megan went a few yrs ago and loved it. I hope someday to get to go there too.HUGS and LOVE
I love it! Great job.
Donna I love this one ~ is that you in the Barrel !!!!! Ally x
Cute-very cute
How Fun!!
Great job!
Linda :)
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