Create your own post card, Front & Back, or you may use my template for the back of your postcard. But you will have to address it & create your own greeting. Your front card will be your own photo . It must be posted at the top of the entry, the template/ postcard will be posted on the bottom, under the Photo you are submitting in the challenge. You can be creative, funny, or serious.....Shoot anything you want, that you think would be good for a postcard. Address it to whoever, & add your own greeting.

I was looking through my summer photo's for something else and found this. Thought I'd use it for the challenge. :) Didn't want to post yet another of Niagara Falls. It is a picture looking out over Lake Erie, it was taken last summer while spending time with my sister and her family at their vacation cottage. I can't take credit for the 'I love NY' saying it's used regularly here for commercials :)
Enjoy and play along, you have until 7 this evening.
it is beautiful....but i would have never guessed ny for that photo. :)
Absolutely Gorgeous!
My NY pic would be of the HUGE rat who once stared me down in Central Park, coveting my cinn raisin bagel. He got it once he followed me. ~Mary
that is a really pretty postcard!
D that is a beautiful Post Card ~ such lovely colours ~ Ally x
How creative. :) Tracy
Oh how pretty...great job!!! Hugs and love,
Very pretty.
This is really beautiful. I would not know how to do this, but nice to see yours, your work is always excellent.
So true..... I Love NY too!
Lovely sunset & very professional looking postcard!
Donna, that's a great postcard and wonderful view of NY. :)
Nice Donna.
Hugs, Joyce
i would love to visit new york, and see david letterman...
I love this Donna! Beautiful!
How beautiful!! Makes me want to visit =). Have an extra room? LOL Hugs, Val xox
I've never visited NY, although both Marv & Mandy have at different times. I would love to visit someday and see a's on our list of things to do in the next few years, so you'll have to meet us for fun shopping, theater, and dinner :)
Great postcard!
Pooh Hugs,
I love it. You did a great job on this. I like the edges you have done on it. Helen
Donna how can I compete with that ? it is lovely Jan xx
So beautiful. I want to be there now. ::sigh::
Beautiful....great job!
Have a great weekend
OMG...............With sunsets like that i want to move NOW :o))
BEAUTIFUL...... Thanks for sharing
hugs Jayne
great one
Nice job on the post card. I really like that picture!
Love Sunsets.. and your Postcard is so beautiful
Oh this turned out beautiful are a winner!!!
Love your card!!! I used to live in Ohio and we would visit Lake Erie now and again. You did a beautiful job with this assignment!!
Have a great weekend!
((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))Beatiful post card.
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