Good morning! Yes, I am fine. Thanks so much asking. I don't think I've made it clear on what a hockey fanatic I am. LOL That is where I've been... watching the tube. I don't normally watch random shows. Sure sometimes it's on as background noise if no one is here with me, but during post season I am actually watching. Call me a freak. Once the first round gets into a groove I won't be glued to the TV. I just haven't had the chance to see a lot of the teams play all season so I like to get a 'feel.' I am ok though so don't worry. I'll be around... I'll make some leftover time. ::giggle::
Ok, I had to say that. The top picture is one I took the other day. The sun was shining and it was in the 60's yet here on the side of the road I found snow tucked away. It was to far from the road to be from the plow. It must have been a drift that made it's home near the small hill. I am pretty sure it's gone now, as it continued to be warm for the days to follow. Today... not so much. It's back in the 30's, it's raining, and they are saying it could turn into wet snow. AARGHH!!!

I also think all the birds know I got that lens. Daily there would be birds everywhere in my backyard. On the fence, in the trees, on the lawn. Since the lens arrived I've seen very very few. It's weird. It also pisses me off!!! The other night I was out back looking to see if I could see the family of deer from down the street. A different angle. They decided not to come for dinner that night, but way off in a tree I found this cardinal. When I checked it out on the camera I wasn't thrilled. Way to far away. The sun was going down and in the wrong spot. Yet, when I got it on the computer I kind of liked it. Just the tint of reddish color. Now I just hope they come closer again.
Well it's Friday YEAH!!!! I'm tired and looking for the week to be over. Yes Bill, I've been up late. Those west coast games ya know!?! Off to get ready for work.... hope everyone has a great day. And again, thanks so much for asking about me.
I was just thinking about you when I recieved the alert message ...glad you are doing good. Great pictures as always.
Have a great Friday
Beautiful pictures Donna--love esp the Cardinal--have a good day!! Hugs!
i think the birds know when you want them to show up and they purposely stay away. Those are nice pics! I hope your snow is gone forever. We may get snow flurries on Sat or Sun.
You go and enjoy those games, i hope your boys win!
i know what you mean about the animals disappearing....really does seem like they know when you are looking for them. lol and!!!! they are rarely polite enough to pose!
Like your pics! Hope you had a good day at work. I just finished work for the day. Lunchtime now - Im hungry. Laine xxx
I hope that white stuff doesn't show up again since it is melting pretty good. I really like the Cardinal picture. More like a silhouette with a tinge of red. Beautiful. Hope you day goes well. Helen
Yeah! Just when I'm ready for Spring to permanently set in, they threaten me with 31° come Monday and Tuesday. All all these buds and blooms, too.
Now about that lens? Let me tell you, as soon as you ordered it, all the animals knew and planned to do this to you. What's more, they watch you, and will pose like crazy the minute they catch you w/o it. Trust me on this.
I sympathize with the white stuff i just shovelled my last big mounds away chopped it all up and put it down the driveway and threw it over the fence in the park to melt. I hope i never see snow again, lol. Your picture of the tree and snow is really nice, I like the colour changes in the pic of the tree and snow and i love the one of the bird. Have a good weekend my friend, take care.
((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))The pics are beatiful.Have a nice dya.
... when I was younger ... especially when I was a kid ... there isn't ANYTHING like the hockey playoffs in pro sports ... next to March Madness, it is the best thing going ... hockey is the only sport where the lowest seed can realistically hope to advance to THE FINALS ... it is about heart and grit and who wants to win it more ...
... which is why the Wings disappoint so often ... they have been stocked with the European 'finesse' skaters for so long, that there often haven't been enough 'muckers' to dig the puck out of the corners, or a big winger or center to stand in the crease and keep bangin' at the puck ... sorry ... ran on ... but I will get back into hockey tonight ... I may try to catch the Caps play ... I like Ovechikin better than Crosby, though Sidney has that 'je ne sais crois' that says he is going to win some Cups by himself if he has to ..!
I have lots of beautiful birds in my yard, but every time I get the camera, they take off. Guess I'm going to have to camp out in the middle of the yard and wait so I can get some shots.
Awwwwwwww there you are Donna, pretty bird pictures, Love and Hugs Lisa
Glad to hear you are doing well. It just seems really wierd not to see your alerts pop up every single I love birds. Great shot of the cardinal (even if he was far away). Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Joyce
Wishing you a nice and relaxing weekend. Hugs, Maria
did you took that picture with that bird sitting on the brances?
have a wonderful weekend,
Gem :-)
Lol at the birds all knowing about your lense,great pictures ,especially the cardinal ..have a great weekend .love Jan xx
WHat kind of lens did you get?? Or did you already say & I didn't see it...; (
Have a good weekend, Donna
Hope you have a great weekend Donna....
Back in the 40's here this weekend....with possible flurries tomorrow....blah!!! We've been in the 60's to high 70's all week....I was really hoping the cold weather was over
Great clear...
I flip the channels on real life family reality shows. Good relaxing times...for me. Sounds like you have them too when you can.
Have a great weekend...hugs and love,
Love the pics.
Dont talk about the weather after last Sunday;s snow the week hasn't been too bad apart from today...... we had thunder, lightning, hailstones like big balls of ice........... all very very spooky for this time of year.
Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne
Ah that bird is gorgeous!
Storming here the past couple days & has turned cold again. grrr
Have a lovely wkend.
Spring seems to be tempting you with hints of warm weather. hugs, Bethe
They're forecasting snow flurries here in Hooterville for tomorrow. :/
Spring just isn't coming this year.
Spring is definitely here in the English Lakes. All my little flowers are out and taking a battering from the hail storms and rain.
The warmer weather is taking its time to come and cheer us all up. We are definitely needing a good 'smack on the face' from the sunshine. That's for sure!
I like the distant shot of the cardinal in the tree. I can see him singing his little heart out. As are all our little birds gathering their nesting materials for their young.
Hugs to you
Jeanie xxxx
Oh, I just love that Winter leftover photo. There are always some drifts of snow in the shade that melt long after the rest is gone. The name you gave it will ring a bell for everyone I am sure. You have that unique talent of taking great photos and tagging them with captions that affect people emotionally. I love the cardinal with just a hint of red but you can tell it is a cardinal. Very distinctive! And somehow moving, too. I bet it will be forever before I get a shot like that! Gerry
love the cardinal pics.
lovely pics, thanks again for your help! take care mrs t xxx
I've had a busy few days at my parent's house, and when I got home....I was too emotionally tired to do anything but crash. So I'm spending the day reading through missed entries and getting caught up. The pictures, as always are beautiful!! I'm glad you've been emjoying your boys :)
Pooh Hugs,
I really like the shot of the cardinal. Funny how the birds seem to know you've got that new lens, LOL. I hope they start coming back again along with the deer so you can use that lens some more.
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