A couple more shots from yesterday. I even 'tubed' one of the flowers to use an accent on the first one. What is tube you ask? It's when you remove backgrounds, or portions of a picture to give you a transparent background so you can lay it on top of another graphic.... or not. I got so many pictures I sit and look, scratching my head wondering what next? :)

Today is/was a pretty good day. I had to go out this morning to get my haircut. Just a trim mind you. I thought I'd go looking for more pictures after but I left with a headache. I think it was mixed smells of perm solution and dye. Or.. maybe it was because I was hungry. I came home instead. Ate a bite and went and laid down. I hated to do it on such a nice day, but I feared if I didn't it would blow into a migraine. Now I'm in the midst of laundry. GRRRRRRRR the whole day is out of whack! Oh well, tomorrow is another day. So far the forecast has been right........................
I had two interesting things happen today. This is not a rant, nor am I upset or angry. Actually both made me laugh. First, some of you might already know that I was Guest Editor this week. It's an awesome honor and a wonderful way to spotlight journals. Our community. A way to bring us together and show us different sides of JLand. Well, I'm not sure if I pissed folks off 'cuz I didn't pick them, or if this is just another tactic of my infamous troll who has been striking sporadically lately. I'm thinking it's the later. Or at least I would hope so. 'I don't know any of the journals you picked. Surely you could do a better job!' Well, duh! Did you read my entry????? I'd have loved to pick 100's of journals. So many are worthy, but you can't. You give exposure to what might be 'new' to others. Anyone could pick the top journals, the most read, but then what does that do? I made an effort to try and share some journals I read or check out that didn't fall on the most commented page every day/week. I didn't even succeed there as many comments say they already view those journals. LOL Go get a life of your own and stop following mine, will ya?
What else? Well I was contacted by two license guilds recently. Apparently every graphic I've done over the course of the past few weeks was reported. Both guilds told me they actually find the reports humorous. As you know I am pretty damn careful these days and I do display my license information on tags, and after several visits to my journal over the past several months they now come to look at my work, not for violations. Both complimented me on my work and offered some wonderful comments about my photography. They let me know they have record of what I purchase etc, and it is evident someone is just 'out to get me'. Tooo freaking funny! Well, actually it's not as not only is this person attempting to discredit me they are wasting valuable time for others. What a sad life!
Off to switch loads and get some of the requests out. I do hope everyone had/is having a wonderful Saturday!
Another great entry. You said your peace about the troll with such dignity and poise. By now I'd be doing some detective work on the IP addresses and whatever else to get him/her/IT/Troll and make the thing stop already. You try so hard to do the right thing and it seems there's always someone or something to try and ruin it.
Just keep doing what your good at. Focus on the positive:)
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/ Tracy
Donna, I just love your pictures !!!!!!!! Hope your weekend is going well, Hugs Lisa
Congrats, D! I didn't realize you were guest editor. You made some great choices. I just met Joyce recently. Honest to God, why would you get reported to 2 guilds when you clearly have a license and buy your tubes? Actually, except for wasting everyone's time, I find it funny in a sad sort of way. I got my hair done today and also have a headache :( Love ya, Chris
Those pictures are just beautiful. Congrats on being guest Editor. I read some of the journals you listed but not all. Just keep up the beautiful work. Helen
I cant possibly understand how someone would want to discredit you, they must be extremely jealous of your talent. It is very apparent to me that you could be published in any number of journals, major magazines, travel brochures, have your work on calendars, and many other things too numerous to mention. For me, it is an honour to come and view your journal every day, I may not always comment, but I never fail to visit. Your work to me is beyond reproach, as a struggling artist I can see things that amaze me with your work. As for the person out to get you, it is very sad for them to exert so much energy to discredit you, when they could just simply sit back and enjoy all your wonderful work you put in your journal each day and be greatful they can see it. Thank you Donna for your Journal, your entries and the tags you so freely do for us all. God bless.
As usual great pics. as for the Troll "get a life already" some people are just not happy unless they can try and make everybody as miserable as them, as for being reported about your graphics you make you rules very cleat but glad it was a positive response from the guild as it should be hope you feel better
Take care
I am "poofing" the troll- sometime I'll explain! Your pictures do good things to my soul- Dannelle
Congratulations Donna on being chosen as Guest Editor. Also, Thank You so much for the gorgeous tag. Love Pam xx
Congrats on being Guest Editor's pick this week, Donna. Erm, you couldn't do a beginner's course on do-your-own graphics with Paintshop or something, could you? When you have half a second?
Piece of advice, regarding the troll. Never, ever, mention it again. Starve it of the oxygen of publicity.
Oh Pooh on the old troll. Don't waste anymore time on that jerk. Love the photo's and what you did with them. Hope you can get out and about tomorrow.
Hugs, Joyce
Congrats on Guest Editor-u deserve it! Sorry someone continues to give ya a bad time-they need to get a life and realize ur the bestest! Thank you for all you do---and u got flowers! Im jealous lol-have a good weekend!
Who the hell do these trolls think they are??!! You have a better sense of humor about the blog gremlins than I do! You're a good person....It's amazing we get along. ;)
Beautiful photos!!
Congrats on being Guest Editor Donna!!
Don't worry about what others think, you picked who
you wanted and that is how it is suppose to be....you are only allowed so many....what do people expect!
Hope you have a great sunday
They so need to get a life of their own and stop wishing they were you. :)
Pooh Hugs,
((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))I love your pics you take,it amazes me,the wonderful pics yu take.I somewhat pay attention,not often to whos journaals got picked.It doesnt really matter to me.I liked to reaad who got pickeed.
the flowers are just gorgeous! and what a compliment to receive. i think its wonderful. hopefully, as it's being treated in this light, whoever is reporting to cause problems will give it a rest.
First of all, let me say congratulations on being a guest editor. I think it is great you gave note to some journals that may not have widespread readership. It is a great way to introduce to us journals that are good, but not widely heard of yet. I applaud your efforts.
Too funny abou the guild's response to the troll. I hope whoever it is reads this and decides to just give up and lead their own life. Wishfull think, I now, you one can hope, can't they?
One again, great pics today. I love your close up work. Great shots!
Thanks for the explanation of tubes *D :)
Both Of Thses are So Pretty!
I am Happy U are getting some Great Use of Ur NEW Lens :)
PS I Got my Wash done today too~ I wanna Go Hit the Flea Markets Tomorrow!
there are lots of assholes around who will always have the time to somehow stalk others and live their lives with a heart of stone and normal folks, like you, will never please them. I say pray for the assholes.
maybe then they will run off and go be assholes somewhere else.
I love your pretty flower pics. Who really gives a flip about a #?
Love you
If I had extra time like the troll does, I think I wouldn't use it to foolishly try to tear someone down. I don't understand the obsessiveness. Fortunately I have a life. I wish the troll would get one of their own and leave yours alone. What a joke and a sad person that must be.
Sorry you've been under attack too. I wish they'd go away.
Big hugs my friend. I'm a huge fan of your photography too. Amazingly talented.
I had a few alerts for Magic Smoke but hadn't checked them out yet....and when I did, I see you are the guest editor!
Somebody didn't know any of the journals you picked? Isn't that the whole point? Besides, how could somebody not know Guido?? lol I think somebody just likes to get some D attention is all!
PS: I scratch my head and wonder "what next" too, sometimes. lol
I LOVE the both GRAPHICS!!! Quotation are wonderful with the images....
I think I like the top one the best!
Great pictures ......I wished I had the extra time this troll has too
Have a great Sunday
Congratulations on being the Guest Editor this week. I think you are right, there are many good jouranls out there that are not being read. I think putting the lesser known journals there is a great idea!
And thank you for explaining How to make a tube.
hugs, Bethe
That hs sad, but a nice compliment for you!\\
Hmmm... now that I look again: its a lily?? Not a pansy, at any rate. But beautiful either way!!
Congrats on being guest editor - I have no idea what that is or where you see how many comments people get! So it dont mean a thing to me! I just write my journal and hope people enjoy it but Im not bothered how many read it! Well it can only be as many as I invited coz its private LOL! Anyway, you did your best and what you were sposed to do as guest editor so well done hun! So sorry that someone is out to get you - wonder who it is - they are just jealous because you are so talented, lovely and brilliant! Laine xxx
I am so sorry I have not been by in a while...I could say alerts down...but I won't lie. Life throws us curves and we must deal with me...meaning I have had to bat at some things thrown at me. For you...first...I love the flowers...always love your photos...you capture and create. For the trolls...I have a few choice things to say...but will say they need a life. I know you are good at what you do and keep on doing it. Hugs and love...
Forgot to add...and will now. Your choices were AWESOME for your Editors pics...great choices. Hugs,
I thought your choices for guest editors picks were really good :o) I've not read any except one lol............That is funny about the guilds contacting you but complimenting you on your work. Whoever had contacted them it's back fired on.
Somebody actually called the licensing guild and reported you?
Geesh. Pathetic, I tell ya.
I must have missed that entry...I am going to go back & see which journals you picked. When someone else recommends one I usually check them out..most times you end up with a new aquaintance.
Ugh on the troll - trouble starter is all that is.
Love what you did with your pictures. Very nice. The purple flower looks like the one I have on my arm (tat)!!!
Hope you had a great today.
Hi Donna,
Seems this troll just has a secret crush on you, huh? Gosh, I can't imagine having nothing to do but stir trouble at so many different places. If you know this person, send them here to deal with all the junk going on here. That'll keep 'em busy, by golly.
hi donna, sorry i missed your guest editor picks, had to filter some of my alerts as i had so many to catch up on! i will go back and take a look! I understand your reasoning for your choices, if the same journals were highlighted every week then the smaller less read ones would be missed and there are some good ones out there! As for your licencing, I know how hard it is to be an artist and worry over copyrights etc, i think you take it more seriously than most and you should be commended for it. Keep up the good work, it's brilliant! take care mrs t xx
Yet another great photo D........... and i love the sayings that are added to the tags.
Sorry i didnt know about the editor thing...... maybe because i dont have a journal myself.
LOL @ the reports...... sorry but i had to laugh and its true these people must lead such boring lives that they have to trawl through other peoples journals and grass one them in the hope that maybe for every 10 complaints they manage to file maybe something will be done about 1............ sad, sad, sad. I admire you for your upbeat attitude towards it though. At the end of the day they are not worth the stress they are attempting to cause.
Have a great day, hugs Jayne
Yes I did see your entry as Guest editor ,cant beleive it upset some ,seems you cant do right for doing wrong(never quite understood that quote ) Of course the reason is still clear ,====jealousy ====and whilst you continue to excel ....well ya know ....love Jan xx
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