More gone private alerts and good bye entries. So sad. I got an email earlier and what was said was so true. I hope they don't mind that I use it here.... 'People are not mean exclusive to AOL journals. PEOPLE ARE MEAN.' We've all seen it. On the street, in the malls, in grocery stores, at the work place. Sad but true. At the risk of making it sound as though I don't care about those that got hurt, lets not judge people. We are only seeing a portion of what is going on or has gone on here or in the 'real world'. I am not saying anyone is right or wrong, I'm just saying don't judge. What gives us the right? K... I'm done on the matter, I no doubt have already pissed some off with trying to throw a bit of my warped humor in the mix.
The weather here is still cold. The snow is back to the normal WNY winter. Or so I hope!!! I was watching the news earlier today and the reporter made a comment about being in Buffalo and then the report proceeded to talk about Oswego, NY. Ummm... hello......... that is a good 150 miles from here. It's no wonder folks think this area is the snow capital!! I want to thank those that wrote asking, I so appreciate that you think of me even if the reports are misleading. Oswego is near Syracuse and they are getting hit pretty hard. Lake effect caused by the cold air coming down from Canada and crossing the waters of Lake Ontario. I will say this... my uncle lives there part time and he arrived back here safe and sound yesterday. When asked how bad, he said 'it's winter.' We are use to this kind of snow, but generally it takes months to accumulate to the totals we have, not a few days. I hope they stay warm and safe there.
Yesterday I was sent the following pictures taken from a helicopter of the snow band moving into the city of Buffalo. I can't proclaim they are 'real' and won't at the risk of someone saying I made them up. I did nothing to these pictures except to frame them and make them appear as a 'slide show.' It is the city, and it is the lake :) I wanted to postthem because I often talk about driving through a wall, or a doorway, and I thought you'd get the true effect. It almost looks like smoke, but I assure you nothing has burned downtown recently.

Tomorrow will be a shopping day. I still haven't found the shoes I want for the wedding. ARGH!!!! So it's off and running tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'm not your typical woman, as I don't have this shoe fetish. I hate buying them! Maybe it has something to do with my 'Fred Flintstone' feet, not sure.. but I can never find what I like, in my size, the color I want, or have them be comfy. I will also grab some.. well... you know... hair color... there I said it! LOL If I am going to have my hair in a braid I don't want those pesky gray's showing.
Graphics are limited tonight, just haven't had the 'ummph'. I did post a new tag request and if you'd like it with your name click on the graphic :) I'm off to bed. Stay warm, safe, and happy.

Well, I am always out of the loop so I dont know whats going on but your right Donna. Drama is part of life, part of work, part of family, friends and even in Jland. There is no way to avoid those realities. ~Raven
Well said Donna and I agree, I'm sorry to see some go private because they are awsome people and do so much in helping others cope with their day to day life. I do have a private journal but my reason behind that is basically to communicate with my family. I have a 90 year old Mom I took in July and she is diabetic,blind and has alzheimers.My private journal is to keep them aware of my Mom's transision 800 miles from the rest of her children. My Friday night consisted of spending 10 hours in the ER because she tripped on a rug at a steak house we took her too and she dislocated her shoulder, it took the doctors over 7 hours to get it back in the socket and the way they worked on her I am afraid of the pain she will be in when the morphine wears off! These are my Mom, my children and my grandkids! I have very little time for myself but out of the busy life I have I want to say "everything" other jlanders say in their journals keep many people afloat on here, makes us aware that even if we thing we have it bad someone else in Jland has it a little worse! "Judge lest ye be judged" has always been a principle I have lived with most of my life and I do agree with is too short to bicker, dislocate yourselves and go private, we are all unique and individual, none of us think alike...but stay as you are out there and don't keep the best part of you "private"...don't hide your journals because they were meant to be shared, enjoyed and loved by the many who read them :)))))))) Have a Blessed Saturday folksies Doreen
I've been in the dark as to what's going on. But, I do gather it's surrounding some very immature, mean spirited people. That is why I went private in my journal MONTHS ago. I hated to do it....but I did and it's ok. I have a nice group of readers and they are wonderful people. No frustrations.
I had to laugh at your description "Fred Flintstone Feet!" I can relate. I wear a size 10 Wide shoe. You know where I can always find pretty and comfy shoes in my size? Nordstroms!! They've ALWAYS got what I'm lookin' for! Sometimes pricey....but I'd rather pay a bit more rather than search all over town. Good luck shopping.
Stay warm!!!
I have no idea what has happened to make people so unhappy but I hope it passes. That snow band pic is amazing, nature paints dramatic pictures with it's extremes. Keep safe and warm.
I have just had a quick scan over your previous entries an i have no idea what you are talking about but if someone is upsetting my Donna, email me their name and I will set my flesh eating Sea monkeys on them!
We had a little snow here. It only lasted a day. It was the most snow I've seen in about 20 years! At least 2 inches deep!! WOW!!! 2 inches!!! :o)
The slide show really shows how dramatic your weather can be. Wow! Hey, good luck shopping for those shoes. Oh, and we won't tell anybody about the little bottle of color you are picking up, too. LOL!
Thankfully, ignorance is bliss. I have no clue where the mean people hide!! That snow band was great (to watch, anyway) I don't get to see any real snow here in Bama, but I'm fine with that. lol
Thanks for filling me in on the snow situation, Donna. Have a good Saturday.
i bet you eventually find great shoes....i hate shoes too...funny, because as a teen i had gobs of them. Now i just want the things to fit and be comfortable! I love that pic of the snow moving in..well i am sorry to see it move in but i must say it is cool to watch. I was one of the ones misled about your snow is SO bitterly cold right now in Ohio.
XO lj
I don't know what's going on either. I try to leave nice caring comments to everyone, I'd never want to upset anyone. You know I actually looked on the map to see how far Oswego was from you, lol. I am so glad you don't get that much snow. That slide show looks so scarey, with that wall of snow rolling in. Keep warm and have a wonderful weekend. LOL@Flintstone feet, I say that about my feet also. I have such a hard time finding shoes myself that fit properly and are comfy. (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
Cindy xoxo
It makes me sad too, to see people have to go private with their journals.
Thanks for the awesome slideshow of the snow band in Buffalo.
Everyone - stay safe and warm. Hugs, Maria
Yep, it sure hurts when someone goes private and they don't think 'you' are important to bother including 'you'. Waaaaaah! What's happening to J-land?
I am surprised that those Type of people are available to leave snarky comments right now. I would think they would be parked 20 hours a day, in their trailer in front of their TV with their remote, catching as much of the "Anna Nicole Smith Story" as possible.
the slide show snow picture is really lovely ~ looks very dramatic ~ hope you are OK and having a good weekend ~ Ally
the slide show snow picture is really lovely ~ looks very dramatic ~ hope you are OK and having a good weekend ~ Ally
I do agree people can be mean here or out there. thats all I keep asking is dont judge and wait and see it all. So true. I know you have been accused too of things. I dont want to judge on that or any other issue.
NOw your bravly doing another snow scene But Im glad you are sharing it because it is an awesome pic. But IM kind of ready for the snow to leave and IM sure so much more those up north. I been keeping up and seeing your getting snow but not the bunches some are. I hate to gripe but we are to get a big snowstorm monday. thing is Mom said Our state cant handle the snow like others. They just do not know how to deal with it. We lived in Alaska for years and had walls of snow on the sides of the roads for a long time. But MOm said they always (I was young) knew how to take care of it. Here not many know how to drive in it and road crews are cluless here. Guess they dont deal much with big ones.
NOW your shoes......... Im not a shoe diva as I run barefoot often as possible. Can it be anymore hillbilly than that lOL WELL I pray you find not only a NICE pair BUT a comfy inexpensive pair!! hows that for ya. Have a productive shopping day . :>}
I know the new and weather are off all the time they get things wrong about our neck of the woods. Glad you're coping with the snow, hope your shoe shopping goes as well. I don't know about the drama with the journals either. The only reason I would think to go private is about pictures of my grandkids I put on my journal. There are a lot of perverts out there, so we must be careful due to this.
Wow the slide show is fantastic!!! Im getting all excited that in just over three weeks I will be in NY!!!!! yay cant believe it!! Laine xxx
Those pictures are amazing ,I do hope you find your shoes ,wish I lived near you we could go together I love shoes,.....Jan xx
That is a HUGE snowband....I have never seen anything like that...Cool-(pictures not the snow)
I don't know what is going on in Jland, I know I am new and all, I have read some pretty crappy comments before and get upset myself...I have "met" quite a good bunch of people and 1/2 are gone since I started. What a shame. I am sticking around cuz I love ya'll....
Yep what you say is true about people been mean. But again why do mean people have to spoil it for people that care. Loved the helicopter pic, Fantastic shots.
big place Buffalo isnt it.
love and hugs
LOL, D, that snow band is totally awesome. I've seen snow bands moving through this are frequently but none the size of that one. I know you doctored that picture up for sure. Now, try and have a drama-less weekend and don't stir up any trouble. hehe Love ya, Chris
oops, meant area...typing way too fast here...Chris
Wow... you guys are getting bombarded with the snow! Hang in there... stay warm and safe!
Yes, this journal drama is sad... Staying away from it...
be well,
Stay warm....I hate seeing all this fussing that is taking place too! Hugs,TerryAnn
Hellooo again,
I agree with you about what's been happening in J~land. Things get soo mixed up and it's impossible!!
Those snow pics are AMAZING......and no, you can CLEARLY see that you haven't interfered with them. I'd probably have added a naked guy in one of the apartement windows, but thas just me..LOL!!
Love ya hun
It is sad that people have to mean. Ihave no idea what is going on, but.... I hate the fact that people are going private or just not blogging all together. Tawnya
I must admit that I havent a clue as to what is happening in J~Land to make people go private, love the aireal shots from the helecopter of the snow band,
take care Lynne xx
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