HEY! Get your minds out of the gutter...... not THAT kind of fooling around!!! Had my appointment with the dentist this afternoon and it couldn't have come at a better time. I ended up calling off work because of the soreness and irritation. I talk all day and I just knew I wouldn't make it. I hated having to use time for that. I thought when I had all the work done I would be finished with this crap! I had a nice talk with the her and she assured me this would not be on going. It is just going to take time, bad part was she couldn't give me the amount of time. She did go on to say that I'm doing really good. Really???? Well, she is the professional so I will take her word for it. More often then not I'm fine, but as things change/heal I get discomfort at times. I pressed a bit for a timeframe and she figures it would be Mayish before I'm completely done with changes but wouldn't guarantee it. The work she did today seems to be helping, but I have some chaffing (if you can call it that) inside my lip and it will take a bit for that to clear up. Then and only then will I know for sure.
So how did I fool around? I was being a bit silly. Since the Sabres have so many injuries and they have called on so many of the boys from the minor team (Rochester Americans or Amerks) I played around with a logo to depict that. Goofy I know, but hey I had fun and that is what it's about. Ok, I'm a dork! LOL
I also did a few more from the wedding. I love the digital scrap kits that are out there and I've been having so much fun. Changing colors, different affects, adding accents, fooling with brushes and textures. I know these are really similar... it just happened. LOL Rachel was the Maid of Honor and I loved that shot of her. She was on the alter and I was actually trying to get a shot of 'bug', but of course she moved and I just casually grabbed one of Rach. I loved the black and white, so I thought it kind of popped on the red. Of course, another of Renee and Mike.

A good friend of mine who is recovering from breast cancer asked for an awareness tag, so I played a bit. She loved it and couldn't wait to use it. I thought I'd offer it up as a snag if anyone is interested. Another spring time snag. Can you tell I'm ready??? It was pretty warm out there today, and the snow is melting. I saw the local ice cream shop was open and that is a sure sign!!!

I'm off to bed.... hope everyone had a great hump day!
Donna.....I hope you'll heal in God speed! :o) And I would like the pink tag with Lisa kay on it if you don't mind. :o) Thank you, and I hope that you feel better soon. :o)
You made me laugh with your title! (ha) I love what you did with the pics from the wedding. The cancer awareness one is beautiful as well. The little girl on the purple tag is precious too.
I'm sorry you're still having some discomfort with your teeth, bet you will be happy for all of that to be overwith, huh?
Take Care,
You are obviously very passionate about your hockey lol. Wedding pics lovely as usual and good luck to your friend may her recovery be complete.
thats a cool breast awareness tag not so pointed at being that but yet enogh to mean someting. great graphic at top. Yeah I remember I had mone done in feburary. then in sept I had to ahve that tooth piece removed and had it not been for that I would have been totally problem free if that gives you any time frame to work with. but I tink that you are just so ready to be all done and to have a small thing happen seems like a set back but your so use to feeling good nowthat when the bad does happen it really stands out. But its normal really it is
I didnt realise the teeth were still sore ,or rather your mouth ,but then when you think what you had done it would take time I suppose ,as ever the pictures are really lovely ,and the spring graphic has been duly saved ,thankyou ...love Jan xx
remember my ice, my snow, my black ice? Well, now we have torential (can not spell that word, sorry) rains coming down and FLOODING. Nice. Great. It will be 57 degrees today. Want to do a bet on how many inches of standing flood water will be in my basement?! Gee.
I LOVE your scarp tags.....seriously. Those are gorgeous. Well, all your graphics/tags are gorgeous.
I am sorry about your mouth....i hope the chaffing has subsided by today.
love you, lisa
i hope the problems with your mouth/teeth/gums feels better soon, Donna. nothing worse than having a painful mouth..
love the pictures..
Nice logo, Beautiful tags!!!
More beautiful graphics! Linda
beautiful graphics. hope the soreness in mouth goes away soon. (((((((hugs)))))))
I love what you did with the wedding pictures!
~D I want to thank you again for the BC awarness graphic you designed for me. Your a blessing to me.
Hugs, Kim<-:P
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