Today actually turned out to be a very relaxing day. I worked on some wedding pictures for the a video as well as Renee's photo album. I had gone to her house for dinner last night and picked up a couple of discs with additional pictures. On one I found the pictures of 'bug' and Steph from the night before the wedding. Steph is my nephews girlfriend, and as you can tell 'bug' was playing hair stylist. She loves combing Steph's hair, and I actually think Steph likes it too. You can see how silly they got, but I think the graphic/collage came out adorable. Pretty easy to do when you have such beautiful subjects.
Other then laundry, I really did nothing all day. After a week of constant running I just wanted to relax and not have a time table. It was a good day, but damn it got cold again. We actually had temps in the mid 30's during the week, but it didn't last. They are calling for more snow tomorrow, but the storm pounding the mid-west is suppose to die down before it gets here. I hope so!!! I am ready for spring! The snags I am posting were actually done before the wedding, just never posted them.... then of course I've been boring you with wedding shots. Ummm.... and no I don't think I'm done. I look through the pictures I just received and get idea after idea. LOL So, well....... ahhhhhhhh..... yes you will probably see more :)

Well, the hockey game was a bit chippy tonight, but nothing like the other night. Neil was still his scum bag self. I've always disliked his cheap play, but he has really digressed. Not even sure why as he isn't half bad. Normally that occurs when the player can't keep up. The league did rule on the events of the other night and the only thing they did was fine our coach $10,000 for having his tough guys on the ice. Since that is the line that started the entire fiasco, sticking up for one another it was felt he told them to do it. Oh well... I guess it's ok to take runs at players and smash their heads. That idiot even made contact with another star player tonight in pre-game warm up. GRRRR He keeps that up, someone will take him out. He's cheap and reeks of it. Ottawa can be proud though, ::cough cough:: they had a 4-1 lead and gave it up to a team depleted and playing with 7 AHL players. Hmmmm... wonder if that might have them thinking... yeah the Sen's ended up winning 6-5, but it they should have kicked ass and couldn't. My boys just never gave up and played with heart.
I did do a new tag graphic today. I thought it came out nice. I like the mixture of colors and the old Victorian style. If you'd like your name on it click the graphic to make a request. It's much later then I thought so I'm off to bed. Hope everyone had a great Saturday........
Wonder how old I would be considered if I said I remember tie up shoes like that??!! hahaha...really beautiful pic's of you and your daughter :))))
Happy Sunday :))))))) Doreen
That is a beautiful graphic of you and your children! You're all so cute and pretty.
Thanks for sharing that with us!
Ohhh wow! I actually read it again with BOTH eyes open hahaha!
Beautiful pictures of the girls! TADA :)))))) Big huggies..am off to bed and next time I do the journals it's with coffee in one hand, both eyes open and a proof reader to fix my boo boo's. Nighters D. :))))))) Door
I love the way you incorporate pictures into graphics. Good job.
Have a good weekend.
The girls are beautiful! Glad you had a chance to relax yesterday. Linda
sounds like the ocach was lucky and yet 10 K would be tough to pay. But I guess could of been worwse. I love lazy days and I love your top pic what a cutie pie.
your graphics are awesome I love when you have lazy days
Lovely pics and graphics as per usual.
Hey D - awww your photo montage is just gorgeous and yes they are both very pretty girls! I love it! Never get bored of seeing your pics D! Laine xxx
i love the montage of the girls they are so pretty :) love v
As I have said before Love the pictures from the wedding The collective one is brilliant and they sure look a happy bunch who are having fun.Awwww Bless them.Have a great Sunday Take care God Bless
Astoriasand htt://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Great work with the pictures and the graphics! Sorry the boys lost last night, but the highlights I saw held them in good light and it was obvious to anyone who watched that they really put up a good fight (all puns intended).
I really like your photo montage.... it shows what a great time they had. Great job!
Hugs, Maria
I never get bored with looking at wedding photos, love the one you have done with Bug and Steph, love the Native American one and the black and white one aswell,
take care Lynne
P.S. Why do you call her Bug, ??
Glad your day was relaxing...mine too...love all the graphics. have a great Sunday! TerryAnn
Your beautiful neices do make lovely subjects,you cant fail ,but youve done a great job ,they must be so pleased ,I love the Indian graphic ...love Jan xx
Love the photo blend of the girls...so pretty!
Keep them coming Donna...love looking at them
Hope you have a good week..can u believe the weekend
is almost over =(
i love all the tags and pic. I hope you have had a good and restful weekend.
hugs, lisa
I love all the collages you're putting together! You could make money putting these together for families... Simply beautiful!
Snagged those beautiful graphics! THANKS!
I love what you did with the pics in the top graphic! Your little niece is so adorable, and it's fun to watch her grow up. She looks so cute sticking her tongue out.....I saw a clip from a hockey game on the news and it showed some players purposely trying to practically kill other players. I'm not "up" on hockey, but I was so shocked! I don't know how they can survive that game! I couldn't help but wonder what their later years will be like for them, like football players, who take such abuse to their poor bodies.
Take Care,
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