Hi everyone! ::waving:: I hope you are all doing great on this wonderful Thursday. Did I say wonderful? LOL It's colder then a witches tit and it's only going to get worse for the weekend. I can't get warm, and I swear I have the heat cranking! ::shiver:: Drinking ice water doesn't help, but I am a water freak. I drink a ton all day long and it has to be cold, ice cold. Oh well, maybe I will start wearing gloves all the time so not to have my fingers turn into frozen stubs.
I want to thank everyone for the sweet comments and emails regarding the recent episodes. I did not take offense to any of them, so no worries :) I did want to just mention that my intention was not to make my sister out to be a bad person. She is not, far from it! We all raise our children based on circumstances and what we think is right. None of us are perfect, and contrary to popular belief children do not come with directions. You go with your heart, your gut, and your head. Learn as you go. Sometimes in the effort to help we make things worse, sometimes better. It doesn't make you a bad person for making a mistake. It doesn't make you a bad person when you help children. Hell, I've been known to help my son out. Hmmm.. and to be honest he has helped me. It's a mutual love and respect. It's what that person receiving the help does with it. How they react, what they do to help themselves. No one can tell another person what or how. It's as simple as that. Once our children get to a certain age all you can do is hope you've instilled enough good sense in them that they grow and respect (themselves and others). If they don't it does not mean you are a failure, or that you are bad, chances are it means they just haven't matured to that level. Sometimes it is a confidence thing. We all know folks that are like that. I know some that are in their 40's and 50's. I don't blame the parents, I blame the person. There comes a time in life that you buck up and take responsibility. Act like an adult. My sister has done her best and at this point really can't do any more. I do not expect her to take sides, it isher son. I do expect her to respect my wishes and she has. K...'nuff on all that... but thanks again.
So... it's Thursday. Can I just say it feels like this week has lasted 10 weeks!?! I woke up this morning actually thinking it was Saturday. Grrrr what a disappointment! Nothing worse then moving very slow only to have the realization that you have to get your ass in gear, like 10 minutes earlier. No worries I got to work on time and actually had a fairly good day, but I wanted it to be Friday!! One more day, yeah!! Saturday we will have a slumber party. Gage and Bug will be spending the night here, it's the night of the stag and bride's night out. Should prove to be interesting and exhausting. Bug is always on the go and hates to sit still. Gage, well he's a talker. Wonder who he takes after.. surely not his quiet shy aunt.
Just a couple snags tonight. Like I said it's been a long week. I do like them both, maybe you will too. Hope everyone is doing great... enjoy your Friday. I know I will :)

iced water? oh my gosh i been drinking hot tea all night to keep warm and got my sweater on, slippers and socks lol. hope it ain't too messy for you in the morning when you leave for work. be careful. (((((((((hugs)))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))You drink water like my Mom does,thats all She does.She used to freeze Her water bottles,but,She just keeps them in the fridge now.I love hot choclate,sounds good to me right now.I know you lvoe your sister.Sisters,I think should always be there for one another.I wasnt as close to my Sis when we were younger,but we are lose now.She would get mad at me,always takeing Her clothes,when we were yougner.lol.Memories.lol.Love the graffics.Have a nice weekend.
What you said about kids is so true it's just sad that as parents we still feel quilty for our offsprings acts long after we have given them their freedom. Have a short(lol) friday and enjoy your weekend.
My eldest son went of the rails big time (long story) but I felt responsible for him, even though he caused me alot of embarressment at times, but I'm pleased to say that now he has his life back on track again, I used to be really close to my sisters at one time, but now were not,
take care Lynne xx
I think we all understood you wasnt falling out with your sister ,I cant think which Aunty Gage takes after lol ,I rarely drink water ,and I know I should ..love Jan xx
aw what cute snags and not neccesarily valintimes could be anytime. yes I dont think your sister is a bad person just its hard raising kids and you just never know sometimes. I dont balme her for tkaing up for her son. Guess what school canceled and I have no heat!!!!!!!!!
I never thought your sister was a bad person. My grandparents raised my mom wonderfully and she still got hooked on drugs. They taught her right from wrong and she still went the other way. I don't blame the parents(sometimes yes, if they are bad, and make the wrong decisions.
Yes, I totaly agree, this week has been killler long
love the snags :P
hugs and love
HOORAY you are getting the kids this weekend! Can't wait to see all the pictures you take and how pretty you make them look with your artistic touches. I love what you said about children and responsibility. You are one smart cookie! Hope you have a good day at work and hey, it's FINALLY Friday! YIPPEEE!
Hugs and love,
Those snags are adorable.
I have never blamed myself when my kids got on the wrong side.Although I was a bitch most of the time when raising them.I still tried to instill right from wrong.But when they get out of your site they will act out they way they want.If only to say I can do as I please!!
I hardly ever drink water..I keep telling myself I need to and I am going to but never do,and our well water is very,very good.People are always saying how good it tastes.I guess I am a sweet-nic.But now I use artificial sweetner...Have a great time at the slumber party...
absolutely perfect tags.
What you wrote about being a parent made me gasp outloud. Maybe someday i can confide in my private journal about my son and if i do, you will know what you wrote means the world to me. You are so smart, Donna.
XO lj
Donna, great graphics, as always.
You have a great understanding of children. With that inate talent you have you could be a family counselor. You even helped me better understand my one son who is still "trying to find himself." You reinforced my decision that it wasn't me but it was him.
Three out of four, I always say, is pretty good.
Bad news for the Eagles coach the other day. Seems two of his sons got stopped by the police for driving problems and drugs and guns were found in their possession. Both in their early twenties. I don't know Reid but would suspect he had done his best to reise them properly.
That's is all we can do, do our best.
How ture. I loved what you said about raising children. I think we all have to accept the fact that our kids have their free agency to do as they please. We can only teach, hope and pray for them. Most of all we have to remember their actions are theirs not ours.
Your sister is blessed to have you. You are so very understanding and your words ring very true.
I hope you enjoy your weekend!
It is really cold out here too! We are supposed to get to like 2 on Sunday! I don't even think I want to go outside! Linda
Hiya hun...
Great entry. I totally agree with you about kids maturing, it's just that some never do..lol!
It's freezing here too. Lovely sunny day with blue sky, not a cloud in sight, but still bitter! Brrrrr!!!
Lovely graphics too...so cute..hehe!
love ya
Hi D,
Seems we did it again my friend. We must have been Sisters in a past life or something, cos you have just made feel sooo much better about myself from your journal entry today.
Cant go into too much detail but my Son is giving me grief at the mo and I was blaming myself there for a while.
Thank you so much, even though you dont know for what at the mo.
Keep warm. x x x x
The graphics are adorable! I try not to be judgmental toward grown children. Many times it doesn't have anything to do with how they were raised. I figured our sister would stand by your wishes and respect them. I'm sure these things don't please her either.
I hate when I wake up and think it's the weekend. I also sometimes wake up on a Saturday and think I've slept in, and it's a workday. I sort of hate wishing for the weekend to come fast because it's like wishing life away too fast. Can win for losing, hunh? Love the sisters tag...really pretty. Love ya, Chris
Oh yeah I snagged them soo good
Love & Hugs Diane
testing again
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