It is definitely winter time here! Very cold, but the sky is blue and I can see the sun trying to peek out over the houses down the street. There is a yellow pinkish glow showing between the trees. Brings to mind a saying my dad said so many times as we grew up. 'Red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailors take warning.' Not a hint at all that my Dad was in the Navy is there? I was messing with this graphic and when I added the clock I just loved it. Not exactly sure why, maybe because it is a bit different. Whatever the reason, you're stuck seeing it.
I woke up pretty early this morning and thought about going back to bed since it's going to be a long day. But, thought about it only. I was afraid if I fell back asleep I'd sleep through my hair appointment. So instead, I made coffee and decided to start my day. Surfing the net and drinking my coffee I started thinking and remembering.... Renee was the first on our side of the family. She was a beautiful baby with all kinds of curls, even more then Bug. I remember babysitting for her and on more then one occasion I'd have to stand at the kitchen sink with the water running to get her to stop crying. Don't ask me why but it was soothing to her. Watching her grow up, become a woman. Seeing the strength when Gage was born, through all the troubles with him, she was a rock. How many times I cried in the comforts of my home, praying he'd be ok. She on the other hand had that mother instinct and knew he would be. Ok.. 'nuff on that I'm getting all teary eyed.......
My brother in law is home. Yeah!! They didn't do the Angiogram but will next Thursday. It was not a heart attack but he does have a weak heart. The Dr thinks he may have gotten some type of virus that settled there. He's on meds and feeling much better. Thanks for the scare Jimbo!!! I'm so very glad you're better. He will be at the wedding today but I don't think he'll do much dancing. Speaking of dancing, I wonder who will be. I know I will be limited with the sore hip, and everyone has to be sore with all the snow we've been shoveling. It will definitely be a 'kids' wedding and all the old folks will skip half the dances. LOL I remember when we all got married, same 'ole same 'ole. The young folks danced like fools, were silly, and had a riot. The 'elders' they sat and gabbed and danced to the slow music and a few of the silly songs. I never thought I'd be in that 'elders' group, but I think today I may be. No worries tho, the trusty camera will be on hand.
I guess I should get my ass in gear.. shower, and get moving.. I won't be able to sit still but I do have to shake, rattle, and roll. LOL Just a couple of snags today, and my new tag request. If you'd like your name on it just click on the graphic. May take a couple extra days to get them back to you but I will get them out.
Have a great Saturday.........

Now over here, on this side of the pond, we say 'Red sky at night - Shepherds delight, Red sky in the morning - Shepherds warning'......wonder if it means they either have to keep the sheep in shelter when it is bad and can let them out when it is good.....don't know!
nice garaphics. HEY wewoke up to a surprise snow that is covering everythign and more on the way. Its white out. So glad your brother is doing better and it wasnt a heart attack. that is good new.s Yeah saw the sun yesterday it is nice to see it even if it is warm. oh my its gonna be abig day of memories for you. love your graphics as alwsy
Good wishes to the happy couple!
i just can not wait to hear about this safe, have fun, dance a bit and enjoy this time!!!!!
XO lj
Have a wonderful time, Donna!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Love and hugs
Or... red sky at night shepherds huts on fire ! lol Have a lovely day with blessings to your bride and groom Jan xx
have fun today:)
Have a beautiful time today-hope to see plenty of pics.They all look animated to me except the gal in the last one.
ooh-ooh-I forgot to say-about the clock- the word winter-and the clock(TIME=wintertime!!!)
hope you have a blast at the wedding. my dad and my hubby were both in navy, so i have heard that saying alot, lol. (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
Yah I am in the old folks at the side now also, LOL. Dancing sounds like fun though. Glad your brother in law is better, quite the scare.
OH! thats good news about BIL Donna .I am so happy for you.Yes Donna we all come to it in time (The Dancing Thingy) I love to Dance and love a wedding , so I look forward to that,Must admit not the same energy and not as agile, but I still love to Jive Haaaaa!!Or Rock and Roll whatever one wishes to name it.Any kind of dancing almost.I am very young at heart too, so I will have a go at anything going, and where better than at a wedding.Love to join in with the young ones at all times.I say you are as old as you feel.Carn't wait to see the pictures.I love the graphic and the clock kinda makes it so special.Time ticking away fast and moving these cold dreary days along fast Yipee!! LOL!!.Yes just perfect.Could I please have one with KATH on thankyou.I appreciate it will be a couple of days.YOU just take your time.I hope by the time you read all your comments you had the most wonderful day.Congratulations to the new Bride and Groom and many many more happy years together,God Bless you and them.Take Care
Isn't that so scary about viruses that can settle in your heart. That's what started my mom's heart problems. I always worry when I get sick about that.
Glad things are going well. Have a great weekend.
So glad your BIL is home...hope he feels better
with each passing day! Have a great time tonight!
Hope that everyone, especially the Bride & Groom has a really lovely day, and a day that you will remember for years to come, so pleased to hear that Bill is on the mend again, fingers crossed for him,
Love the first graphic, and the waterfall,
take care Lynne xx
wow.. I feel bad.. it's 88 degrees here in southern california.. I am so happy that everyone will be at the wedding... I can't wait to see pics... lisa
I hope you have a great time today!
Glad to hear your BIL did not have a heart attack. Luckily for him we have some of the best cardiologists in the area. Hope you had a great time at the wedding. Don't worry girlfriend, we all make it to the "elder" side eventually! Glad the weather held out. Where in the heck did this snow come from AGAIN! Nancy
I like how you've added text to your graphics, nice addition.
I don't seem to get your alerts & it says that it's on. I will add the alert again & see what happens. I am not getting all my alerts anymore.
Hi, D. I know why you put the clock in that tag .... because it snows 24 hours a day!
Have fun at the wedding and I hope your BIL is feeling better.
Happy your BIL is home & doing fine. Great thing to hear/read. Hugz, Teresa
Very nice memories to take to the ceremonies with you today. Good luck with everything!
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