So what do you think? Will they go with my black and white dress? I know I said I wanted red to go with the sweater I will be wearing over the dress, but I just thought these were the bomb! JAAAANNN you should have been with me!!!! HELP!!!! Ok, so I am being a goof, but I could have very well bought shoes like this. I went to about 10 stores today and found nothing. I mean NOTHING!!! Several stores didn't even have red shoes in stock!!! One store had these vinyl/rubber dance like shoes with a vinyl/rubber bow and fringe. WTF!?! They reminded me of rubber duckies that one might wear in the rain, but they had a heel. Not talking just a wedge heel, I'm talking a heel!! Maybe I'm out of the 'shoe loop', but who would wear something like that? And.. would you wear them with a dress? Dress slacks? Jeans? Holy Crap I felt so out of touch. Maybe not though, they seemed to be very well stocked in that style! After my run to the various shoe stores I went grocery shopping. I bought a few necessities, and then hit the ice cream aisle. I was going to come home and drown my sorrows in a nice banana split. Damn, it's almost 2 and I still haven't done that.... guess there is tomorrow. No worries though, I did order a pair of red shoes on line and they will arrive on Wednesday. The wedding is Saturday soooooooooooooo lets hope they get here in time and they fit! If not, I will have to wear black. :::sigh::: I hate shoe shopping!!!!
The rest of the day wasn't bad. I did laundry and some chores around the house. I cleaned up some of my hard drive and was stunned. I burned my graphics on to a disc and found that I did over 900 since June. Yeouch!! Am I addicted or what? Maybe I shouldn't even say that, it's kind of scary. Kinda eludes to... I have no life, eh? Actually in talking to a friend today we got on the subject of graphics and how much of a release it could be. And ya know, it is. I find myself releasing thoughts and feelings in the 'theme' of the graphic. I know my life is busy, and nothing suffers from my addiction. I go to work, I pay my bills, I clean, do laundry, shop, spend time with friends and family, watch my boys every game, so it is ok, right? And Bill.... no don't tell me I don't get enough sleep. I do that too! I've never been one that needs 10 hours, hell if I get much more then 6 or 7 hours I am a lost cause. I feel hung over and lazy the next day. If I don't get enough, you know me, I'll take a nap on the couch in the ladies room at work. LOL
In between loads of laundry and chores I played with more graphics. The 'already used' folder was empty and I felt naked! I found these graphics and I thought they were just too damn cute to sit and not get touched. I picked out a few and made a subtle attempt at making some soothing graphics. Cutesy and soothing, that is what I needed, and figured I'd post them tonight as others might need them too. Dunno.. maybe I'm just being corning.... or daft as my Brit friends would say :) Oh well, too late, they going in this entry. I messed with the wedding one and thought next weekend I will no doubt have some from 'the' wedding. I am so damn excited about this and so looking forward to it. Sorry if I bore you with the talk about it, but it's not every day a young couple in love gets married. Ok, so maybe it does happen everyday, but not with me involved. Don't you just want to shout it from the mountain top when someone you know is getting married? When you are or did? Share all the details? Ok, so not all the nitty gritty, but some of it? I got pictures today of a couple that got engaged this weekend, a friends sister. They looked so happy, and I know she is. See, I'm not alone! ::wiping brow:: It's normal....... right?
Well, reruns of the earlier hockey games are on and now I know it is time to get to bed. I hope everyone had a great Saturday and wish you a peaceful and soothing Sunday.

well its 2 am taking the lap top back DONT LIKE VISTA UGH!!!!! Lol now you know I was shopping today only not for shoes. AND SHOES you wuld think that with the song by kelly pickler RED HIGH HEELS they would have tons. I dont know if you have a catos but I did see a pair there. Rachael did not like them but shes a teen . yeah love your fish shoes talk about smelly feet lol
Shouting and cheering for a marriage?? In my younger years I did. Not so much now because I'm a bit jaded on marriage. I hope I'm not always that way. <sigh>
Beautiful graphics tonight. Hope you have a good night.
hey D...
do you think in between all that washing, drying, folding, cleaning....and red shoe huntin...that you might possibly be able to create something pretty for me...I finally figured out the name for my new journal...
it will be "Pandora's Box"...from Greek know...I thought if you got bored, you might wanna think up somethin'
or maybe you already have something....I guess for my sidebar...let me know..but if you're too busy...don't even give it a second thought...
I'm interested in the red shoe find myself..
my neice is getting married April 7th and it will be a marine military wedding and she wants us all to wear red, white and blue...
so I can't wait to hear and SEE what u get...
oh yeah...I wanna keep you really
would you mind putting Gracie on the little girl one with the rose?
Pandora's Box on the angel one and Nicholas on the lil boy and puppy....
ABSOLUTELY no rush..
just whenever...
much hugs!
I know what you mean about shoes. Of course I've had foot surgery for bunions so I have even more problems finding something that fits. I ended up wearing flip flops with jewels on them to the last wedding I went to, but it was in the summer not February.
I love the graphics I'm going to snag one for my journal.
Keith Urban is on SNL and he looks great.
Have a great Sunday! Joni
Sorry I wasnt more helpful ,but even I couldnt let you buy the ones you descibe ,I do hope the shoes you have ordered are a good fit and are suitable ,cos the rest of the outfit sounds great and the hairdo, hope we see some pictures of you ,I love the wedding graphic ,my Grandson is getting married in June so I will be useing that one for sure Jan xx
mom got a red pair at walmart :) enjoy your sunday
I know just where you are coming from Donna regarding shoe styles tody LOL!! I do hope the red ones come on time you have ordered,and you are happy with them.No matter what!! I bet you look the bee's knees anyway,when you are all dressed up and ready to go.It is so exciting going to weddings I love them.ROFL at the rubber ducky ones you described Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I am in hysterics here girl.I WANT A PAIR (PMSL Don't think).The graphics are just the cutest they are brilliant thanx a million.Sorry I havn't commented on the last few posts my pooter broke so I had to buy a new one.Have a great Sunday.Take Care God Bless.
Could not resist, snagged 4. Hope the shoes fit and you have a great time at the wedding. Nothing worse than bad fitting shoes when you have to wear them all day. Love Pat x
Well, you got me with the first two sentences, LOL! I kept looking at the graphic thinking, "WTF? She can't wear these to a formal event!" I was scrolling up and down looking for a real photo of shoes. Then I read on, sheesh! Anyway, hoping your shoes arrive on time and in the right size!
The graphics are very nice. If you have done over 900 of these things and still like doing them, then you have found your avocation! Keep up the good work.
I quite like the fishy shoes lol, hope yours arrive on time and fit.
Awwww, lovely graphics hun..hehe!!
Hope those fishy shoes don't make ya feet smell too!!
Love ya babes
I hate shoe shopping.. I hate shopping, period! I never was gifted with that gene, and I guess I'm kind of glad about it. I'd probably be bankrupt if I were! lol
I don't think yo should feel guilty about your graphic hobby at all! As long as keep up with all your basic responsibilities, then what's the big deal? Everyone needs an outlet.. and makin graphics is yours! :) I can think of a lot more destructive ways to spend extra time.. can't you? :)
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday, Donna!
Like the graphics, as always, Donna
Just GORGEOUS graphics!! Snagged! I haven't bought new shoes in so long, nevermind actual HEELS! I didn't even realize the style went from chunky heels to stilettos again until I saw them in a store as I walked by. LOL! I hope the new shoes you ordered fit and don't pinch too much. I love weddings, doesn't matter who it is getting married, I just think the entire ceremony is beautiful and I cry each time. Now, don't go posting any pics without their written permission okay? ;)
Lots of love,
Donna, yes I was ready to jump on you about the hour of your post. Then I saw this <<I've never been one that needs 10 hours, hell if I get much more then 6 or 7 hours I am a lost cause.>>>.
I will give you a break, at one point in my life that was me. Now I must get 8 or 9 and feel much better if I get 10.
I will never mention sleeping to you again. It will catch up with you in time, Bill
UGHHHH I cant stand shopping for shoes for myself either. It seems that the world doesnt care about people with small feet. Every time I go to a shoe store I see these gorgeous shoes and think OK I can actually were these, Go in ask for my size"OHH sorry we dont have your size. I go to the ailse where my size is and OMG who would wear these shoes....All you see are ugliest shoes! I am a size 5 by the way...:( I always end up being me a pair a sneakers in the kids department.
As for creating graphics... I give you props because I just downloaded psp 7 I think it is and I have NOOO idea what the heck to do with it. I dont know how you do those great ani's but it must be lots of work... SO THANKS for sharing!
I cant stand shopping full stop, if there is one thing guaranteed to put me in a mood its shopping, and food shopping is the worst one of them all, I just find it a total nightmare, I ususally end up with a trolley that has a mind of its own and wont go where I want it to, and you can guarantee that I meet one sweet little dear that insists on raming my ankles with their trolley,
hope that you all have a lovely day on saturday
take care Lynne x
oh my goodness! look at that shoe!!! LOL love it. could you just see that shoe with a little black dress? no? LOL
All the kids graphics are cute.I drag the little girl smelling the flower. TX..Love Nancy
Very cute cute graphics!!!
Love the quotes on them too!
Darling graphics,can't wait for the wedding photos,hope the weather is nice
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