Ok, so it's really not my kitchen window, but the picture is from my backyard and the view I have out the window over my sink. The picture is not from today, it's from a few days ago. I just didn't have it in me to go out there today. My hip/back is feeling a bit better but not perfect. Walking around in deep snow wasn't something I wanted to even try. I'm stiff and being in one position isn't very comfy at all. I am walking with a slight limp but more as a 'favor'. I just took a pain pill and I will head off to bed, hopefully I can sleep through the night. It is off to work tomorrow.
Valentine's day was nice. My son called me earlier to wish me a good one. He's working a ton of hours and nights so it will be the weekend before I see him. It's ok, his gift is on my desk at work. LOL I ordered him homemade cookies from a co-worker.
Haven't gotten news on my brother in law yet... but no news is good news at this point. Thank you so much for the good wishes and prayers. I will update when I have some answers.
I'm posting some graphics I did a few days back. I know everyone is really tired of snow, or those living in it anyway, but I couldn't sit here today. The tea cup graphic was sent by a friend. I had to do something and figured I would post tonite with the hopes of brightening someone's day. I also posted a new graphic for tag. If you'd like your name on it, click on the graphic to make a request.
Off to bed folks, stay safe and warm.

Hi Donna well you make sure you have a good night's sleep - its early morning here 4.32 am in fact Ive been awake since 3am!! Im so awake but will probably try go back to sleep in a minute. I walk with a limp and my back been playing me up for about 5 years - I too feel old and fed up with it!! The cold weather doesnt help hun - keep warm. Love Laine xxx
Hi Donna. I hope the pain pill kicks in and you are able to get a good night sleep! Love your graphics as usual. I snagged a couple. Thank you so much.
Stay warm and be careful tomorrow in the snow.
Hi Donna,
Hope you are feeling better by now....Loved the window scene and all the graphics! Take care now,
love ya,
Aww, I was gonna be a smarty, but since you're not feeling well, lol.
Nice job as always!
PS feel better
Stay warm Donna and hope it starts clearing up. I see the weather new's and am amazed the snow is still coming down everywhere! I hope you start feeling back to normal soon, I am trying to get my back better, gave it a good pull trying to get Mom up in bed. Right now I'm living on naproxin, flexoril and lortabs, I also have a good supply of ben gay. It's almost like the house of zombies here Mom in her sling all black and blue and me snoring everywhere I sit down <pills> hahaha!
Glad your day went well I was happy to hear from my kids and got a big fluffy pink teddy bear sitting in front of me :)))))) Hugs Doreen < I do miss snow but only from the prospective of seeing it from a window :)))
Happy Valentine's Day Donna.... I feel u on the snow...Today was our first heavy snowfall...4 inches I think LOL...but I am alredy tired of snow. Especially since I am the one who has to do the shoveling! Hope the pain gets better... My prayers goes out to you and your family..Hope everything is fine with yoour Bro.
Nice graphics once again...you outdid yoourself...Goodnight and take care...
Glad you had a good day. As for your pain have you tried arnica it's a herbal remedy which promotes the repair of internal bruising and helps healing. It comes in tablet and cream, the cream if rubbed on to a place you have bumped stops bruising from even appearing and the tablets are often used to aid healing after a c section, it is truely brilliant stuff.
I'm sorry you're still in pain Donna, I hope a good nights sleep will ease it. I hope the snow soon thaws and you can walk around easier, I'm feeling guilty still about another sunny spring day we have here today! We've not really had a winter and all the spring bulbs are shooting up all over the place. I hope you hear some good news soon about your brother in law. Take care and take it easy for a while till your back heals. As far as brightening some one's day, it always brightens my day to see an entry from you and your graphics are beautiful again! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
we just cant take it as we age and its abummer. I sure hope your feeling better now. I bet your son will love the home made stuff.
yeah the snow is getting old since it waited so late to come BUT....... I love that doggies in the snow with the little boy anyway.
Hope that you get rid of your ache and pains soon, and that you soon hear news about your B~I~L, Love the graphics tonight,
take care Lynne xx
aww I hope you feel better soon. Will keep you in my thoughts. I cannot believe how much snow you guys are getting. Wow, i am sure you are sick of it, huh? Sorry you have to work tomorow, sounds l like you need a day of rest :P
love ya
That's one horrible storm with many injries and deaths. Not to mention the thousands that are out of power. Sorry your back is still sore, I sure hope you don't aggrivate it by trying to shovel more snow this morning. You be careful today.
Bend and strrrrrrrrrrretch ..... easily. Loosen up. Yeah, like me. LOL. I know you folks are tired of the white stuff, but let me tell you it's a novelty and a treat here! The sun is shining, bright blue sky. Oh, I'm lovin' it!
the sun is finally shining here. For how long I don't know, lol. Woke up this morning to more snow, grrrrrrrrrrrr. I hope your feeling better. ((((((((hugs)))))))))
did i tell you that we got 9 inches in one day? NOW it is -7 degrees.....the snow is like concrete. SIGH. Schools closed. Everything chafed. LOL
I hate it that you feel poorly. I hope you start to feel better. WHERE IS SPRING?
XO lj
my kids are jealous s in yorkshire dont get the snow like we used to (see i sound old now) personally i would love a bit of snow but thats it........ sorry kids.
Where in the states are you and i'll send you my kids to shovel the snow for you. lol
Keep warm Hugs
stacey (http://journals.aol.co.uk/sjnunn340/ups-and-downs-of-life)
Hi Donna,
I'm so sorry that you hurt your back! Hope you are good as new soon. I feel sorry for everyone who is suffering with the snow and bad weather back east. I saw on CNN the other day where the reporter walked up the snow that was in front of a house all the way to the roof, it was just unbelievable! I've always wanted to live where they had snow, but sometimes I have second thoughts (ha)
Take Care,
I am happy you are feeling a wee bit better D and like you said about your brother in law, no news is usually good news... I don't care if they are snowy graphics or not, they are still quite beautiful, thank you !! Hugz, Teresa
Sorry about your back Donna. Hope your healing up well.
How much snow did Buffalo get from that storm? I can't believe what happened in Oswego.
I know the snow is a bother to you, getting so much... but I'm really envious!! LOL!!! I bet it's really beautiful!!! Hope you are feeling better, though!!!
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