Today started out really good. I was in a serene, tranquil mood. There was no snow coming down outside. Though it was bitter cold, the sky was bright blue and was a beautiful backdrop for the white fluffy clouds. There were thin ones too. It was pretty hard to tell if they were clouds or left over 'white' from earlier planes. There was a fresh coat of about 4 inches or so that feel from the time I went to bed the night before. Parts of the area were without power, but it didn't effect me. Yeah!! When I got in my car to pull out I wanted to so bad to grab the camera. The snow drifts hanging off the gutter and roof were unreal. It looked like something out Rudolph. The icicles were hanging and covered in white. I didn't take that picture, I figured I would do it when I got home.
The sun was out downtown all day. It got windy, but the sun was shining brightly and the sky remained blue. I got all the way home before it started snowing again. I pulled in my driveway and there on my roof was nothing. Snow gone, icicles gone. Damn! The snow was raked off the roof as there was so much. The icicles knocked down not to pull the gutters off. I understand but I wish I had taken that picture! As cars passed by my house it looked as though someone was taking a powder puff and dropping it into the powder. Poof..... poof......... calm...... poof.......... poof.
The evening then went down hill.. for several did finally stop snowing but they are calling for more over night. I'm ready for spring!
Just a few graphics... but believe me... I do not for one minute think snowflakes are kisses from heaven! Not today anyway. The background in that picture is of the trees in my backyard. Oh... wait.. before the volcano :) LOL
Off to bed....... hehehehe... Bill it's not 11:30 yet! :)~

Boy....I'm with you, I can't wait until Spring! This snow stuff just isn't fot me. :o)
Thank you...I loved the graphics so I snagged them! :o) Take care. :o)
AWWW some graphics...Kisses from heaven hummmm...I too am ready for spring...Got the cold weather coming back here..but no snow and hoping to keep it far away from here too! Stay warm! TerryAnn
I know I want spring to get here FAST!!!
TAke care, MISSY
stay warm and safe ok
Wow I swear they shot all the groundhogs or drugged them into saying you will have 8 more months of snow!!!! <joke> Well why isn't your volcano working??! Gosh you would think the lava would take a layer of snow off something :)) haha!
Good sense of humor you do have :))) Today it actually got over 60 here so I spend the day with my son and his kids, took my puppy up so the kids could chase her around but it turned out the opposite..she chased them all over the place! Good to see two are getting over the bug and up and around. Kayla had a ball and wanted the puppy to stay for the rest of the week but she settled on her visiting tomorrow and Nana bringing her some goodies. Hope the snow slows and you really start enjoying the start of spring :)))))))))) Hugs from SC. Doreen :)
Love the snowflake graphic, its just started snowing here in my little corner of the globe, but we wont get anywhere near as much snow that you have, trouble is in England half an inch of snow and the whole country comes to a stand still, LOL
take care Lynne xx
Well we now have snow in Britain ugh ,and everything has stopped lol ,we dont cope as well as you , lovely graphics as usual ,was admiring the one of Katinka and Nina delightful ,very clever Jan xx
ah I can almost picture wehat you say. Yeah you kow its funny even in the cold if the sun shines the snow melts a bit. Its weird I saw steam off grannys roof even though it was only in the low teens. yeah I should show you my neighbors house the gutter haning of course I knew it was going to they are such slackers they have not had it connected and I can tell thier eave is rotting
Sorry you didn't get that picture, but you painted the scene beautifully with you words. Don't know why your evening went downhill, but hope you have a much better day today.
you have to get more snow than anyone i know....and i love how you describe need to write a book. I hope you were warm today and safe.
XO lj
there saying we're gonna get 2 more snows in the next week here in philadelphia, i hope not. i am so ready for spring. loved the graphics, i snagged them. ty ((((((((hugs)))))))))
The things you saw sound beautiful. I wish you'd gotten the picture too! Stay safe and warm.
That snow tag is awesome. Makes snow look beautiful. (Until the next day) :) Tracy
Thanks for your comment hun its nice to be missed
Hugs to you and yours hope you are all well and warm
love Stacey xxxx
Just saying HELLO and that I updated your link so I don't miss even one entry.
Hugs and love,
The pictures are beautiful, love the snow falling. Sorry you guys are really getting dumped on this year. It is balmy here, but could change any day. We usually get snow on Valentine's Day. Joni
You are too funny Donna.... I think February is the worst month out of the whole year.
We hardly even had a winter & when we just about had enough, winter finally settles in.
I am glad only for the fact my boys can go play ice hockey outdoors, but the ice here is not really smooth enough...; (
We can't win~
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