Well, I did the first graphic based on the weather forecast. It was said we'd get several inches of snow. Hmmmmm........ it started to rain/sleet earlier then a very little bit of snow, and now it appears to be as clear as a bell. I can stars in the sky. Not sure what the overnight will hold, and if I had my choice between the two, I'm hoping for snow. I do not want ice for my morning commute. After my near collision on Friday I can do without the need of spikes on my tires. Sure, snow won't be much better but....................
Today was a good day. I really didn't do anything to speak of. It was a lazy weekend all the way around. I would like to know though, why when you're at work with little to do does the day drag and when you're at home on the weekend with little to do it flies by? I can't believe it is almost 11pm on Sunday and I have to work tomorrow. I needed the weekend to recharge, but it didn't seem to be near as long as I needed. Aaaahh.. but are they ever?
I'll be calling my dentist in the morning. I think I need to get in for another adjustment. I have a bit of discomfort on my bottom. Like things are rubbing on the inside of my lip, and let me tell you it is sore. I've tried everything I know and nothing seems to help. I shouldn't complain ::knocking on wood:: I've been very lucky with the whole thing. I also got my pre-determination from my insurance on Saturday- it looks like when all is said and done I will have to do about 1/2 of the cost for the permanent set. I was told we'd wait a year before doing them so I could heal completely but last trip in my dentist thought it might not be that long. I know I'm healing pretty good, but I am not doing anything until I know there will be no more changes. I know some folks got their permanents immediately and wonder how or what they did as the healing started... continued.. and finished. I'll get more information when I visit this week. With any luck, early this week.
I know I've been scarce in visiting, and I'm sorry. Things are all caught up and pretty much back to normal so you will see me again... I will try to catch up. I know, or at least think, you understand- it just gets nuts sometimes........ but I have missed you all *hugs* and thought about you often and appreciate your stopping by here.
I did do a hodge podge of graphics .... couldn't decide on a theme so I just went all over. The 'I Miss You' was partially a tutorial. LOL One I didn't follow at all, but used the movie clip. I wanted to do a graphic for my best bud who I miss a ton.... and thought it got the message across. Think they'll get the hints? ::sniff sniff:: I hope so.. LOL Find anything you liked? Let me know.....
Ok, well I'm getting punchy and that is usually a sign of being tired. I'll just post and be done instead of rambling on endlessly. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Keep warm and safe............ is Spring almost here??????????????????????

Love the graphics...and that cloud action is awesome!! Hugs,TerryAnn
Love the sailboat, so relaxing to look at and those husky's up top..omg they look like my girls :)))) Hugs and good to see your journal...refreshing :)))))))Doreen
great tags girl! We are supposed to be getting some more snow too... I hate it!! I didnt hate it too much until it became my job to shovel and add salt lol... Be careful out there..Good luck with dentist..I have to go myself..When I dont know LoL..I am such a procastinator..... Goodnight and have a great week!
beautiful tags. i hope spring gets here soon, i'm sick of winter. careful going to work in morning, take your time. ((((((((hugs))))))))))
Love the huskies graphic, if ever you find the answer as to why time flies at the weekend would you let me know please, take care on your drive to work if the weather is bad
take care Lynne xx
ROFL!! You did it again Donna, talking about your sore bottom! Lol! Sorry, it just sounded so funny! I hope the dentist can fix it again. Time does speed by, you're right. Time goes faster at home, I worked yesterday, it was so quiet and slow but once I got home time speeded so fast it was 2am when I looked at the clock! I hope the weather soon warms up, I see your weather pixie is still on 30F! Jeannette xx
wow that I miss you one is awesome. yeah I do not like ice and snow. Im glad your getting back to normal I really need routine in my life. dont get it much.
i hate to hear you have any discomfort with your mouth so i hope that gets worked out. Sounds like you had a decent weekend. Love your tags.
You will know which graphic i have gone for, the puppy in the pic just looked like Blue when he was a pup. I hope you get your teeth sorted.Tooth pain is cruel even worse than back pain.
lovea and hugs
You just take care of YOU - we will all be here :) I like the fear graphic the best..it's so true. Hugz, Teresa
Meant the grey bear from the previous entry LOL!
I hope you got a good nights sleep and had a good Monday. I snagged the green bear. Too cute! Thanks!
I hope the weather is a little better now, but you have to admit it sounds like good hockey weather.
I hope you got your wish re the weather overnight. I think you are smart in waiting to get your permanent set and am glad to hear you are healing fast. Hopefully your best bud will see the graphic. All the graphics are great, as usual.
I love these graphics. I could write a poem around any of them. I love the action one with the dogs, too. It would work. And I kow this last one "I miss you," would speak volumes to someone, a brunette. I like how you manage to hit some vital human emotion with the combination of a line and pcture. Yes, I do think a rest was in order after so much effort for the wedding. A beautiful wedding is like a Broadway production in many cases. That's why I think I love such events so much, everybody dressed up and having a good time, and recording for great memories. Gerry http://jouranls.aol.com/gehi6/daughters-of-the-shadow-men/
Hey babes...Love the graphics, and not sure who the last one is too, but if it's who I think, then yeah, message received. *HUGS*
I know your dentist appointment is today as I write this, so good luck and I hope the problems get sorted!
Love ya
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