Yeap, they did again! Things were all on track and happening just as they said. They built my trust and faith. WHAM!! It all fell apart today. GRRRRR Weathermen! Why do we believe 'em? Why do we trust 'em? They told us it was going to be warm today. Ok, so not a heat wave and definitely not warm enough to wear that itty bitty polka dot............ LMAO!!! But they did say it would be in the mid 30's and it barely got over 20. Some of you might be saying, they were only a bit off, and they were, but those few degrees do make a difference. Anything over 30 would have felt like a heat wave after the frigid temperatures we've been having. Shame on them for getting my hopes up... even if I did know it would snow again during the week.
Today was a weird day. I got up extremely early and decided I was nuts to be up so early after my late night. I went back to bed. I curled up and went off to dream land, but those dreams are for a different entry... and different graphic. LOL! When I did wake back up I was stunned to realize it was after 11. I never EVER sleep that late, must have been my comment yesterday about not needing so much sleep. ::evil grin:: Honestly though, I did feel 'blah' all day, hung over, achy, too much sleep I say!! It was nice though... just me home most of the day so the TV was off and it was just a quiet relaxing day. Ok, except for the phone ringing off the hook. Everyone is good so no worries there.
My mind is going a mile a minute and I had a few topics I wanted to go into but I do not want this to turn into a ramble. You know a few lines on a gazillion topics. Nah, not tonight. HEY! Stop applauding! I'll just post my mixture of snags and get in my jammies, climb in bed, and yes that would be after I turn on the TV. Funny I don't want it on all day, but I need it to fall asleep. Hope you find something you like. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I wish you all a peaceful and happy Monday.

they say 40 for us tomorrow, yea right i'll believe that when i see it. then tomorow night into tuesday snow and ice, grrrrrrrrrrrrr when is spring coming. loved the graphics. ty for sharing. (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
I always find something I like with your graphics! I want a day like yours!! Nothing wrong with going back to sleep until 11 I always say, especially when you had noone to have to get up for or to do. My kids need the tv on to sleep also. I hate it on, but they think of it as a nightlight I guess since I have no volume at all on at night. I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow and I just heard that the snow IS coming our way. WOO-HOO!
Lots of love,
They have been saying we are going to have massive rainshowers for the last week. Everyday..rain. Yeah right! It rained today, if that's what you want to call it. It barely got the road wet. Just enough to slick up the streets and cause accidents. We really do need some massive rain here in Southern Cali, because we are headed for a major drought, if we aren't already in one. The Weathermen seldom if ever get it right! :/
Hope you have a great week, Donna.. and your graphics rock!
It was in the 30's here, Yah, I can't wait until grilling weather.
thanks D, time for early bed tonight myself it's already midinght and I could use a few z's between keeping an eye on my Mum so far she only needed one lortab tonight. I can't shake the cold and feel like my muscles and bone's have the flu so I hope I can find the flannel jammies and ben gay! Stay warm and keep the snow blowing the other way! Happy Monday to all :)))))))Doreen
Hello D, It has been a while. I haven't had much time on line journaling with work and school. My comp crashed and I lost all my graphics. I am going to have to start collecting more.. I really hate that I lost all the beautiful graphics and tags that you made me.....
Hope everything is going well with you...... Stay warm. I love living in Florida this time of year :::::grin::::
Absolutly awesome graphics as always....our weather men are saying freezing rain tomorrow and then snow....let us hope they are wrong as last time...LOL...but something tells is coming...have a great week! TerryAnn
we are to get snow ugh...stay warm
i snagged a few
Hi D...I'm not sure I could tell the difference between 20F-30F! It's all cold to me! But, I freeze at anything below 70F! I'm not kidding! I need a sweater when it hits 68! Yeah I sympathy my way <smile>.
Cute graphics as always. Thanks for sharing them.
Well Donna it's the same here love over the pond.If you rely on the weather report you can guarantee it will be wrong.LOL!! Said to be fine and milder in my area this weeekend and it P----- it down all weekend and the north wind did blow.LOL!! So will we have snow ??? So no!!!! we cannot win listening to them.WOW these graphics are brill I love the water ones thanx a million you are a star.Take Care Hope you have a good Monday Grrrrr work for you so sorry about that .Take Care God Bless.
lol, in our house we all say if you wanna know what the weathers like look out the window cos that's all the weatherman does lol. Lovely graphics, again, thank you.
My Glenn is a weather fanatic and loves checking the weather sites and reports and TV channels after which he will always say "it is supposed to be _________(fill in blank) today" to which I always say "well if it doesn't do what they say it is "supposed" to do who gets in trouble?" Here in Reno the weather is fairly predictable due to the geography and elevation. It is hot in the summer, cold in winter, mild in spring and fall and it could rain a bit most any day around 4 in the afternoon in the spring and summer.
I never pay attention to the weather forcasts though. Why? Because stepping outside and looking at the sky to the southeast or northwest tells everything. If there are clouds coming over the Sierras in winter it may snow. In summer maybe Thundershowers. Clear sky? Mild in fall and spring, cool in winter and hot in fall. Thats all there is to it.
The only time I consult the weather is when we are planning to cross the Sierra Nevada Mountains through Donner Pass and Immigrant Pass because the storms can hit fast and it doesn't take more than once being stuck on the road for 4 hours waiting for the snowplows and considering the fate of the Donner Party to teach one the importance of being informed and prepared. I get the show report and road conditions.
And always take a coat.
dont listen to the weathermen over here in England either, cos what ever they is gonna happen it always does the opposite, LOL, love the graphics tonight, snagged the mice and the whale tail take care Lynne xx
I'm like Pam, I freeze below 70F! I'm glad you got back to sleep, sometimes our bodies know best. Sounds like you had a day like mine, just relaxing at home alone, we can appreciate it so much after busy days working. I love that lil mouse graphic and the old cowboy hat one, I love cowboy hats! Jeannette xx
I hope our weather is headed your way seems like down here we are about one day off from what they say. Our weahter men well they also messed up on the storm. We wont be getting bad weather and I did my shopping saturday night HA!!!!!! but hey makes for an easy monday and we are to hit 46 today adn thunderstorms tuesday ~~~~~~ WOOT WOOT. Never thought I say that but to me it means warmer weather and spring is on the way. Looks like one mroe little drop first. Yesterday was the first time in 14 days we got up out of the deep freeze .
I love the graphics and cowboy hat. and the squirrels.
Yes when I get too much sleep even if its needed from lack of it which I have ahd this week and the last few days I have (and your right it feels that way) like your hung over your dragging.
Ah, yes! Those cruel weathermen! Some days they just don't seem to have a clue. Hey, great graphics! I liked them all.
Our weather men have been pretty acurate lately , the first graphic Jan xx
I hope you had a good resrful weekend.
love and hugs
((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))The news cant even tell how much were going to get hope we dont get any,ok,maybe a nice snow for the kids.But not enough to mess my weekend off,which I didnt even ask for think I did the same thing you did.I stayed up late last night,I fell alseep about 1 and I am up now,tired,but,I didnt get a nap.Maybe I will sleep tonight.HAve a nice week and I love your graffics.
I am sorry it didn't warm up for you...It is supposed to be warmer here this week in KY. I can try to blow it up that way, but it may not make
I wish I'd have gotten the sleep you did, I sure could use that...(zzz). Glad you found some shoes even if online..I hope they make it on time. Don't forget we want to see pictures!!!
Great Graphics, snagged a couple.
Donna I have snagged the 3 little mice in a boat ~ it is really lovely ~ ty ~ Ally x
Yes, I'm looking forward to the snow except I may get mandated to stay at work tomorrow. Linda
Yes, I'm looking forward to the snow except I may get mandated to stay at work tomorrow. Linda
Yeap-I am way behind on alerts,pooder problems-ggrrrrrrrr
Love the graphics,quite a variety,especially love the Western one(wonder why).
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