Not only is the weekend over, but so is the wedding. All the planning came together on a wonderful Saturday afternoon. It was extremely cold out, but when I left my house to get to the church early the sky was blue and the clouds were white and full. I will admit I wore my boots, but didn't bring the red shoes. As I was walking around the house prior to leaving my right foot kept falling out and I knew I'd never be able to walk. So as I packed my bag, the black shoes went in. (only to find out later I did lose weight in my feet because the same thing happened with the black, but no where as bad) I got to the church and headed to the room where the girls were dressing. Renee was still in sweats as she primped 'bug', and let me tell you she looked like a little princess. Ok, in my eyes she is everyday, but she was adorable! The girls were fluffing and primping themselves. I changed out of my boots and went to check out the lighting of where the ceremony was going to be. The church was decorated absolutely beautiful, aisles were decorated with branches dipped in glitter and crystal like gems. They appeared to be iced, and perfect for a cold winter day. I was holding my own until I turned and saw Gage escorting someone to their seat. Seeing him in his tux and looking so grown up brought me to tears. My hands shook as I gathered my camera to get his picture. The ceremony went without a hitch. Well, except for on small portion when the Minister asked who gives Renee.... her father who had practiced the line and had a cheat sheet, hesitated. Believe me when I say it wasn't hesitation about giving her... it was more he was off in lah lah land. LOL The church fell silent and Renee and Mike shot him a look, only to be followed by several chuckles. At one point 'bug' walked to Gage with outstretched arms looking for his hand or a hug. Not sure which, but it was so sweet and followed by 'aaaawwww.' I am so glad I captured that on camera.

The reception was perfect! I got there right before the 'limbo' (what 'bug' called it all night) and we set up for pictures. I took what seemed like a gazillion and when deciding on what to use for graphics I was overwhelmed. So many beautiful poses, funny, serious, and loving. I will obviously do several more before all is said and done. When the guests started to arrive everything was a whirl wind. Smiles, hugs, and kisses. We mingled and snacked on hor'devours. It was wonderful seeing family and friends that we don't normally see. Gage did some talking in the mic and helped prepare everyone for the announcement of the wedding party. He was so proud and so honored to be doing that for his Mom and Dad.
Dinner was wonderful. Started with soup and salad. The buffet table seemed to be endless. Rolls, pasta salad, mashed tators, roast beef, chicken breasts in a wonderful lemon garlic mushroom sauce, roast pork, baked ziti, and steamed veggies. Talk about having a feast! Every thing I had was delish!
The rest of the evening was full of laughter, chatting, and dancing. Lots and lots of dancing. Not to mention it had started to snow and it was coming down pretty fast and heavy. I've come to the conclusion that both sides of the family are nuts! I danced more then I thought I would, and my hip/back did bother me a few times, but I kicked off my shoes and tried to not let it bother me. When they played Brown Eyed Girl, we grabbed my Dad and made him dance with us. Well, lets say he swayed and we danced around him. My sisters and I all have brown eyes and we laughed hysterically as he tried to keep up with us singing. 'Bug' was in heaven! She has been looking forward to that song. She has called it the wedding song for weeks and has listened to it over and over and over.
My evening ended with going to my sisters for a bit, taking my son and his girlfriend home and then coming home myself. When I woke up this morning I did the graphic of Renee and Mike and printed it out on nice photo paper. I headed back to my sisters for breakfast, and gave out copies of the graphic. I ended up staying there the entire day, and never got home until after 7 this evening. It was a day of reliving the events of last night, lots of food, and more laughs. I put the graphic of the kids together when I got home, and included one of me and Steve. I am also posting one my hair from the back so you could all see the braid and what I had done. Now you know why I never ask my sister Karen to take pictures...... LOL.... she cut my head off!! It was a bit more then I wanted but it was nice and held up until late today when I finally had to pull it out. My head was itchy and I knew I would need help getting all the pins out. 'Bug' took pleasure in helping there and kept telling me not to cry. She even scratched my head for me. Have to love that child!!

Obviously every detail of the wedding isn't here, I could write a book and I'm sure I bored you to tears already. Just be warned, there will be more pictures coming. LOL
Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Mine was fabulous........ long........ and I'm tired.
wow what great pictures, can't wait for more...
I was so NOT bored! I loved reading all about the wedding and how much fun you had.... how much fun it seems everyone had. The food sounds delicious! All of it! Donna, you look radiant in that picture you took with Steve. Your smile would light up a room, and I love your hair! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing a couple of the pictures. Don't be stingy now.. we can always handle a few more! lol
Beautiful wedding, Beautiful Bride and Groom and Beautiful Pics..... Bug is adorable. She does look like a lil princess with her Shirley Temple curls! The little boy is handsome, will definitely break some hearts in his teen years lol. LOve your hair do. Look good on you.YOU GO GIRL! Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
Take Care...
WOW!! What a wonderful way to keep the company of friends and family to celebrate a joyous event! Never bored here! I love all the details and pics! Congrats to the newlyweds!~
You did a great job with the photo collages, everyone looks GREAT!
The bride & groom are beautiful~ The kids are adorable!
You look wonderful, lovely photo of you & Steve!
I loved hearing all about the wedding and the pictures are great too. The graphic of the bride and groom is so neat. Your hair was precious and good picture of you and Steve. We can never hear too much about happy events like weddings and bring on the pictures. Joni
With your talent, the pics are really FUN to look at... Keep 'em coming!!
Congrats to Mike and Renee!! The kids are adorable, you looked great too!!!
forgot to add, your niece looks just like you.
wow what amazing pics. i can't wait to see more of them. i love your hair, it is beautiful. more pics please lol. now go get some sleep, you have had a long weekend. ((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
can't wait to see more:) the bride was beautiful and the groom handsome great couple:) have a good week
Looks like a beuatiful loving day, may they be forever happy. Your hair looks nice too.
Hi D
The bride looked gorgeous and so did you young lady.
Steve looks really different to the last picture I saw of him.
Bug is soooo cute, bless her. She's going to be a little heartbreaker when she grows up.
Really glad all went well and hope to see more pics
Speak soon love Pat x x x x
The wedding sounded great, I love the graphic of Bug with her arms out to Gage, she's so adorable! I'm sorry your shoes didn't fit for the wedding, I always have that trouble, they're fine one day and too big or small when I need to wear them! I'm sp glad everything went well, the church decorations sounded magical. Your hair looked lovely in the pic, bless little Bug for helping to take it down! Have a good week. Jeannette xx
oh you havent bored me at all it looks and sounds beautiful. YOu look great nad that pic you two match red and black so nice. that smile of yours you look so happy
Oh what beautiful photos.What a lovely family.Everyone looked so nice.Sorry about your red shoes,but I am sure the black matched just fine.
What do you mean bored,we all came to see the pics we knew would be waiting for us, and to see that all went well.
That was so sweet about your Dad and you girls dancing around him.Sounds glorious.
Bug IS as cute as a bug!!!
Your hair looked really nice,too bad it all had to be taken down...
You never bore us, i would love to read more. The photos you have taken and graphics are excellent.And what to say about Bug, she is pure adorable!!. Your hair looked lovely.
lve and hugs
Me bored reading your journal NEVER, I've been looking forward to this entry, you discribe everything with so much detail its as if we are there with you, so glad that everything went well for the happy couple and that everyone had a fantastic time, Gage is a handsome chap and as for Bug I could just hug her tight she is such a cutie, Love the one with her holing her arms out to Gage, also love how you have put the photos together, and the one of you and your handsome son is one for you to put on show in you home for everyone to see, its a lovely photos of both,your hair looked lovely how you had it done,
Looking forward to the next enrty and more photos please,
take care Lynne xx
P.S. why do you call her Bug ??
Beautiful pics! I got married In December in MI. It was so cold! I'm walking to the courthouse in my wedding dress and moon boots (changed to shoes for the vows). The polaroid pics taken outside made it looked like I was wearing a blue dress and fur coat and they both were white! Luckily hubby, was wearing a sky blue suit so we matched. LOL
you have such a beautiful family! it sounds like you had a ball! good on you.your hair was lovely,shame about your red shoes though.i"d love to get married when it is sooo jealous lol.glad you had a good time love jo x
Sounds like a great occasion. Hope for many lucky years for the happy newlyweds!
Pictures are great and your enthusiasm is catchy! Glad you had a great time and bug had a wonderful day.
Absolutly fantastic thats all I can say Donna.Everybody on these pics looks fabulous.I am so happy everything went well and Your hair is beautiful.OH! how I would love mine like that at the back sometime.I will have to show my DIL this pic and see if she can do it for me she is an hairdresser.The Collage of the Bride and Groom is fabulous love the twinkle sparkles.Bless the children they are priceless.Food sounds fantastic and your outfit looks so nice love the poka dots another of my favoutires.So happy to read your Dad had his Brown Eyed Girls around him<I bet he was as proud as punch.Sorry to read the shoes were playing you up,but you enjoyed it so much,so thats the main thing.Thankyou for sharing,I am not bored I look forward to more.Loved the posting.Sorry my comment is late I have my Grandson staying with me this week, so it is no go on the pooter throughout the day for me,He has taken over LOL!!Many Many Happy yrs together to the Bride and Groom.Congratulations.Wonderful work on your behalf .Take care God Bless.
Astoriasand htt://
What fantastic photos and I LOVE your hair. Where was the reception? I am so glad the weather held out for the happy couple. It sure was a lil stormy in the evening (at least where I was!). MORE pictures. All that planning, anticipation and its all over but the memories. Nancy
Gorgeous wedding pictures and your hair certainly was fabulous! I enjoyed reading about your day. Hugs. Terry x
Donna, I am so glad that everything went as planned. It seems that everything was beautiul. The kids kinda steal the show don't they. We had six or seven neices and nephews in my son;s wedding and they did the same thing. They all had so much fun and are still tlking about it.
More pictures, please and take care, Bill
What a wonderful entry this is. So full of love....I truly enjoyed reading all about the wedding, and the pics are incredible! You look so pretty, and I just love your hair that way! Quite the handsome son too. I'm so glad everything went so well, and you'll never bore me hearing all about such a special day.
Take Care,
Great pics ~ so glad everything went well :-)
The Wedding was lovely ,your Beautiful and I love your hair and you out fit ,your son is handsome... I could go on ,its all you said ,just absolutely lovely thankyou for sharing and am looking forward to more,and oh yes arent those children darlings Jan xx
It sounds lovely and the photos are great and so touching! Glad everything went well! Martha :-)
Aww...i just love your photo do such an amazing job with them!!! I love reading about weddings...Congrats to the beautiful couple...they look so happy! The kids looks adorable...and I just loveeee your hair! Glad you got out there and shook your booty more than you thought you would...doesn't it feel good to just let go sometimes =)~
Can't wait to see more pics....Have a good week
Great entry. I'm so glad it went so well!
Beautiful pics......everyone looks great....bless lil' Bug...she's just gorgeous isn't she! Love the pic of you and Steve, obviously 'cos you're on it giving us that great smile again, but also 'cos Steve is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS too, and what a great name...LMAO!! You all look so alike..hehe!!
Hope all's well babes,
Love ya,
'Hey where did we go....days when the rain came...'
Amazing! Wonderful pictures. I am so happy that you had such a great time!
I wish the young couple a long lasting happy marriage!
Hugs, Maria
again, i love the pics...GORGEOUS! You look just SO pretty!! I am so glad it all went well...glad the shoes did fit even if they were loose.
LOVE, lisa
Love all of it!!! but I especially love your hair... I'll have to do that with my hair on my renewal vows!!! love it!!!! lisa
Beautiful! Linda
Mike looks a little bit like Sting. Right? Except with dark hair? Awesome awesome pics and love what you did with them all! Love, Shelly
Great job with the pictures and graphics! I'm so glad everything went off without a hitch for you all. It sounds like a great time was had by all. The hairdo looked great on you, but I know you enjoyed Bug helping you undo it.
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