Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bragging rights?

I stopped by John's journal and got the biggest chuckle out of his post

I thought to myself, John you have no business bragging about your snow!!  LOL  

If you stopped by last night you saw my picture that showed the snow coming down.  Well, the weather folks here were right.  I woke up this morning to blinding snow and about 12-13 inches on the ground.  ARGH!  As I got ready for work and watched TV they announced schools south of the city being closed.  They had a reporter downtown and the sky was blue and there wasn't even as much snow that John shows in his journal.  Keep in mind downtown is about 10 miles from me, that's it.  

That is the danger of lake effect, it can be snowing like mad in one area and just like going through a door it can be sunny and dry across the street.  After getting my car cleared, the driveway somewhat cleared, and my son pushing me up the hill I was headed on to work.  The snow was still falling like mad for about 2 miles, then it was just a flake here and a flake there.  In a matter of minutes it wasn't snowing at all and as I looked towards downtown the sun was shining and the sky was blue.  In my rear view mirror it was black.  Heavy thick black clouds.   

I didn't have time to take pictures before I left, but I grabbed my camera for shots later.  Of course, since the snow was heavy and wet by the time I got home it had settled, but I would say we got about 18 inches in all.  

These are shots I took from the parking lot at work.  You can see over the Lake and north the sky is blue.  I turned to the left and you can see the line.  Then you see the black, yep, that is right over my house!  South of the city.  

All the way home I could see this sunset in my rearview mirror.  Just the opposite of going into work.  You can see the clouds have moved further north and they are calling for the band of snow to move north and then back south again.  Yipee!  That means more snow by morning.      


Now you see my front lawn.  Almost the exact spot from last night.  This is my uncle's car in the driveway to show you some perspective.  He actually left for Texas yesterday, so he is in nice warm temps as we freeze!  And no, we didn't clear his car off!  LOL  It will melt before he gets back :)    



So John, to answer your question, YES we got snow!!


Anonymous said...

When you said snow you meant snow. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Helen

Anonymous said...

WOO-HOO!  Now that's snow!!!  My kids would LOVE it!!  And, since I don't work of course I would love it too.  Where do you live exactly (the town, not the actual address.  LOL!)?  I think we may have to move.  Thanks for sharing!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

WOW and to think we are still in shorts here in Stpete FL!I would not know how to act~~~ Christina

Anonymous said...

You've made me feel cold!! It's minus two degrees here in the UK now but we have no snow in the south where I live, don't want it neither, Brrrrrrrr!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ouh ! it is cold ! very cold !

Anonymous said...
