Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fast Moving and Cold



Fast moving, yes.  Cold, not really.  The temps were in the 60s today but it rained all day long!  Not a drizzle but a heavy downpour and that did give you a chill to the bone.   

My first day back to work since Wednesday, now that was fast moving.  I knew I'd come into a pile of work on my desk, voice mail and email.  Now y'all need to be proud because I did NOT ever look.  I waited until I got to work this morning.  I need a good 'ole pat on the back for that.  (do I hear animation there or what?) It's been years since I took time off and I didn't check in at work. Now if I'm out of town that is different.  YIPPEE I can do it.  LOL  Well I knew I could do it, but I hate doing it.  It's just as easy to whip through things mid afternoon on a day off then to be behind for an entire day when I get back.  Coverage while I'm out you ask, yeah right!  Some gets done but I swear anything that needs any type of thinking gets left for me.  I sometimes get frustrated with that, but then I also just have to fix it when I get back... so I will take the worse of two evils.  

I need to send a big thank you out to Betty at My Day, My Interests PhotoBlog.  She let me snag this beautiful picture out of her journal.  She has some awesome shots and I've been meaning to ask her about her pictures and then I saw this one and it could not wait any longer.  It spoke to me.  I think it said something like, 'I need to move, I need snow'  Thank you Betty your work is amazing!   

It's been a long day and I think I should call it a night. 


Anonymous said...

Sadly work is always there waiting for you to get back.  Even the stuff that would be URGENT if you were there, is sitting there waiting.  Sigh.  But, I bet it felt good to be back though didn't it?  Just a little at least?  ;)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling you get when you've had a few days off. Within an hour of getting back you don't feel like you've been off at all. That's a great animation! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I recognised Betty's work before you said where it came from. You did a great job adding the falling snow to it. Wish I knew how to do graphics but I don't have a program to do that. Sigh! Helen

Anonymous said...

Donna thank you.  Your talent enhanced my photo :).

Anonymous said...

The photo is amazing and the snow makes it even better!  Linda

Anonymous said...

what settings did you use to get the snow like that in psp. ????????

Anonymous said...

Sorry you were snowed over with work piling in drifts on your desk.  I'll bet the day flew by, though, didn't it?  I really think this picture of Betty's with your animation is one of the best I've seen yet.  I looks so real!  Great job!

Anonymous said...

Double the talent- Betty and Donna!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. There is nothing worse than coming back to a desk, that is filled with in basket items, that you have no place to set that morning cup of coffee without moving some things.................

Anonymous said...

Donna, from one old GSTD to another, your journel is great and outstanding. I have not looked at it before since I thought you would be hockey only site.
I have been a big fan of Betty's for months. Your talent and her photo did you both proud.
Thanks! Now I have another journal to add to my list.
Bill (AKA xHostGstdWillie) Haven't use that sig for five months.

Anonymous said...
