Hope everyone is doing good and surviving yet another blast of wild weather. It has been raining, snowing, sleeting, raining, snowing.... you get the picture. It's a mess out there! When I left the office I had a nice layer of ice on my car. Oh the joy of driving home is what went through my mind. It really wasn't that bad but I am not looking forward to the commute in the morning. If this keeps up who knows what we'll have to deal with. Thoughts and prayers go out to those that haven't been as lucky.
I've had a few folks contact me to say they couldn't get into my journal, one even got booted off AOL each time she tried. I thought maybe it was the graphics but they assured me it wasn't. I had no idea what it could be, but I have no one blocked. On AOL journals you can't do that unless you go private. I tried a few things, but I don't have the issue so it was hard for me and we all know how competent tech support is ::cough cough:: My niece IMed me earlier and said she couldn't get in either and was looking to see the wedding pictures. So I sent her a link direct to one entry and it worked fine. She was in, then another and it was fine. I started thinking maybe it was the videos as that is the only thing different in my recent entries. I sent her a link direct to the dance entry and she was in, laughed at her cousin. So then I tried the hockey entry that I used YouTube for, and boom ERROR. I am not sure what settings need to be changed, but I have to think since folks are coming in via a main link and not an entry alert they can't get in with the video being on the main page. She was able to access all entries but that one or my main link. Anyone have any idea what settings they need to change? Is there such a thing? A setting? We compared ours and I couldn't find anything different. GRRRRRRRR I'd like to blame AOL as they are such a wonderful service, but I don't think this is their issue.
Posting a few snags, and hoping the ones with snow will be the last of it. LOL A girl can dream can't she? I had them and want them out of my folder, so you get them now.. maybe if you all snag them the snow will go away. ::evil grin:: I tried a different technique on the St. Patty one, just messing around with a few different things not sure if I like it... maybe a different tube. I had a different one originally but saw a tag on someone's journal with the same thing, and well..... you know I would not want to be accused of .............. so I changed it. I will play with it again. I'm getting tired of my same 'ole same 'ole.

I did a new tag for request too.... a bit different and not sure the animation is as smooth as it should be. I see it jump, then I don't.... sooooooo I left it and figured I would just offer it up. If you want your name on it just click on the graphic below to make a request.
Suppose I should get to bed. Again, if anyone knows a solution to the error issues with video's on journals I would appreciate it. In the meantime I guess a quick fix is use the entry alert link......
Thanks....... and have a great Friday!
Oh...I sure hope this weather would do one thing and stick with it! lol We had a thunder storm this morning! With all of that snow still on the grown! :O) Weird! We keep hearing so many different weather reports, we don't know what it's really going to be like the next day! LOL :o) Oh well! I love your graphics of course! :o)
Have a safe day tomorrow! :o)
Great Graphics! Don't stop creating!
The weather, I saw it like a blast in washington on TV! OMG
Great graphics.
You realy are having your fair share of bad weather over the pond just lately, no idea about the links so cant help there, so far I havent had any trouble with links, but have missed some alerts, love the little messages in your side bar, LOL,
take care Lynne xx
I don't seem to be having problems getting into journals but let's blame AOL anyway! Since the last upgrade things haven't been going to well, do they ever?! Sorry you're still in winter over there, now I'm beginning to feel guilty about all our sunshine and warm weather! Have a good weekend! Jeannette xx
I dotn know I put videos in my entires and have one in each and I havent heard any complaints other then when I had two videos in ONE entry some said it took abit long to load
I was having problems with Jlocourreire's journal and her video. Everytime I clicked on it, it disappeared! It is working now. Nasty weather here and the plow guy is having a dispute with the landlord because he hasn't paid him. I hope I can get to work. We are having icing right now. Great graphics today! Linda
I think AOL Journals was having some problems for part of the evening last night. After i logged on, I tried to go to a journal and got the "AOL Journals Not Available" message. I tried four times to get into that journal without luck. I randomly chose another link from my book marks and voila, I got right in. I tried another link and got in, too, so I went back to the first one and had no trouble getting in.
Good luck on your commute this morning, drive safe! Your graphics are fabulous this morning, as they always are. Have a great day, TGIF!
Wish I was techy enough to help you out, but I've had no difficulties at all getting 'to you'! Love the graphics. You wild thing, you.
Love the owl graphics. I have had no problem getting access to your journal.hope the weather improves now we are in march.
love and hugs
stay warm and have a great friday
I just love the second tag with the barn!
Hi Donna,
All of these are great, as usual! Thanks for sharing with us. I blame AOL (ha)....I was having trouble getting into several journals, wasn't getting alerts, etc. the past couple of days. It seems to be fine today....who knows?
Take Care,
I can't help with your problem sorry aol is always messing up :) love v
AHHHHH sorry wish I could help..but I dont understand one thing about AOL LOL...Hope you get the kinks worked out soon! Great graphics...Thanks!
Take Care
been trying to get caught up on the alerts. i had sooooooooo many close to 100 of them. anyways hopefully snow is gone permanently now and we can enjoy some warmer weather. hope you have a nice weekend. (((((hugs))))))))
Love Cindy
The ice here has melted and I hope it stays that way. :)
have a great weekend.
i have no idea about anything. AOL is always messing up when it comes to journals one way or the other. I love your tags and was able to read this the 1st time.
love ya, lisa
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