Monday, July 30, 2007
~ Monday Blues ~
~ Dog Days of Summer ~

Sunday, July 29, 2007
~ Tag Offer - Sailor ~
Expires 8-2-07
Staying with the water theme. Ok, so no dolphins in the river or lake, but thought it added a nice to touch to this tube I just 'had' to have after I saw it. Am I the only one who thinks it's too cute? ::grin::
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.
I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact,tell me. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended. Let me help you, please. I will not yell, I will not get mad. I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email
Tags: tag request
~ Sunday Mornin ~

Saturday, July 28, 2007
~ Spectacular ~
Friday, July 27, 2007
~ Day Is Done ~
~ Just My Luck ~
Thursday, July 26, 2007
~ TGIF ~

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
~ Tag Offer - Hummingbird ~
Expired Sorry
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.
I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact,tell me. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended. Let me help you, please. I will not yell, I will not get mad. I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: tag request
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
~ Summer Dreams ~
Sunday, July 22, 2007
~ Time for Bed ~

~ Tag Offer - Silly Summer ~
Yes, two in one day. I'm being silly!
Available until 7-27-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.
I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact,tell me. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended. Let me help you, please. I will not yell, I will not get mad. I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: tag request
~ Tag Offer - Style ~
Available until 7-27-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.
Let me help you, please! I will not yell, I will not get mad. I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. Using it incorrectly? Well now that might piss me off ::evil grin:: Teasing (somewhat), but like I said let me help you.
I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: tag request
~ Sunday Sunday.... & some snags ~

Saturday, July 21, 2007
~ Tag Offer - Falls Fantasy ~
Available until 7-26-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: tag request
Friday, July 20, 2007
~ No More ~

Thursday, July 19, 2007
~ Tag Offer - Sail with Me ~
Available until 7-25-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag offer
~ They're In ~

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
~ Ta Da ~
Tags: tag journal
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
~ Cheating ~

Tags: psp snags
~ Tag Request - Happy Days ~
Available until 7-24-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please note: longer names may have to be adjusted a bit to fit. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: tag request
Monday, July 16, 2007
~ 101 Reasons ~
~ Good Morning ~
Tags: morning sun
Sunday, July 15, 2007
~ Tag Request - Where You Believe ~
Available until 7-22-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
~ Sunday Snags & Some Mumbo Jumbo ~

Saturday, July 14, 2007
~ A New Visitor ~
~ Tag Request - Butterflies ~
Available until 7-21-07
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make a note to attach instead. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
~ What A Week ~