It was like grand central station here tonight with the phone, or do I say phones? At one point I was on both and call waiting kicked in on my cell. Ummmmm Yeah I'm pretty sure I was thinking 'bite me!' LOL No I wasn't, but it was just a busy night. I really don't like the phone most days. I am on it way too much at work. It was nice to catch up and share some news and plans though. My son was one of those calls, his big day is tomorrow. I will most likely stop with pizza and wings after work to feed them and the friends that helped. Least I can do since I'm not able to actually help 'move' them. Who do you think will say, 'where's the beer?' first?!? He's pretty organized and ready to go. I just hope the rain stops!!!
I see some of you were chicken when it came to the 'bite me' entry. ROFL!!! Teasing! Thought it was fun. Thanks for humoring me. I saw some good ones that's for sure. Today was much better, and hoping tomorrow is even better. Nothing like heading into the weekend on a good note. I just hope summer returns. We needed rain, but enough already!!!
With all the calls tonight I really didn't have time to mess with graphics. I'd start something and then be on the phone. When I came back to the PC I hated what I had done and deleted it. So tonight you get some stuff that I worked on the other day. Not sure I'm completely satisfied with the window. The curtain is not moving the way I had planned but since I'm cheating, LOL, it's here. The reflection and water I love. I'd love to be sitting in one of those chairs! Counting down to the time off and the visit out to the lake. YEAH!!!
Ok, this is a half ass entry, but I'm tired. I'm off to bed. Smile and enjoy your Wednesday.

Cute tags!
Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Get some rest. :)
Hugs, Sug
Still I have nothing to say Bite me unusual....
I agree about the phones...if it was up to me...I would turn mine off at home the minute I came in the door.....
Good nite...
I hope the move goes smoothly tomorrow. Sometime in these situations showing up with the beer at the right time is THE most important contibution, LOL.
You have to be a real diplomat to use "call waiting" successfully. I'm no diplomat. I swear I'm going to cancel it each month, but I never do. I'm a glutton for punishment. :(
Well my day not starting good damn aol won't let me see any pics on journals not even my own grrr. I'm sure yours are great but will just have to imagine them. Bloody aol!!!!Seems I'm back to BITE ME again lol
oi what's the big idea doing half assed entries! you lazy thing! LOL!!!! Laine xxx
Hope your son's move goes as planned ...snagged all of these tags!
I love todays graphics,especially the gardening one ,hope the move goes well and the rain holds off,nothing worse than moving in a downpour ,the beer is a good idea , Jan xx
well my bite me came later in the day too early in the morn yesterday to have a bite me day......... YET till mom came telling me that ..........HEY..... here is what you can say and not say to the alzhiemers dr!!!!! She has a list and wnats to see the notes I have and am sending to him I had to endure a two hour lecture and she is going to retype my notes for me and edit my story that I give to the dr!!!! CAN YOU SAY A BIG BITE ME ON THAT ONE then three storms in a row with a torndao!!!!!!!! ????? for real not what I wanted to spend my day doing but I put some video up of it and the weather men who said our town barely got anything!!!!!! well I showed them AND BITE ME TO THEM!!!!!!!!! IN fact in spite of witnesses of the sighting .......... they say the dopper shows nothing!!!!!
My bite me came in the form of my washer deceiding to break down and I have tons of dirty laundry,to beat it all the water somehow dumped on the floor and now I have that mess to clean before I can go get a new one,sooo I'm off to start the fun,OOOBite me washing machine(never mind-it already did!)
Nice graphics(AOHELL still only gives me bitmap choice to save so when possible I copy and mail it to myself,then sometimes it says source file cannot be found-so I can't save it-OOOO bite me,again!!)
I missed the 'bite me' and now I have to go find it. Grrrr. LOL. I'd enjoy my summer fun more today if the darned rain wasn't going to ruin my golf game. Wah. Wah. Wah. Maybe that should be a 'bite me'. LOL
i love the women in your COOL. You did great work. It rained a bit here but mostly HOT.
Have a special Weds.
I love the graphics. They are gorgeous. I snagged the window one. It's raining here in Philadelphia right now. Suppose to get storms all day. If my hubby knew there was wings and beer he'd be there helping your son, lol. I know how it is with phones. I unplugged my house phone a week ago, lol. It's still unplugged. I hated it when both phones would ring. I might plug it back in today, not sure yet, lol. I hope you have a wonderful day. ((((((((hugs))))))))
Wow, look at all the pretty tags I have missed. Grabbed them while here today!!!
I have missed so much...bite me? Got to see what that's all about...LOL. Hope you have a wonderful midweek...hugs and love,
Feeding them pizza and wings will be lots of help, I just bet ya...and much appreciated. Going to check out Tricia's stuff now.
What??! Normal looking women in tags?! What a surprise! - Barbara
I thought the curtain is ok, Love the lady's pix.
I'm surprised you have any friends at all! Maybe they are imaginary... Nice graphics :) Linda
I hope ya had a good nights kip!
Gaz ;-) xxxxxxx
I think the window tag is so cute!!!
I'm like you...I hate the damn phone. If I could live without one, I would. LOL
I read the header & thought you were currently enjoying a torrid love affair with a married man. That or you stole someone's graphic & your sockpuppets were going to have you locked in the clink. ~ Mary
Dinner and beer sounds like a plan. Hope the move went well. Catching up now.
Great tags usual :o)
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