I saw these pictures and they reminded me of my Dad. Not exactly sure why. Maybe the trips to the coast, the numerous vacations, the treks up various lighthouses, or the fact that he was in the Navy. Regardless, I wanted to do something with them and use them today. I generally call him Dad or Papa, sometimes Grump, but today it's Daddy. Looking up and remembering the strength, the ability to do anything and everything. The desire to teach. To never give in or give up.
A couple years ago he started to slow down. He was walking more labored, more deliberate. The doctors decided it was time to have his 'ticker' fixed. He had a goofy valve and it was thought that was causing things. They found some blockage and took care of it all in one full swoop. He was in his 70's and recovery took a toll. At one point they thought he might have had a mild stroke coming out of it. It's not real clear to me at this point, because shortly after he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. He doesn't do the shaking, but he is very cautious and deliberate in his actions. As a matter of fact, that is what caused the Dr. to even check it. He also has glaucoma, and now cataracts. He has been taking drops for the glaucoma for years. They are not easy on the eyelids, and the eye becomes very sensitive to all light. They are always red and always sore. So when he closes his eyes and tells us, 'I'm just resting my eyes', you can believe it. Doesn't stop us from teasing him, but it is more then likely just that.
I've taken the day off tomorrow. I will be taking him and my Mom so he can have the surgery on those eyes. Or one at least. They will do the other at a later date. It's nerve wracking for me as well as exciting. We've heard some great things about the surgery, success story upon success story. They will also 'vent' his eye to help relieve the pressure of the glaucoma. I'm excited that he will be able to see better. I'm excited that the redness and soreness will be alleviated. I'm a bit scared too. Am I hoping for too much? Will my Daddy be ok? The thought of anything going wrong, any more happening to him, scares the hell out of me. They did tests on his heart, and I know the Dr. would never allow it if there was danger. But, isn't there always danger? I'm scared even knowing the surgery is done as an outpatient and no one else seems to be worried. It's my Daddy! Please, if you can find it in your heart to send some good vibes his way tomorrow I'd be forever thankful.
I feel as though I can sleep now, so I am off to bed. I hope everyone had a great day and I wish you a wonderful Tuesday! *hugs* to all of you.
Love you Daddy!

I will keep your father in my prayers Donna ....I lost my mother ..my best friend on September 10th 2001 ...a part of me died that evening ....I had to finally place my father in a nursing home 3 years ago which was a very difficult decision for me to make. Give your dad a big hug from me.
Caring for and worrying about an elderly parent can really occupy a lot of your gray matter. Hope everything goes well!
Donna, prayers are being said for your daddy, you and your family. My dad will be 77 in a few months and has had many medical problems. The emotional toll it takes on us is quite overwhelming at times, yet, somehow we find the strength to carry us through. Our love for each other grows with each new challenge we as a family face together. I have seen through your eyes the love you and your family have for each other. May that love embrace each of you and give you strength.
I am sending,vibes prayers and thoughts for your Dad ,love Jan xx
Here are my prayers too. I pray that your daddy gets the sight back in his eye again and that he feels no more pain from his treatments and glaucoma. May he return safely to you once the surgeons have done what they need to. May he live an even longer happier and healthier life when his treatment is finished. Amen.
Rest easy from now on in. Jeanie xxx
Sending you good vibes and prayers for you and your dad today.
Dear Donna
Just looked in on you today, and can sympathise with your Daddy. I have been unwell for months now, and that is the main reason I'm not around so much. I am Diabetic, and have had a problem with my left eye for months. I have been to hospital twice in the last three weeks, it is very uncomfortable....I worry about Glaucoma, and losing my sight. I'm waiting to see a Consultant, and my letter of referal has arrived this Morning!....Hope all goes well, and look forward to your update....will be thinking of him, and you also.
my mom had that in may and june Yes theydon one eye at time. they had a board after I went bak when they actually took her to usrgery the board showed her progress with color charts it was amazing she was in and out of surgery in on ehour!!!!!! she is thrilled absolutly thrilled with her new vision. veryhappy and so is my aunt. I jsut pray your dad has just an easy a time. mom is 70. I hate seeing our older ones slow down. its so sad. check out something called KEELATION we know a man who gets it an dit helps its once a mnth for parkenisons. if he had started it soonre he would havedone much better.
prayers and good vibes going out to your daddy. ((((((((hugs))))))
D, I know you are worried, it's your Dad but I'm sure he will be fine. I too have heard great things about this surgery. Sending positive thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he makes out.
Hi D: I will be thinking of your daddy today~mine is gone and we were very close, and even after my kids were grown he was still my daddy. A girl just needs her dad. Praying for you all today. Hugs jean
Praying for you and your Daddy!
Hey Miss Donna! God is with you today, so be of good cheer! Lots of prayers going up for your dad. Have a great and exciting and peaceful day!
i have your dad in my prayers. Best of luck today. XO lj
Beautiful! Emmi
I am praying that all goes well.
Bless you and yours....
Beautiful graphics..
It's waaaaay more scary when it's someone you care about that's having the procedure! Keeping your Dad in my thoughts today... Be sure and let us know that all went well when you can.
Good luck to your dad hun
I loved reading your entry about your daddy, it was lovely. I Pray everything turns out well for him.
Donna ,will be praying for your Dad and also for you and your Mom.
Top image made me faintly seasick lol Donna.
More seriously: best wishes for your parents.
I hope all is well with you Dad. Linda
I will say a little prayer for your mom and dad that the eye surgery accomplishes the desired affect with no complications. It was nice of you to take time off of work to take them in for this procedure. This will make such a big difference in both of their lives.
I understand your concern, but your dad will do just fine. Take care, and I'll send you some good thoughts your way! Julie :)
As a former OR nurse, I can tell you, cateract surgeries are quick and relatively simple. You daddy shouldn't have any problems at all. :)
And oh, how happy he will be to see all the bright and beautiful colors again!
Keep us updated.
Please know that your dad is in my thoughts and prayers - I just know everything will be fine....he is very blessed to have a daughter like you....
From one daughter to another...Take Care of that Daddy....they are truly one of a kind!!!
That is a beautiful graphic to remind you of your dad, with power in the waves as well. I think surgery on the eyes always causes tension and concern because eyesight is so precious. I am always touched by people's feelings for a beloved parent. My parents were of such a mixed breed, I, for example could only feel relief that my father died before he could kill somebody, since he had caused a wreck and could have killed 3 young men he hit head on while driving drunk All through out his life there were such incidents. Our mother hit people and had to be put into a care center for the violent old. But she hit me every single day up until I was five! Such behavior erodes feelings. So I always thinks great love for a parent indicates that parent had some wonderful qualities, cause for rejoicing. Sounds like your dad. Gerry
i hope the surgery goes well for you and you fathers sake.
Donna, I haven't read your journal as much lately as I did during the Hockey season, but saw that you needed some support for your Daddy. I know how
you feel because I was very close to my daddy also. I will have him in my prayers every day and I'm sure everything will be fine. I love your graphics today and maybe will be snagging one, probably the ocean one. Take care and hang in there. Joni
Prayers going over for your Dad.
I've heard good things about the surgery too. {{ }}
Love your water tags, just lovely!
Hugs, Sug
I am praying all went well for your Dads eye surgery...wishing the best outcome. Your awesome how you look after your parents. Do so much to help them. Love the tag too...very nice thougths of your Dad and memories...hugs and love,
I hope everything turned out just fine with your dad.
I hope and I will send prayers that your dad will get thru the procedure with flying colors. Us gals and dads... it's hard... isn't it?
be well,
I love the water wave effect!!
I am a bit late with this and i am sorry. I see from your last posting your Pa pa is doing ok. With any operation of a loved one you get scared.When you think about things I wonder how parents get over the feelings of the Children having sickness and operations You look to have a very close family, just think how many times your mum and dad have worries. I bet they never stop. Just a thought i was passing in my brain lol. But i will be saying a prayer for you and your lovely family. I hope Bug is recovering ok after the tumble she had.
love and hugs
I have just booked up to take my Ma and Pa, to Spain for a few days in September, so he can have some fun and my Mother rest. I am glad you treat your folks well.
Gaz xxxxxxx
LOve the beautiful graphics, but thats no surprise to you, I love all of them...Ü
My father is also going through his own health problems. It's hurts to see them go through this, being in pain & suffering.
Nice entry on your Daddy!
God Bless Our Daddy's!
I'm playing catch up I ordered a new hard drive
until then I'm limited on the pc...sigh.
I will say extra pray for your Dad tonight.
I do hope everything went well with their appointments
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